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Seeing the powerhouses of both sides rushing to each other, the war is about to break out …

Among the powerhouses of the two sides, only 3 people were still untouched at this time. One was Mo Wunian of the Ming clan, and the other was the ear emperor and Chu Yan of Human Race.

3 people, 6 eyes, staring at each other, powerful consciousness, colliding in the air, the void is constantly bursting …

Just under Chu Yan shouted, naturally exposed himself too, Mo Wunian’s Divine Consciousness instantly locked him.

He decided on this massacre and devoured these 2 indigenous peoples. I believe that if he improves his cultivation base, there will be a good improvement …

Swish … swish … swish …!

At this time, there are dozens of black silhouettes on the far horizon, as if dozens of black lightnings, and across the sky at the same time, moved towards Mo Wunian, flying and coming …

As the first person, purple-edged black robe, a mighty True Qi, like a mad dragon running through the clouds, roaring …

Before the blink of an eye, the black-robe man with purple fringe stopped at the 100-step position before Mo Wunian, with a look of excitement and excitement.

“Pay respects to Senior Brother, under the name Mo Cang, is the clansman of the last Blood Tribe Tribe!”

Mo Cang looked ecstatic, bowed his hands as a gift, and paid respect to Mo Wunian.

“Mo Cang, have seen the Purple Sect Saintess!”

Immediately, he turned his eyes and looked towards the woman in purple clothes behind Mo Wunian.

In a word, Mo Wunian’s face suddenly started, and immediately, with both eyes grey, the airflow suddenly rushed out, covering Mo Cang, the gray airflow touched Mo Cang’s body, and suddenly Mo Cang’s eyes jetted out the gray airflow. ….

This grey pupil light is exactly the characteristic of Saint Race 3 domain. Only the clansman of Saint Race, Innate has it, and outsiders ca n’t do it at all!

After verification, Mo Wunian suddenly looked relaxed and nodded.

“Yes! Sure enough, it’s my underworld, didn’t expect, you have found it yourself! Well, very good!”

Mo Wunian said nothing but turned directly, facing Mo Siqian, opened the mouth and said

“Saintess, since the discipline of the Blood Nether has been found, you can ask him what I said …”

Hearing Mo Wunian’s words, the woman in purple clothes was nodded, and immediately called Mo Cang, moved towards, and was ready to ask about whether the last blood sect on the Vast Heaven Continent violated the Saint Race. rule.

However, just after Mo Cang followed the woman in purple clothes, she had no more than 2 steps. When she was wondering what the Purple Sect Saintess was doing, she suddenly had a mutation!


Suddenly, a silhouette of a black appeared, holding True Qi long sword, like a black streamer, moved towards Mo Cang and Saintess rushed away …

This shadow is an Avatar of Chu Yan!

It was not 2 days a day since Chu Yan searched for Mo Cang. Originally, he was hiding in the 9th layer peak, guarded by Martial Emperor powerhouse of the Clan, and Chu Yan could not take him,

But now, he dare to run out and appear in front of Chu Yan, how could Chu Yan let him go!

Avatar held the sword in both hands, and the whole body was surging, with the imposing manner of press forward, bursting into the layers of void, killing Mo Cang straight!

In his hand, the long sword condensed by True Qi, the sword glow is full of impulse, with the incomparable sword power, as if to be cut into the sky, fiercely cleaved!

This sword made several people stunned at the same time, and even Mo Tiannian was a little distracted because he wanted to listen to the conversation, and suddenly saw the word light attack, and suddenly some reactions could not come.

It can be said that the timing grasped by this sword is good when it is the time when the minds of several people are most relaxed.

However, this is also because all the Heaven’s Chosen of the Ming Clan, from the bottom of the heart, did not take the Martial Artist taking seriously of Vast Heaven Continent, so this situation will appear!

However, when Mo Tiannian saw the might of the sword, his face changed fiercely!

“This … impossible! How could this sword be so strong !?”

Mo Tiannian Divine Soul suddenly shocked, his eyes widened, a look of consternation …

But soon, Mo Tiannian woke up, True Qi surging in his body, turned into a rush, moved towards where Mo Cang was, and went straight away.

“Bad ants, be bold!”

Mo Tiannian saw Chu Yan Avatar shot, and suddenly his eyes were killing intent, and his body was full of anger …

You know, Mo Cang is the clansman of the blood sect, not the clansman of the purple sect. If he is in front of himself, he is killed by the indigenous people of Vast Heaven Continent, although he will not bear much guilt, but clansman’s ridicule is just Let him never stand up in Saint Race!

Therefore, without any hesitation, Mo Tiannian waved a big hand, a grey True Qi, suddenly burst out …

This fist, condensed into a grey fist print, has great strength, the void collapses instantly, and is smashed into a big hole, under the surge, Avatar moved towards Chu Yan, stormed away …

The palm glow is like a tide, and the rich grey True Qi contains a powerful devouring Profound Truth, and this fist, passing along the way, continues to cause the emptiness of the sky, madly devouring all around Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, so that the fist continues Increase.

When palm glow rushed out of Chu Yan Avatar 100, the boxing power has more than doubled compared to when he just shot.


There was no accident. The palm glow of grey collided with the five-color sword glow and fiercely. It burst into a horrible violent sound, making the whole sky tremble violently.

Boom … boom … rumbling!

The grey fist print, exploded with the 5-color sword glow at the same time, turned into a two-color residual strength Qi wave, swept all directions, and rushed to 100 li….

Several thousand zhang snow peaks all around, swept by strong air waves, suddenly the white snow turned into sky water vapor, rising hundred zhang high degree, then gasified into nothingness …

Within a radius of 100 li, the thick snow layer above the ten snow peaks in the center of the gas explosion point was swept away, revealing the original color of the mountain peak.

Nearly ten mountain peaks, under the surging of Strength Qi waves, all snow layers turned into vapor, and finally disappeared. At the same time, under the subsequent sweeping power of the ten mountain peaks, the mountain peaks tremble in unison. interest….


Mo Cang, the closest to the gas explosion center, was suddenly hit by the air waves. Under the strong force, his body was instantly hit like a cannonball, and flew out, hitting a distant one Mountain.

This move, he didn’t have a trace of defense at all. When he reacted, he didn’t even have enough time to mobilize True Qi!

Fortunately, his cultivation base is considered to have entered the Quasi-Emperor rank for two full years. Although the foundation is not yet stable, it is barely enough to withstand this time 2 terrorist power explosions, not at all on the spot!

Whoo …!


Smashing on the mountain, Mo Cang’s entire face instantly became pale, his eyes light flashed, and he looked at Chu Yan in the distance, his pupil fiercely shrunk suddenly, his entire scalp, tingling instantly, without any hesitation, his body flashed, Moved towards Mo Wunian rushed straight away, and immediately hid behind him, secretly glancing into Chu Yan’s eyes, all in horror!

He naturally knew that of all the people present, only Mo Wunian was in the hands of Chu Yan to protect his life!

At this time, Chu Yan did not shoot again. A pair of 5-color pupil light looked straight at Mo Wunian, his face slightly dignified!

“This person … is very strong!” Chu Yan heart was slightly heavy, secretly said in one’s heart

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