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On the side of Vast Heaven Continent, the powerhouse that appeared suddenly, holding a battle knife, raised high, rushed out from in the sky, and no one noticed that he even stealth to 1000 steps around Mo Wunian of the interracial …

“Go die for me!”

That Human Race Martial Artist, blade glow impulse, a few full zhang blade glow, Daowei Jingyun …

The blade glow is aimed at Mo Wunian’s head, fiercely cleaved, sneak attack powerhouse, his face is full of confidence and the color of excitement about to succeed …

If you kill the leader of the alien race in your own country, your own prestige in Vast Heaven Continent will be soaring!

At this moment, there were several 10000 powerhouses in the audience, whether it was the Vast Heaven Continent side or the alien side, all looked towards the silhouette rushing down the sky …

All eyes are focused, as if Heaven and Earth and time, in this breath, completely frozen …

But soon, Mo Wunian reacted, with a grin at the corner of his mouth, and the palm was gently raised, pointing at the silhouette falling down in the air, said with a sneer

“Hurry to send the dead ants! Okay, start with you …”

The voice fell, above Mo Wunian’s right hand, a grey air flow burst out, like a grey cloud, and the silhouette sprayed straight into the sky …

This grey airflow, with a heart-wrenching power, is extremely fast. On the side of Vast Heaven Continent, 30000 Martial Sovereign is still in amazement. This strange power is and so on, in an instant, it will flash in the silhouette of midair, Completely submerged …

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh …”

A voice of mournful scream, accompanied by a burst of beast roar, was suddenly tumbling violently in the thick grey cloud, as if someone had fallen into the water and struggled desperately …

Boom … Boom …!

Immediately, under the gaze of several 10000 eyes, among the grey clouds, a large number of True Qi Gang Yuan, constantly exploding, the dense grey cloud cluster, under the impact of this True Qi Gang Yuan, suddenly all split up and in pieces, quickly dissipated, showing the silhouette attack just shot by Martial Artist’s silhouette… ..

Although it seems that he is out of trouble, but everyone can see at a glance, it is a complexion greatly changed …

I saw that after the grey cloud dissipated, the Martial Artist was hanging in the air, behind him a 9 Star magic eye golden wings Leopard Martial Soul, the sound of the beast roar was trembling, and the Martial Artist, at this time, the whole body was bloody, like a blood man …

No matter the blood from the Martial Artist, or the 9 Star flying leopard Martial Soul behind him, all melted like ice and snow, quickly turned into countless red stars, moved towards the Mo Wunian not far away, between the two , As if to become a blood river star belt …

“This … This is devouring Martial Soul and blood essence !?”

Chu Yan and the others are all startled, although they thought of it, the powerhouse of the Ming tribe has the ability to devour living people, but this scene, when it really appeared in front of everyone, made them feel chilly, god Yun trembles …

“Zong … Sect Master, save …!”

Martial Soul disappeared most of Martial Artist’s body quickly, Martial Soul disappeared, his body all around, a path of weird grey waves, still haunting him, making him difficult to move all over his body, not to mention running away, or resisting, only looking Send a desperate cry for help to Chu Yan.

However, he didn’t finish a word, and his voice suddenly stopped.

The whole figure has become like a skeleton, except for skin and bone, there is no trace of flesh at all, eyes are wide, full of pain and despair, but there is no longer any breath …..

A Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, with sneak attack secret skill, was rushed out at a distance of 1000 steps from Mo Wunian, but it was the end of Soul Destruction. As a result, all the Vast Heaven Continent powerhouses present, Everyone was stunned!

Whoo …!

Behind the corpse, that 9 Star golden wings Leopard Martial Soul, wrapped in the grey air flow, rushed back to Mo Wunian with the body, disappeared in a flash, disappeared!

“Well … Not bad! Earth Rank Grade 2 Martial Soul!”

With closed eyes, Mo Wunian seemed to be satisfied with Martial Soul, who had just swallowed, nodded, and said with a smile.

“Earth Rank Grade 2 !?”

Hearing Mo Wunian’s words, Chu Yan was frowned, and 9 Star Martial Soul of Vast Heaven Continent was called by Mo Wunian Earth Rank Grade 2 Martial Soul. Could it be that the evaluation criteria of Martial Soul in the foreign domain are different from that of Vast Heaven Continent? Star Rank is different! ?

At the next breath, Mo Wunian suddenly opened the eyes, swept the audience, his mouth light and grinning

“Indigenous people, offer your Martial Soul and blood essence, ha ha ha… ..”

Immediately, Mo Wunian waved his hand and directly issued an attack order to Heaven’s Chosen, the 10000 behind-the-scenes clan…

And he himself is completely motionless, with a pair of eyes, staring straight at the distance … Ear emperor!

With Mo Wunian’s order, all of the Underworld clan Heaven’s Chosen roared in excitement, and immediately scattered, countless grey aura, surging like a frenzy, dispersing all directions.

A terrifying imposing manner, which instantly became an aura tide, grabbed nearly 10,000 zhang heights, and rushed to all directions in 4 directions, engraved, the airflow of grey, and rushed to Heaven and Earth, instantly covering within 1000 miles of the square , Forming an independent space …

“Not good! This is a space blockade!”

The ear emperor’s consciousness rushed away, but found that he could not find it within 1000 miles, and suddenly the complexion changed and exclaimed.

didn’t expect, these Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen, even sealed the space first, this is simply to prevent them from escaping, so as to kill them all, one is not left.

“Don’t panic, everyone, quickly swallow” Rakshasa Dan “, a group of 3, go all out!”

Among the crowd, Chu Yan looked as usual, seeing the grey seal space shrouded in all directions in 4 directions, without surprise and joy, immediately using True Qi Gang Yuan, shouting loudly …

This thunderclap-like drinking sound suddenly calmed the panicked crowd …..

Without any trace of hesitation, everyone swallowed the “Rakshasa Golden Pill” in their hands. Immediately, nearly 30000 nearly powerful True Qi Gang Yuan erupted in an instant, like a continuous volcanic group, boiling at the same time …

“En!? Who is that person …?!?”

Seeing this scene, Mo Wunian suddenly complexion sank, didn’t expect, just a drink, let the originally panic natives calm down instantly, and the imposing manner is like a rainbow, enough to show that the person who has just spoken is absolutely not simple….

“Rush …”

“Kill, kill these aliens!”


On the Vast Heaven Continent side, all the mind has been completely recovered at this time, and the imposing manner is still rising from the beginning.

Because, just in the scene, they have determined that Chu Yan’s guess about Martial Soul and qi and blood that these aliens can devour living people is obviously correct, then, correspondingly, he aimed at this refined “Rakshasa Golden Pill”, It should also be able to defend these alien Devouring Power….

“One against three …!”

Moreover, according to the order of Chu Yan, the number of them on this side is three times that of the other side, with 3 against one, even if the side has strong battle strength, without Devouring Power, they will not be a problem if they play one in three …

So, at this moment, Martial Artists of Vast Heaven Continent broke out at the same time, like a torrent of steel, moved towards the opposite clansman group opposite, stormed away …

“Hmph! Indigenous courting death!”

“Kill these natives and devour them, I want to raise the cultivation base….”

“These are a batch of Martial Artists in this World, strongest, hurry up …”


The party of Heaven’s Chosen is also very excited. It is naturally crazy to think that it can swallow up a lot and improve its cultivation base and strength. Nearly 10000 Heaven’s Chosen, such as a black wave, hiding the sky and covering the earth, moved towards the other party rushing away …

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