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Tianqi City …

Located on the north side of the Tianqi mountain range, a plain with a radius of less than 10,000 li.

This plain is surrounded by mountains on 4 sides, the terrain is low-lying, at a glance, the rolling green, like a piece of azure ocean …

This plain has a great reputation in Antarctica.

It is said that I do not know how many years ago, this piece of Pingyuan did not exist. Like all around, it is also a continuous mountain range.

However, a terrifying battle of Human Race and Sea Demon Race turned the mountain range of 10,000 li into powder, and a large number of Martial Artist corpse that died in battle, paved the entire mountain range ruins, and passed through countless years. It became a fertile plain.

Tianqi City, located on the north side of this plain, backed by the mountain range of Tianqi, is a land of power called Haiyuezong.

Haiyuezong, with Zong as the country, is extremely powerful within a radius of 1,000,000 li. However, compared with the Overlord Sect and Tianxiao Pavilion in the Northern Domain of the Northern State, it is basically rateless!

Haiyuezong, imperial city.

On the city streets of 4 roads and 8 roads, there is a lot of traffic, a crowd of people, and a lively scene.

Chu Yan is a black long robe, walking on the street, walking around randomly for 4 times.

The distance from Central Heaven Continent is 100000000 10,000 li. People here may not have left Antarctica in their entire lives, so Chu Yan is not worried about being recognized.

This city is the closest Martial Artist gathering place near the Tianqi mountain range. I believe that people in the Black Blood Temple, if they are really near the Tianqi mountain range, will definitely enter this city.

Chu Yan urged Rakshasa True Qi to become not thin and foggy, moved towards the entire city, and continued to diffuse.

The weather in Antarctica is very different from the extreme North Continent where Chu Yan rises.

The rainy season is long here, and there will be light rain all year round, and it will be dripping. Under the sky, there is heavy fog everywhere. This makes Chu Yan’s Rakshasa True Qi provide the best shelter.

Martial Artist of Black Blood Temple, secret of cultivation, has rich blood energy and Yin Fiend Qi on her body. Compared with Divine Consciousness investigation, Chu Yan ’s Rakshasa True Qi is more obvious to blood energy and Yin Fiend Qi.

However, Chu Yan Rakshasa True Qi impossible, like Divine Consciousness, spreads 10,000 li. Therefore, Chu Yan urged Rakshasa True Qi while walking in the city of chess, 4 times.

It did n’t take long for Chu Yan to stop suddenly …

“En!? Yin Fiend Qi!”

In the air, a faint trace of Yin Fiend Qi remained in front of Chu Yan’s terrifying Rakshasa Promise, and Chu Yan clearly discovered it!

This aura is extremely weak, and it dissipated in the sky for more than 3 days!

However, Chu Yan can be sure that this is not left by the ordinary Martial Artist who cultivated the evil cultivation technique or the magic skills.

Because, in this Yin Fiend Qi, there are more corpses, just like the peculiar corpses peculiar to the Black Blood Temple, except for the Black Blood Temple, it appears impossible in places like Antarctica.

“Hmph! It really is here …”

Cold Yan was snorted in Chu Yan’s heart, and then he calmed down and carefully explored the flow of Yin Fiend Qi.

“Haiyuezong !?”

Soon, Chu Yan, who suddenly opened his eyes, swept his gaze and looked towards the center of the city. The imposing manner of the magnificent building complex was the greatest Sect of this place, where Haiyuezong was located.

“Is this Haiyuezong the Black Blood Temple, an affiliate in the Antarctic continent !?”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness is like a tide, swept across the entire Haiyuezong in an instant, a Sect range of 100 li, but not at all found a Black Blood Temple’s Martial Artist!

Withdrawing Divine Consciousness, Chu Yan, who was slightly disappointed, pondered for a moment, but decided to go to Haiyuezong to investigate again.

However, when Chu Yan crossed two streets and came to the huge Sect of Haiyuezong in the north of the city, the square in front of the door was suddenly a sight, slightly startled …

I saw that the imposing manner was magnificent. In front of the gate of Haiyuezong, which was like a city in the city, a large group of Martial Artists, holding various Spirit Armaments, surrounded the entire Haiyuezong with water. one slice.

The door of Haiyuezong was closed, and there were only dozens of Martial Artists in front of the door, with a gloomy face, glaring at the group of Martial Artists in front of his eyes, and at the same time, his eyes were constantly on the square not far away.

There, 2 silhouettes are fighting on the square!

These two fighting Martial Artists, a tall and strong tiger bear, wearing a leather armor, exposed on the chest, a large piece of heart hair, extremely dense …

And the other person has a raw face like jade, a handsome figure, a handsome appearance, and an absolute handsome man. Although he is twenty seven-eight years old, his face is not childish, and some are rich and prosperous Young Master aura.


After a flash, Chu Yan fell to the square all around, looking up among the crowd, and looked up …

This Haiyuezong occupies an area of ​​10000 mu. Behind the tall Sect gate wall, there is no end to the large building complex at a glance, which is no different from ordinary Sect.

At this time, what seems to be happening to this Haiyuezong!

Therefore, a large number of Martial Artists gathered on the Sect Square, all of them paying attention to a battle on the square …

In the center of the square, the battle between the tall and the wealthy Young Master is extremely fierce. The strength of 2 has reached the Heavenspan Realm 2nd Layer. Between one trick and another, mighty sky!

It’s just that the strong young man with the golden handle sword seems to have better battle strength. In his hand, the sword, the wielding room, the tyrant Blade Qi almost submerged the rich young master, and the opponent who killed him was defeated.

Above this square, the clothed defensive spirit array is occasionally chopped by the scattered Blade Qi, and it will tremble violently. It seems that it ca n’t bear it. It can be seen that this strong young man has great strength and battle strength , Far more than the same order Martial Artist.

In all directions, all of them are people who are looking forward to watching this battle. With every killing of the wealthy Young Master, they are slammed back, surrounded by perils, and there will be a cry of exclamation and discussion in the crowd …

“Look, look, Shen Young Master is going to lose!”

“That is, Huang Hall Lord has lost nine in a row. If this game wins! That is win 9 fights in a row!”

“That is, according to their two sects agreement, who can win 10 fights in a row, Tianqi mountain range will be the one in the future!”

“Haha, if Haiyuezong had no mountain chess mountain range, it is estimated that the chess city would not be able to survive this day. It would take a few years for the entire Sect. I was afraid that even the gangsters on the street might be worse!

“What’s that !? The fool can see that the Dragon-Tiger Villa took this opportunity to annex Haiyuezong, who made them the big young lady of Haiyuezong, who harassed them badly, to provoke the bear Third Master But the owner of extremely lustful! “


4 All the directions in all directions did n’t use Chu Yan ’s deliberate use of Divine Consciousness, but poured into Chu Yan ’s ears like a tide.

Among the crowd, Chu Yan stood quietly …

He did n’t listen to these gossips, and he did n’t care about the fight between the Sects. At this time, he stared straight at the far away, dozens of Haiyue standing in front of the gate of Haiyue Sect. Zong powerhouse, brows slightly wrinkle!

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