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In Chu Yan ’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, I immediately recalled the information about the 9th layer peak …

“The 9th layer peak is located at 3 10,000 li north of Snow Mountain in the Central Pole. There is a powerhouse guard. Once a quasi-Martial Emperor and several Martial Sovereign Peak powerhouses were damaged here.”

“Central Heaven Continent connects to foreign domains, currently the only Space-Time channel …”

“The 9th layer peak channel, on the other end, is the Ming Clan World, powerhouse countless …”

Frowning low, Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness kept thinking about it. Now, it is definitely not the time to go to the 9th layer peak …

Although now, most of Vast Heaven Continent has been unified, but the gathered powerhouses are still in cultivation, and their strength is not enough to fight hard with the Ming tribe …

Time, the most important thing is time!

“Can’t wait any longer!”

Chu Yan pondered for a long time, hook the head, gave up the plan to kill the 9th layer peak now.

Mo Cang with the remains of the Black Blood Temple knows that inside the 9th layer peak, there is a person powerhouse, so he fled there, guessing that Chu Yan will not attack the 9th layer peak now …

If it can be delayed for 2 years, the power of the Ming tribe will come to Vast Heaven Continent. At that time, regardless of the cultivation base of Mo Cang, their remnants of the Black Blood Temple will be safe …

“It’s really a good idea! Mo Cang, don’t think hiding in the 9th layer peak, I can’t take you …”

Chu Yan slightly narrows the eyes, a light killing intent surging in my heart, but soon, calmness and reason told him again that now is not a good time to kill the 9th layer peak …

“Let’s focus on Hao Heavenly Tribulation. Forget it, let him live a few more days!”

After pondering for a long time, Chu Yan still intends to temporarily put aside Mo Cang’s things, as long as they shrink within the 9th layer peak, it will not have much impact on their plans.

Immediately, Chu Yan turned over, took out a piece of news Jade Talisman, and contacted Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect of Central Heaven Continent …

“Shen Elder, according to investigations, Mo Cang and other Black Blood Temple hide in the 9th layer peak, immediately arrange the ordinary disciple, go to the 9th layer peak, surround it, and report it to me as soon as someone appears from it!”

After a command was issued, after a little wait, Jade Talisman hummed slightly, and then returned a message …

“Subordinates follow orders! Disciples are dispatched immediately to encircle!” Shen Dang replied, very simply.

After arranging the 9th layer peak, Chu Yan began to concentrate on cultivation, no longer paid attention to foreign affairs …

Time goes by quickly, a day’s time passes quickly …

“Enable reporting to Sect Master, Wind Thunder Sect Sect Master, and bring all the core Elder inside the sect to pay respects to!”

Chu Yan was outside the temple, Mu Hai’s voice sounded …


With a long exhales one breath saying, Chu Yan stood up and strode out.


At this time, outside the Tianqi mountain range, in Haiyuezong Sect top 10 …

Wind Thunder Sect Sect Master, Liu Tiechuan, at this time, his face was black, and his eyes were like lightning, but it was dark at this time …

In both eyes, bloodshot eyes, turning his head from time to time, looking towards the Dragon-Tiger Mountain Dragon Ao on the side, he would fiercely clenched the teeth, revealing that he would eat Long Ao’s expression alive.

By the way, whoever you provoke is bad, it provokes to Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect Sect Master Chu Yan, you have a long life, I want to live a few more days!

Turning his head back, looking towards Haiyuezong’s direction, Liu Tiechuan’s eyes changed again, revealing a trace of fear.

dignified A half-step Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, even a moment, the face will appear timid! ?

Liu Tiechuan, Wind Thunder Sect Sect Master, half-step Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base!

A month ago, I received news that I went to watch Chu Yan’s first batch of Sect forces against the Black Blood Temple. Originally, like everyone else, he was optimistic about the Black Blood Temple and planned to directly surrender to the Black Blood Temple, but …

Because of the distance, when he arrived, the battle between Chu Yan and Mo Tianqing was almost over …

When he saw the sword and fell on the sky dome, he knew that Vault of Heaven continent was about to change!

As a half-step Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, it can be regarded as the existence of Peak in the Continent Martial Artist. He is sure that 10000 points. That sword, on the entire Vast Heaven Continent, no one can stop it …

If you are yourself, even Liu Tiechuan of 100 people will be chopped into powder by that sword, and even the slag will not remain.

Therefore, after Chu Yan cut the two emperors with one sword, Liu Tiechuan was the first to request to join Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect …

Originally, because their Wind Thunder Sect was the first batch to join Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, there was such a big bargain. Inside Rakshasa Soul Heaven inside the sect, I got several Elder’s attention, and the resources allocated were extremely amazing.

But now, that Long Ao who has died 10000 times without hatred, whoever provokes is bad, he is going to provoke …… Chu Yan!

At this time, Haiyue inside the sect gathered at least nearly 500,000 Martial Artists. Some of these people received the news. The original Haiyuezong disciples who originally fled 4 also received orders from Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect. , The original Martial Artist of Dizong’s Antarctic Division, came to listen to the powerhouse ordered by Chu Yan.

For a time, several 100,000 Martial Artists stared at the Martial Arts Stage. The 100 Wind Thunder Sects brought by Liu Tiechuan belonged to …

“Hmph! Little Wind Thunder Sect courting death, dare to disrespect the Sect Master!”

“That’s what I want to say, without Sect Master coming out, we just wiped out Wind Thunder Sect, or it’s over!”

“Hehe…. Offended Sect Master, something happened now! We are in the South Sect branch, and we can finally show our face!”

“It depends on how Sect Master handles these guys!”


These Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect Martial Artists on the polar continent branch, simultaneously shua shua looked at the Martial Arts Stage, a group of people in the whole body of Shiver coldly Wind Thunder Sect and Dragon-Tiger Mountain Village, all with a face of joking and contempt, all kinds of comments The sound was loud, and it was introduced into the ears of Liu Tiechuan and the Wind Thunder Sect high-rise around him, making them more frightened …

At this time, Long Ao finally figured out who he offended in the end, his face was all green, and he wished to slapping himself with a slap.

However, he still had a glimmer of hope, hoping to save a life in Chu Yan’s hands, and even higher hopes …

But when he saw all around, the powerhouses of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, all auras were strong, and every pair of eyes had a trace of anger in his eyes, he knew that today … bode ill rather than well!

From the perspective of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect disciple, these people dare to desecrate Chu Yan, that is to desecrate the gods in their hearts, and desecrate the Zongwei of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, 10000 deaths.

Because they offended not only Chu Yan, but also each of them, as the pride of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect disciple!


At this moment, a deep silhouette of Haiyuezong came to me …

When he fell in front of the main hall and stood in shape, suddenly, on the Martial Arts Stage, there was a fierce wave …

“Pay respects to… .Sect Master!”

“Pay respects to… ..Sect Master!”

“Pay respects to… ..Sect Master!”

A few 100,000 Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect disciple, when I saw Chu Yan, I bowed my head …

All of a sudden, the waves like the mountains and the sea tide, and the sky echoes. Everyone sees the appearance of Chu Yan, all with a look of excitement, one after another saluted.

Chu Yan raised his hand, and suddenly, the audience suddenly became quiet!

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