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Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness is divided into dozens of ways, constantly looking back and forth in the dozens of Haiyuezong powerhouses.

The cultivation base of these people, the highest is Martial Venerable Realm, usually speaking, fundamentally attracts Chu Yan’s attention, but these dozens of people have a touch of dark energy.

However, in the end, Chu Yan’s gaze stayed at the one standing at the forefront, which seemed to be a black-faced old man on the upper level of Hai Yuezong.

Because, dozens of people around him, the Yinsha blood energy carried on his body, all contaminated him.

This person ’s cultivation base is not high, and only uses half-step Martial Venerable Realm cultivation base. Among dozens of powerhouses, he can only be sent to the top 5 or so. However, he is standing in front of everyone. rank and status is extremely high in Haiyue inside the sect.

This black-faced old man, about 7 years old, has a fat figure, holding a general belly, with a majestic face, and a pair of eyes flashing a light red light, has been watching the battle on the field.

Martial Soul World, Martial Artist of general cultivation, can control their internal organs through True Qi Gang Yuan. Therefore, among Martial Artists, there are very few fat people, especially a general belly, which affects the action, so , Martial Artist rarely has such a figure, unless it is some cultivation technique, special conditions …

However, in Chu Yan’s memory, most of the Martial Artists in the Black Blood Temple are extremely thin, like blood-level powerhouses, and even thinner, like skeletons …

If this black-faced old man belongs to the Black Blood Temple, how could such a figure be deliberately disguised! ?

“Interesting !”

Chu Yan’s eyes are bright light glittering, but his Divine Consciousness will never feel wrong. This person definitely belongs to the special blood energy of the Black Blood Temple.

“Is it because he has no cultivation, the cultivation technique of Black Blood Temple !?”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness is like electricity, and Sea of ​​Consciousness is constantly thinking about it. For the person in front of him, he really can’t understand it.

However, these doubts did not affect Chu Yan’s decision.

Regardless of whether or not, take this person first, force some questions, do not believe the results!

After making up his mind, Chu Yan stepped out of the crowd and moved towards the gate of Haiyuezong, the dozens of powerhouses, striding forward …

However, when Chu Yan walked less than 1000 steps and was about to cross the square, the mutation suddenly occurred!

“Get me down!”

Under shouted loudly, above the ring, the sturdy young man with full chest and black hair, wielding big swords in his hand, fiercely slashed out, and smashed the handsome man on the opposite side directly out of the air …


The handsome man crossed the sky and parabolically moved towards the square. When his body crossed the sky, under a heavy wound, he directly ejected a blood mist, and the direction of his body fell, moving towards Chu Yan, straight hit under…..

“En !?”

Chu Yan, who stopped, suddenly turned his head, and saw a body fall to himself, and immediately frowned slightly, a trace of hesitation flashed on his face, and then, right hand raised, waving a True Qi, Sweep at the person who fell, gently put it down …

However, at the moment when Div Yan Consciousness swayed by Chu Yan came into contact with the handsome man’s body, Chu Yan’s face suddenly froze!

“Uh … female !?”

This True Qi is connected with Chu Yan Divine Consciousness, so when True Qi sweeps over the “handsome man” body, it is also equivalent to, Chu Yan’s real contact with the other person’s body.

And that Divine Consciousness was just right, but it was in a place that was not correct, and Chu Yan was immediately ignorant!

That special feeling, like a current, instantly rushed into Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, making his entire body tremble.

Poor Chu Yan, who was a second person, never experienced this feeling, making Chu Yan, who was originally a killing intent, instantly become a silly hairless brat, standing on the spot directly.

“This this…..”

Chu Yan’s eyes were dull, and he stared at him bounced from the ground, blushing, staring at his “handsome man”, and suddenly became stuttered, even the words were unclear.

To be honest, although he was in love with Yue’er, and reached the level of marriage, but, except for pulling a small hand, he has never even kissed a relative, and he will not say some sensitive positions.

Including Chu Yan ’s previous life, he was just a freshman in high school, and he did n’t even know what his girlfriend was.

The “handsome man” of the cross-dresser, although flushed, both hands crossed near chest, looked at Chu Yan with an angry face, but he also knew that Chu Yan was to save her …

So, I do n’t know how to blame Chu Yan, but I should thank Chu Yan, who was also on the spot. With Chu Yan big eyes staring at small eyes, the scene became extremely strange in an instant!

A “man” who seems to be bullied, both hands crossed near chest, his face flushed, like that, like a little girl who is frivolous …

However, this little girl, at this time, was dressed as a man, and even used a secret skill in his appearance, and made a change. It is definitely not a woman’s appearance. All directions on all sides. All Martial Artists onlookers can guarantee that this little Girl, how to look, is a big man.

“Ha ha ha, it’s not dead! Then I will give you a ride!”

Just when the scene was completely trapped in an awkward atmosphere, above the ring, the Beard Third Master with a big knife and black hair on his chest saw the victory imminent, and he was in a good mood. Out of a dozen-foot-long blade glow, leap forward, moved towards “handsome man” came straight …

The wild beast-like roar and the fierce blade glow make Chu Yan, who is in a state of sleep, wake up like a conditioned reflex, hardly thinking about it, Chu Yan suddenly killing intent all over the body …

“courting death !”

In a word, Chu Yan raised his hand directly, punched out!

Boom … Rumble!

a 5-color palm glow, as if bursting a cannonball, bursting the void moment, directly splitting the blade glow that was split into powder, smashing heavily on the bear 3 with a knife in the air …

Boom …!

Immediately afterwards, there was a muffled sound that made everyone’s hair suddenly numb, and in the air, a cloud of blood mist blasted away …

The Bear Third Master, who thought he would soon defeat his opponent, was directly bombarded into a scum, which turned into a bloody powder and spread into the sky …

Punch and kill a half-step Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse!

This sudden scene suddenly made countless pairs of eyes in the audience, the eyes of the floor fell, and the mouth opened wide, completely frightened …

What … what happened! ?

Was Bear Third Master just dead! ?

Being punched by someone, it was disappearing without a trace! ?

Those blood mist pieces that are flying all over the sky are the bear Third Master just now! ?

How can this be! ?

For a time, the entire square immediately became deadly silent, each and everyone was bloodshot, and their faces were unbelievable, as if they saw a ghostly expression in the daytime, simultaneously shua shua looked toward black robe silhouette…. .!

Who is he! ?

At the same time, everyone’s Sea of ​​Consciousness flashed the same question at the same time!

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