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Standing in front of the main hall, Chu Yan’s eyes were like ice, sweeping away from Liu Ruchuan and Long Ao …

“Subordinate, Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect Antarctic Branch, Liu Ruchuan, pay respects to Sect Master!”

“Dragon-Tiger Villa, Longao, pay respects to Sect Master!”

Feeling Chu Yan ’s cold pupil light, Liu Ruchuan and Long Ao, daring not to be indifferent, hurried out of the crowd, knelt down in front of Chu Yan, salutes …

Liu Ruchuan is very clever. Instead of reporting the name of Wind Thunder Sect, he reported it as his identity in Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect …


Chu Yan is only gently nodded, his face is as usual, no change at all …

Seeing this, Liu Tiechuan froze in his heart, suddenly sinking, and there was an unknown hunch in his heart.

Chu Yan’s face was all indifferent and indifferent, and there was no trace of mildness, which made him instantly feel that he was really finished this time!

“Sect … Sect Master, subordinate damn it! Subordinate damn it!”

Liu Ruchuan’s voice was trembling violently, and quickly opened to Chu Yan for mercy …

“The subordinates did not discipline Elder and offended the Sect Master. I beg the Sect Master to spare me a life!”

Xiao Elder was killed by Chu Yan with a single finger. When this news was brought back by 7 Elder, Liu Ruchuan was almost scared to urinate his pants. When he rushed out of the Cultivation Room, he almost fell to the ground several times. He held on, now it is estimated to be bloody nose and swollen face …

“Sect Master spares life!”

7 Elder, who was standing aside, also quickly came to beg for mercy.

“Forgive you !? Huh …!”

Chu Yan slightly narrows the eyes, coldly snorted out …

This sound, falling into the ears of Liu Ruchuan, 7 Elder and Long Ao, is tantamount to a thunderstorm, which suddenly scared them, almost even Divine Soul squirted Sea of ​​Consciousness….

However, it is clear to their hearts that their offenders at this time, in the present Vast Heaven Continent, are no different from the existence of heaven.

The heaven defying move, body dies and Dao disappears, are all light!

“Sect Master, forgive me, just ask Sect Master to forgive me once, I am willing to pay any price!”

Liu Tiechuan no longer has any extravagant hopes, just to be able to save a life, repeatedly begging for mercy …

“Any price !?”

Hearing this, Chu Yan’s complexion started, and then a flash of strange color flashed in his eyes …

Standing in front of Chu Yan, Mu Wanxi saw Chu Yan’s face curled, his spirit eye flickered, and a little deep indulgence, looked towards Chu Yan out a Divine Consciousness sound transmission….

“Young Master, Wind Thunder Sect has 5 Life Source Dongzhu!”

Mu Wanxi ’s words sounded in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness, and suddenly a stunned color appeared on Chu Yan ’s face, turning his head in surprise, looking at Mu Wanxi, the pupil light kept flashing …

“En !?”

Suspiciously, Chu Yan looked at Mu Wanxi, his mouth lightly raised, but he showed a slight smile …

To Chu Yan ’s surprise and surprise, it ’s not the five Life Source Dongzhu that Mu Wanxi said. This Liu Tiechuan has been ranked among the top 5 Overlord forces in Antarctica for many years, killing several Sea Monster Beast forces, and getting Life Source Dongzhu, It’s normal …

What surprised Chu Yan was that Mu Wanxi was so exceptionally intelligent. She only had a slight change in her complexion. She guessed what she thought in her heart. This understanding innate talent made Chu Yan extremely surprised … ..

“This Mu Wanxi, can be brought with you!”

Chu Yan stared at Mu Wanxi, thinking of his full cultivation for more than a year in the future, and Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect is now unifying Vast Heaven Continent, there are many things, think she is so abnormally intelligent, she can understand herself People who are thinking about it are rare!

After making up his mind, Chu Yan slowly turned his head and looked at his knees again, almost desperate Liu Tiechuan, gently opened the mouth and said

“Ten Life Source East Souls, 500 Soul Crystals! Or equal-level cultivation resources!”

Chu Yan coldly opened the mouth and said.

“Wh … what !? Ten … yes! Follow Sect Master’s order!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Liu Tiechuan was almost subconsciously screaming, but when she saw Chu Yan’s icy gaze, she was suddenly terrified, and quickly tapped and agreed.

However, at this time, Liu Tiechuan ’s heart gave birth to the urge to hit the ground again …

Ten Life Source Dongzhu!

500 pieces of Soul Crystal!

What is this concept! ?

It ’s not to say that his Wind Thunder Sect, even the rank 1st force in Antarctica, can be easily obtained …

If you want to put these things together, or resources of equal value, basically you have to sell all the foundations of the entire Wind Thunder Sect, only has several points of possible!

In this way, Wind Thunder Sect is equivalent to real destruction!

However, as a Wind Thunder Sect Sect Master, one of the top ten Overlords in Antarctica, Liu Tiechuan is naturally extremely smart. He knows that this is the last chance Chu Yan gave him. , It is not the wealth of Wind Thunder Sect, but the life of all of them Wind Thunder Sect!

In addition, Wind Thunder Sect does not exist anymore, they are considered to have joined Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect!

Therefore, Liu Tiechuan’s thoughts flashed and immediately reflected. Chu Yan’s decision, for him and Wind Thunder Sect, can be said to be a punishment or an opportunity, and the chance is all in his mind!

Thinking of this, Liu Tiechuan was suddenly relaxed. Fortunately, he just didn’t say that, but he directly agreed, or else …

“All resources, give you 5 days, otherwise, you Wind Thunder Sect, get out of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect!”

Chu Yan saw a trace of clear comprehension flashed by Liu Tiechuan’s eyes, and suddenly chuckled, secretly nodded, didn’t expect, this Liu Tiechuan was a wise man!

“Yes, Sect Master! The subordinate 10000 will die! The Sect Master will never be disappointed! The subordinate will resign!”

Liu Tiechuan suddenly looked ecstatic, knocking on his head again and again, as if receiving the grace of Tianda, he slowly stood up, smiled, and greeted all the Wind Thunder Sects, and left quickly …

The color of Liu Tiechuan’s surprise fell in the eyes of all around people, all with a look of consternation …

what’s the situation! ?

Why does this guy seem to be taking advantage of Tianda! ?

Is your brain broken! ?

But at this time, Liu Tiechuan, who hurriedly rushed back to Sect, was more and more excited, although it was extremely difficult to gather such a horrible amount of cultivation resources in 5 days.

However, the feeling in his heart told him more and more clearly … The opportunity of heaven is coming!

Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, although all Sect forces in the world are unified, except for the place of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect main sect, all other Sect forces in the world are only nominally subject to Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect. They are truly revoked and fully joined Rakshasa Soul. Heavenly Sect, apart from Dizong, Medicine Sect and Tianzong, almost nothing.

In this way, their Wind Thunder Sect is considered to be the first group of forces that really joined the Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, and its significance is the same as that of Dizong and Medicine Sect. This kind of opportunity, simply is not ordinary people, can understand.

As for the loss of wealth in the Sect, Liu Tiechuan didn’t care at all. Just know that as long as you really join the Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, from now on, all your own cultivation resources can be mentioned in the Rakshasa Soul Heaven inside the sect. Is it a comparable force in Antarctica …

Less than an hour later, Liu Tiechuan returned to Wind Thunder Sect, and then, like crazy, began to sell Sect resources in 4 places. Even following his Sect core Elder, they were all stunned. All of them wondered whether Liu Tiechuan was right. Frightened by Chu Yan! ?

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