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Saintess, among the 3 domains of the Ming tribe, each domain is only a person, and in the future it will be the only successor of their purple robe priest.

Although now, the power of Saintess is not fully awakened, the strength is only their medium strength of Heaven’s Chosen, but in 10000 years, Saintess has fully grown up, afraid that it is even the number one powerhouse of the Ziming youth, Mo Tiannian, nor Her opponent.

Therefore, for Mo Siqian, a woman in purple clothes, no one in the Ziming tribe dared not follow.

“Okay! Everyone, turn on the Nine Realms stone immediately and connect to the source of this trial world!”

Mo Tiannian said nothing, he took out a piece of nine colored colored stone, a True Qi poured into it, suddenly, a map in the Sea of ​​Consciousness appeared, countless red dots flashed on it …

Heaven ’s Chosen of all around, like Mo Tiannian, all took out a piece of nine colored colored Innate. Although the size is different, as long as True Qi is infused, there will be one in everyone ’s Sea of ​​Consciousness The same map that Mo Tiannian saw.

Seeing the map, countless red dots flickered, and all the Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen, all showed a grin …

The role of this colored colored stone in the Nether tribe, equivalent to Vast Heaven Continent, the identity used by the Great Sects, Jade Talisman, can not only represent identity, but also have a variety of powerful functions.

Now, they use the colored colored stones, and even directly communicate the source of Vast Heaven Continent. The Heaven Ranking, the Earth List, the Hidden Dragon List, and the Grandmaster list, and all the Martial Artist Ranking List information of Vast Heaven Continent, are all concentrated in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. On the map.

In this way, the efficiency of their slaughter trials is greatly improved!

“Okay, according to the original grouping, a group of groups, follow me, hunt Heaven Ranking Martial Artist, 2 groups of 2 people in a team, hunt Grandmaster list Martial Artist, others, act alone, hunt …. yi !? “

Suddenly, Mo Tiannian, who was arranging the task, Divine Consciousness scanned 9 colorful maps, complexion changed, lightly appeared, and the voice stopped in silence …

Not only Mo Tiannian, but also women in purple clothes, among nearly 30000 Heaven’s Chosen, almost half of the Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen, all found anomalies on the 9 color maps, all with a look of confusion …

“what’s the situation!?”

“Isn’t it !? Is there something wrong with the map !?”

“This … impossible !?”


Each and everyone Heaven’s Chosen are all surprised colors, Divine Consciousness constantly scans his 9 color maps, all with a dumbfounded look.

I saw that on the map, a large spot of purple light, flashing at a rapid speed, was moving towards the place where they were, and moving …

Nine colored map, the basic strong and weak classification of continent Martial Artist, the first-order Martial Artist with the strongest strength, golden, representing the quasi-imperial powerhouse, the next-order Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, purple, and then all of them are displayed as red , The basic color is shaded, roughly judge the strength!

The entire Vast Heaven Continent can pose a threat to the trials of their netherworld Heaven’s Chosen, only the golden and purple spots …

But now, what they see is that it is a golden light spot, with almost all the purple light spots that have been replaced by continent, being moved towards where they are, coming quickly …

What are these people doing … ?

All of the Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen are shocked.

Logically speaking, these indigenous people should now run away or hide in some underground like a mouse hole, waiting for them to come to the door, each and everyone kill devour …

But now, these people, even gathered together, rushed towards them …! ?

This act completely contrary to common sense, so that all the Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen, including Mo Wunian, were all in a daze …

Don’t escape! ? Don’t hide! ?

Is this an active attack! ?

The same question arises at the same time in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Heaven’s Chosen!

What’s the matter! ?

A quasi-imperial powerhouse, with a few 10000 Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, rushed towards them! ?

Open … cracking a joke! ?

“Ha ha ha, the native of act recklessly …”

Mo Wunian was just started, and he reacted to it and gave out a burst of wanton laughter. Suddenly, he caused all other Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen to follow him, and at the same time laughed wildly, and a sound of laughter sounded …

“Ha ha ha, these indigenous people must have been scared crazy!”

“It’s courting death! It’s too long for 100,000 years. They have forgotten our terrifying Saint Race!”

“These aborigines are so stupid when they die. It is really incurable!”

“Ha ha ha, this is the best way, we don’t have to find each and everyone!”


Under all kinds of ridicule, nearly 30000 Heavenly Clan Heaven’s Chosen, the whole body is a face of excitement and excitement, turned their heads together, looked towards the East …

There is a large group of indigenous Martial Artists, where they will appear!

In a pair of grey’s pupil light, the gray mans masterpiece, all of the Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen, seems to have seen the picture that a massacre will appear …

“A group of ants, delusion to shake the sky !?”

Mo Wunian smirked, glanced casually at the eastern horizon, and could not see any shadow at all …

“Don’t pay attention to them, as we planned, all sisters acted immediately, don’t waste time because of them!”

In one word, all of the Ming tribe Heaven’s Chosen came back to his senses, suddenly, 30000 Martial Artists, quick action, divided into 3….

Among them, the first group all gathered in front of Mo Wunian, moved towards the East Sky, looking at each other, very excited.

The second group came together, and after a few simple sentences, it was directly divided into 3, moved towards the west, north, and south directions, and flew away.

The 3rd group is the most special, directly like birds and beasts scattered, moved towards 4 all directions, spread out, as if the stars scattered in the sky, spread out instantly, as if randomly determining a direction, they disappeared directly.

Seeing the second group and the 3rd group, they have begun to act, Mo Wunian satisfied with the nodded, then, with the purple clothes woman Mo Siqian, slowly walked to the first group about 10000 Heaven’s Chosen lineup, looked straight East, look forward to it.

“A group of trash, 2 hours, should be able to kill all!” Mo Wunian said to himself.

“Wonder Senior Brother, there are 2 hours in there, one hour is enough!”

At this time, a woman wearing a black long robe standing on the other side of Chu Yan was smirking, full of limpid autumn water, and a different color of pupil light, hopeless, meaning long ….

“Ha ha ha, too …”

Hearing the woman in the black shirt, Mo Wunian laughed loudly, and his mood was very happy!


At this time, on the vast sky, a large group of Martial Artists headed by the Ear Emperor, like a swift wind, all flew in a hurry …

The imposing manner of 30000 Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, connected together, where they passed, the sky and the earth, trembling together, the fragile void could not bear such a powerful force, and under the intense tremor, pieces of void burst from time to time sound…..

Among the crowd, Chu Yan not at all flew at the forefront, but hidden behind the Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, a pair of eyes like Divine Thunder, but passed the crowd and stared straight at the distant sky side…..

There, at the end of the sky, a black wave of waves, forming a mountain, rises into the night, as if to swallow the sky.

The place of this black wave is definitely the place of the Trial trialist!

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