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Just as Chu Yan was running Qilin ’s pupil and looking at the white robed youth, the red-blooded Tianjiao not far away was completely furious. A pair of green crystal eyes spouted a strong green flame, and his forehead bounced and roared.

“Asshole! Courting death! Dare to disrespect this Uncle, today, I want you to … die!”


The blue roar towards the sky, the monster qi broke out all over the body, set off a large cloud of fire, and stirred the sky …

These magnificent monster qi rolls over and keeps gathering, as if turned into a hundred zhang sea wave, moved towards white robed youth, photographed heavily.

This move is the Sect’s Exclusive secret skill of Heavenly Flood Dragon Clan.

However, in midair white robed youth, seeing the clouds like fire sea hit, but there is no slight color, stern

“It’s too weak, it’s still the same as red blood.” Poor! “

In a word, white robed youth waved his big hand, his palms stretched out, changed rapidly, and turned into a snow white wings, moved towards the oncoming red cloud wave, fiercely shot!

Boom … Rumble!

The terrifying monster qi, wrapped in the terrifying demon power, merged to form a thunderclap, swept out …

“Tianah! 9 Thunder Heavenly Phoenix Clan!”

“Then … that’s 9 Thunder Sky Phoenix …”

“He … he … he is Heavenly Phoenix Clan! How is this possible !?”


The monster race powerhouse in the audience, seeing the scene in the air, was suddenly shocked by the complexion greatly changed, and finally understood why this person dare to call the red blood celestial worm as a worm …

Among the Monster Race, Dragon Race and Phoenix Clan are Supreme, and 9 Thunder Sky Phoenix is ​​the more ordinary bloodline in Phoenix Clan, but that is also Phoenix Clan. Compared to ordinary Monster Race, it is Peak bloodline.

There is no doubt that the bloodline of 9 Thunder Heavenly Phoenix Clan is one point stronger than Red Blood Dragon, and the position of 9 Thunder Heavenly Phoenix Clan in Monster Race is no worse than that of Red Blood Heavenly Flood Dragon Clan.

“En!? Even Phoenix Clan is here, his wings are white, and should reach the three-color Sky Phoenix bloodline, which is almost the same as the blue bloodline, all Peak bloodline …”

Chu Yan’s thoughts in his heart, his eyes condensing line, watching the mid-air, a large wave of red go and fiercely collide with thunder and lightning.


2 attacks collided and burst directly, bursting out of terrifying energy, and rushing all directions.

The cultivation base of these two people is also the same cultivation base realm, and the bloodline is also the same. Monster qi is also the same. One attack is turned into a draw!

“Hmph! Heavenly Phoenix Clan, it’s nothing more than a hairy bird …” The blue eyes are full of violence in the eyes of green flames, monster qi keeps rising, and shouted “You are the one called Duomu Frost Okay! Okay! This Uncle is comparing with you today to see who is the boss! “

With a roar, the blue body monster qi rushing to the cloud will be turned into a true body, but at this moment, a cold voice seems to sound from the 9th Layer, which shocked the audience …

“All … stop it!”

This a light shout, the sound is not loud, but it is trembling even the sky, like a resonance, forming a sense of Heaven and Earth Brahma, all Monster Race in the audience, fiercely shocked, and the whole body is stiff.

Uh …!

In the Divine Sword main peak in the distance, a Tsing Yi old man came floating …

This old man is dressed in sackcloth and green clothes, with kind eyes, good eyes, white hair, and dull eyes. It looks like a human old man named ordinary, without any trace of Martial Artist aura… ..

However, when he appeared, all the Monster Races in the audience shuddered and their faces changed.

“Pay respects to no Elder!”

“Pay respects to no Elder!”

“Pay respects to no Elder!”


When the old man flew over the square, all the Monster Race powerhouses in the audience awakened and saluted at the same time, including the arrogant blue and duomu frost, which was also awe-inspiring and bent over pay respects to.

“No Elder !?” Chu Yan slightly narrows the eyes, looking in midair old man.

When the old man approached, the cloud under his feet slowly dissipated, and when Chu Yan saw the old man’s figure, his eyes fiercely shuddered …

“What !? That’s …”

I saw that the azure Spirit Sword stepped on the foot of the old man turned out to be a flying sword. No wonder Martial Artist aura can fly in the air without a trace …

Royal sword flying!

There is such a martial skill! ?

In Chu Yan’s heart, the group’s astounding consciousness burst out, and he finally understood why Beneath Heaven Sword Sect is known as Antiquity 8 inside the sect, the existence of strongest strength …

With this move “Yu Jian Flies”, Chu Yan is definitely the first time to see!

“Everyone, this myriad beasts selection, hosted by this Elder! My name is Wufeng! You can call me without Elder!” Without Elder, his eyes were light, and he swept the audience and said softly, “Myriad beasts selection is Spirit Sect’s most current The important thing is of great importance, so no one is allowed to disrupt the order. Below I announce the quota of “myriad beasts selection!”

“This time myriad beasts selection, according to the rules set by Spirit Sect 10,000 years ago, only 1000 king beasts and 100 king beasts are selected, anyone can sign up!”

Without Elder’s opening, there were several 10000 powerful Monster Races in the audience, all of them stared at each other, watching closely without Elder, fully absorbed, and afraid to miss a word.

Including blue and duomu frost, he also has a serious face and dare not have a lightest amount of distraction.

“What !? Didn’t you say there are still 10000 strong beasts selected !?”

“Then this year, only 1100 people were selected !?”

“It’s over! There is no hope …”


Hearing no rules announced by Elder, there was an uproar among the crowd, and a variety of exclamations rang out.

Most of the Monster Race powerhouse’s face is ugly to the extreme, and the eyes are full of disappointment.

“Apart from this, there is also a quasi-big demon quota!” Without Elder’s hand to clear the beard, he opened the mouth and said indifferently.


In a word, like a thunderstorm, the audience quaked!

Big demon quota! As the name suggests, who can get this quota is equivalent to stepping into the ranks of big demon, and this big demon, but not the status status name, that is the strength and cultivation base, the real deity of the big demon!

The audience was shocked, and countless pairs of eyes were shaking madly!

You know, the status of the big demon in Monster Race is almost the same as the Martial Sovereign in Martial Artist!

Once stepping into the great demon’s veneration, almost in the Monster Race, it is an Overlord-like existence, above the 10000 demon …

“Haha, I want this quota this Uncle!”

Blue eyes glanced, glanced at Duo Mushuang not far away, and laughed out loud.

On the other hand, Duo Mushuang, after hearing this remark, looked as though he had no change in his face, as if he didn’t put the blue in his eyes at all, ignoring him completely.

“Dead miscellaneous bird, dare to look down on this Uncle, courting death!”

The blue with his teeth clattering, if it weren’t for the absence of Elder, he must have rushed to fight with Duo Mu Frost.

Phoenix Clan is just a branch, just arrogant!

Without Elder, a pair of comatose eyes, has been watching the blue and duomu frost. I saw 2 people with different performances and could not help secretly nodded. Their Spirit Sect, weak in 10000 years, has been resting after ally with Sword Sect In 1000, continent faded out, just to wait for an opportunity to make Monster Race rise again.

Monster Race genius is very important. The selection of myriad beasts is the top priority. You must not make a half-step difference!

Slightly nodded, without Elder ’s gaze, Divine Consciousness probed the 10000 Monster Race powerhouses in front of him, hoping to find a few Monster Race genius like blue and flower frost, but when he glanced over, he landed in Chu When Yan was on, fiercely changed his original expression …

“Human !? God … the soul of Divine Beast !?”

At this time, Chu Yan was urging Qilin ’s pupils like Elder, and looked at the Monster Race powerhouse in 4 places, while the one without Elder just glanced at Chu Yan ’s eyes, and was suddenly scared with white hair. They all exploded.

Under cry out in surprise, the eyes of everyone in the audience, simultaneously shua shua turned his head and looked at Chu Yan …

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