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The place where the black air wave rises from the sky is about 9 li away from the 10,000th layer peak …

Already in the peripheral zone of the extreme snow mountain range, simply is an extremely ordinary place. Chu Yan does not understand why these Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen did not appear from the 9th layer peak, but appeared directly outside 10,000 li.

This is different from Chu Yan’s guess …

Originally, Chu Yan thought that the exit of the Space-Time channel connecting to the outer domain was above the 9th peak of the 9th layer peak. Therefore, when the descendants of Heaven’s Chosen descend, they should also appear directly on the 9th layer peak.

But now, the situation is obviously different from Chu Yan’s guess!

This is a bit unexpected, and Chu Yan can’t guess it!

Originally, the Ziming clan Heaven’s Chosen should normally land on the 9th layer peak, but this time, the Ziming clan Heaven’s Chosen led by Mo Wunian was to avoid the guardian Litian Martial Emperor, Therefore, Mo Wunian used it. Before leaving, Elder gave him a Spirit Treasure, forcibly changing the exit position of the Space-Time channel.

The purpose of this move is to make Litian Martial Emperor of the blood-dark tribe not to meet Heavenlys Chosen of these Ziming tribes. In this way, because of a special rule, Litian Martial Emperor and Trial Heaven’s Chosen , I can’t see you at all …

According to Saint Race rules, when the trial of Heaven’s Chosen appears in the trial of continent, the guarded foreigner Elder must return to the clan immediately. After handing over the task, a powerhouse will be dispatched from the clan to the guard, and so on ….

Of course, since the two cannot see each other, guarding the Martial Emperor, nor can they face-to-face to test Heaven’s Chosen, and read out some rules of Saint Race about the trial of continent, so that, when Mo Wunian leads the Purple Sovereign Heaven’s Chosen After the Vast Heaven Continent was slaughtered into a wasteland, they returned to the clan and they could claim that they did not hear the Saint Race rules, so they did n’t know …

This selfishness is exactly what Mo Wunian planned in advance!

However, the rules and matters within these Ming tribes, as well as Mo Wunian’s plan, naturally Chu Yan has no way to know …

At this time, the closer he was to the black airflow, the more doubt he felt in his heart …

“Everyone, stop!”

In a hurry, Chu Yan stopped suddenly and commanded loudly …

As a result, the Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, composed of a full 30000 people, stopped their bodies together, and all looked back to Chuhuo with questioning faces.

“Uh … Chu Yan, what’s wrong?”

In front of the ear emperor, he heard Chu Yan’s drinking and stopped, suddenly his face froze, flew to Chu Yan and asked.

“Our whereabouts were found!”

Chu Yan’s face was condensed, and in his eyes, 5 streamers flashed, which is the sign that Qilin’s pupil is running …

“They are there … waiting for us!”

Raising his hand to the sky, the group is like a black mountain peak, directly connected to the black air waves of the sky dome, Chu Yan sound said solemnly.

Chu Yan ’s pupil of Qilin can see the shatter void at a distance of 10,000 li, which is extremely simple for him …

Therefore, Heaven’s Chosen, who had just been a tribe, was divided into 3, even if they were separated by 10,000 li, they had not escaped Chu Yan’s pupil of Qilin, and he was taking in the entire scene.

“Interracial powerhouse, with nearly 30000, has been divided into 3 stocks, of which 2 stocks rushed to continent, and the remaining one, the strongest strength, is waiting for us to pass …”

Those black waves like the peak of Qingtian are the reasons that make Chu Yan look dignified …

However, 10000 Martial Sovereign Realm Heaven’s Chosen have such a powerful imposing manner, even more than twice the imposing manner of the 30000 Martial Sovereign here ….

Therefore, it is not difficult for Chu Yan to guess that the group of 10000 Heavenly Clan Heaven’s Chosen in the distance are grinding their fists and waiting for them to die!

“Found us !?”

The ear emperor’s face was shocked. It turned out that they still thought that while these Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen had an unstable footing and rushed to rush, they should be able to kill a part of the first wave of sneak attack, when the time comes, and face the battle again, Grasp it.

Not only the ear emperor, all 30000 Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse all around, when I heard Chu Yan’s words, they all looked awkward, brows slightly wrinkle.

According to historical records, Heaven’s Chosen’s strength is strong. The same Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, battle strength is almost double the Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse of Vast Heaven Continent …

In particular, the swallowing of these people will make the opponent’s Martial Soul and blood energy tremble tremendously, and their strength will drop greatly!

“Good! Now, we can only fight head to head!”

Chu Yan nodded, his eyes are constantly flashing, and Sea of ​​Consciousness is pondering rapidly …

“Difficult !?”

Ear emperor hearing this, his face suddenly sinks, suck in a breath of cold air… ..

It’s not that the Ear Emperor was afraid. He had seen the powerful strength of the aliens when he saw the previous time, Heavenly Tribulation.

Therefore, he is very clear that if he fights hard, although his number is three times that of the other party, but after the war, even if he wins, it is estimated that he can survive.

By that time, according to Chu Yan, the remaining 2 interracial Martial Artists came back, and their production could not be resisted!

Ear Emperor’s brow furrowed tightly, looking at Chu Yan, some words hesitated …

The powerhouse gathered here includes almost 70% of the powerhouses above Vast Heaven Continent Martial Sovereign Realm. If they are all lost, Vast Heaven Continent is basically over!

Although, he has a way to save himself, so as not to lose it, but even if he and Chu Yan survived and wanted to rush out of the Space-Time channel under the siege of 2 10000 interracial powerhouses, it was almost impossible!

“Don’t worry, I have already prepared this matter …”

Seeing the face of the ear emperor, Chu Yan certainly understood what he was worried about, and he was also impossible to let the ear emperor guess the situation.

Because, in this battle, Chu Yan has 3 goals and results …

The best result is, of course, the killing of these alien powerhouses, all kills, and Vast Heaven Continent. There are very few casualties, and I and the emperor rushed out of the Space-Time channel.

The medium result is to try all the power of continent and lose 90% of Martial Artist, and the interracial powerhouse, both sides suffer, he and the emperor also have the opportunity to rush out of the Space-Time channel.

The worst result, of course, is that it is impossible to fight against the alien powerhouse. Chu Yan can only abandon the Vast Heaven Continent, take the ear, and first escape the Space-Time channel, rush to the outer domain, and then find a chance to revenge.

For these three results, Chu Yan made preparations in advance …

The Ming tribe, the entire Vast Heaven Continent, knows them best, but the Black Blood Temple, and the one who knows the Black Blood Temple the most is Chu Yan …

Therefore, Chu Yan thought about the main battle strength of the Ming clan a long time ago, and basically battled the Black Blood Temple. Chu Yan roughly judged that the cultivation technique of this clan should also be one of the devouring Martial Artist Martial Soul and blood energy. A special cultivation technique.

Therefore, in the last 3 months, Chu Yan gathered all the Golden Pill divisions of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect and refined a special Golden Pill!

It’s for Heaven’s Chosen!

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