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In a word, nearly 30000 Heaven’s Chosen, who are present, were banned from chilling, and the people who spoke were visible, not simple.

Soon, everyone gathered together, all gathered to a tall young man all around, no one walked around and talked at will.

Everyone ’s eyes, simultaneously shua shua looked towards the tall young man in the middle …

This person is tall and taller than Vast Heaven Continent ordinary Martial Artist. He has a head that is dark, and his entire face is almost half covered by a thick beard …

The tall figure, thick muscles, and thick beard give a very rough feeling.

In this person, the powerful aura is not concealed at all, rushing all directions, bringing up a four-way airflow whirl, a straight figure, like the only mountain peak between Heaven and Earth, giving me a very depressed feeling.

On his side, from left to right, 2 petite women with a beautiful face and a devil-like figure, wearing long hair, standing on his 2 sides …

These 2 women, with a face like peach and plum, big eyes and a nose, like a lovable body of vermilion lip and supple as if boneless, look closely, but people feel a strong bloody and slaughter aura….

“You remember, we are the last one in the 3rd class Kobe, as the clansman of the Ziming tribe, remember this shame …”

The words of the tall young man made the eyes of all Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen reveal a suffocating color …

“In this piece of Vast Heaven Continent, although there are few powerhouses, the number of Martial Artists is the largest in the 3 trial worlds!”

“So, everyone cherishes time, strives to devour more Martial Soul and qi and blood, improve the cultivation base as soon as possible, get stronger as soon as possible, get rid of this purple black robe, and put on a real purple robe!”

The words of a tall young man, like a fire star, were thrown into the dry grassland, and suddenly, the eyes of Heaven’s Chosen, a few 10000 below, were lit together …

“Yes, Wu Nian Senior Brother!”

Everyone bowed their hands together, daring not to be negligent …

Let the tall young people in front of everyone, seeing this, could not help but face revealed a trace of smile, slightly nodded….

Mo Wunian, one of the 3 domains of the Zing tribe, the youth of Heaven’s Chosen, number one powerhouse!

Therefore, his words were regarded as a decree among the Martial Artists in the Purple Field, and no one dared to rebel!

At this time, in the examination competition of Heaven’s Chosen, the youth of 3 domains of the Ming nationality, the Ziming domain lost to the other 2 domains. From the last 2nd place, it was reduced to the bottom. It was naturally assigned to the Vast Heaven Continent test of only 3 Star level. World.

Martial Artist, Innate has the way to devour Profound Truth. The way of cultivation is to enhance the power to devour Profound Truth.

Therefore, the more engulfing the powerful Martial Soul and Martial Artist qi and blood, the faster the cultivation speed, relatively speaking, those low rank Martial Soul and qi and blood need to devour a large amount in order to barely improve the effect the difference between Heaven and Earth.

“Hmph! Damn fire domain and blood domain, our next Purple Must tribe must win first!”

Mo Tiannian’s with both eyes, grey’s pupil light masterpiece, the aura of the whole body has skyrocketed, and the killing intent on his body is gushing out like a tide …

“Everyone remember, try your best, don’t have scruples, what dogs and farts can only kill half of the rules, don’t care, how much can be killed, in order to improve the cultivation base, even if you kill all of the continent Do not hesitate! “

In a word, all of the Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen, suddenly ecstatic, a pair of grey eyes, constantly bursting out of the light …

“Okay! Tennian Senior Brother, rest assured!”

“Good! In order to improve the cultivation base and regain the first ranked, everyone will go all out!”

“Ha ha ha, it’s about the same. Without powerhouse, just rely on the amount of accumulation, and finally won’t fall too much!”

“Cool! Finally, it’s killing!”

“Vast Heaven Continent, said to be 10000 100000000 million indigenous people, 30000 of us, should be almost enough!”


Everyone shouted in unison, if according to the rules laid down by Saint Race, each trial continent can only devour half of the indigenous Martial Artist, then in that case, they can’t let them enjoy themselves.

Now when I hear Tiannian Senior Brother’s words, everyone is very excited. After all, the pleasure of swallowing is actually intoxicating them!

“Tiannian Senior Brother, this … does not meet the requirements of Saint Race! In this way, will this trial continent be turned into a waste world !?”

Next to Tian Nian, a woman in purple clothes, graceful eyebrows slightly wrinkled, gently opened the mouth and said.

Everyone, including Mo Tiannian, is in a purple black long robe. Among the 30000 Heaven’s Chosen, only the female long robe is pure-colored purple clothes, which is completely different from others.

“Qianer, do you think that only we violated the rules laid down by Saint Race? Previous time, Clansman of the Nether Blood Domain, when I came here, I swallowed the Martial Artist of the World by 90% …”

Mo Tiannian turned to look towards purple clothes, her face became extremely gentle, and she said softly.

“What !? How dare they …”

A woman in purple clothes who was called by Qiantian Mo to be Qianer, Wen Fang, but her face changed, she couldn’t believe it …

“This vast World, Spirit Qi is thin, the origin is weak, among the continent, the so-called Martial Dao of the indigenous cultivation is 108,000 li worse than our engulfing path, coupled with the limitations of the 3 Star origin, even the Martial Emperor No powerhouse can be conceived …. So, this piece of continent, Saint Race had Elder proposed, refining this continent, and looking for a new trial world … “

“So, the last time those guys in the Nether Blood Domain dared to be so rampant, ignoring the rules, devouring nearly 90% of the Martial Artists in this world. Although after 100,000 years of interest, it is estimated that 30% of them will not recover. For the clan, if they do n’t devour Martial Artist in large quantities, I am afraid that even half of the trial effect of their 2 clan cannot be achieved! “

Mo Tiannian ’s words, not only the women in purple clothes heard, 4 directions in all directions, nearly 30000 young people of the Ziming tribe, all listened to their ears …

“Dark Blood Race !? Really dare to break the rules set by Saint Race !?”

After listening for a long time, the woman in purple clothes still has a look of disbelief …

“Qian’er, there is nothing false in this matter, just right. Before I came, there was a person Elder in Blood Race, and asked me to look for the previous time, a young man they stayed here Heaven’s Chosen, when the time comes, as long as When you find this person, you will know when I ask, what I said is true and false! “

Although Mo Tiannian didn’t believe in purple clothes and was extremely unhappy, she still had a gentle look and explained patiently …

From this point of view, the identity status of this woman in purple clothes is very likely to exceed that of Mo Tiannian!

“Okay! Just do what you say!”

Hearing Mo Tiannian’s explanation, the woman in purple clothes was finally nodded and no longer stopped Mo Tiannian’s decision …

“However, Tiannian Senior Brother, you must find the one who stayed in this continent Blood Race clansman, I will ask him personally!”

“Relax, Qian’er, I must find him!”

Mo Tiannian was nodded, and then turned slowly, his face instantly changed from warm to cold, and his eyes swept all the Purple Sects Heaven’s Chosen, shouted

“Hear it all! Apart from the cultivation, I tried my best to find the clansman in the Blood Race, bring it over, and send it to Saintess!”

“Yes, Tiannian Senior Brother!”

“Yes, Tiannian Senior Brother!”

“Yes, Tiannian Senior Brother!”


Everyone responded in unison and secretly remembered this matter in their hearts. For them, compared to the Heaven Brother Senior Brother, they did not dare not listen to this Saintess Sir!

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