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The azure long halberd in Mo Wunian’s hands is one and a half body lengths, and the whole body is blue, as if it is made of jade stone material, with a faint light, flowing among them.

At the same time, the True Qi on Mo Wunian exploded, and the powerful Gang Yuan poured into the Injecting Spirit halberd like a tide.

True Qi Gang Yuan rushed in, immediately above the green halberd, the fierce soldier front, the slaughter aura instantly becoming sharp, rushing all directions, terrifying monstrous.

Even if it is above the green halberd, the sharpness of the body emanating from it can make the void around all around, constantly being twisted into powder, unable to recover.

“This … this is the Spirit Armament of the Emperor Order !?”

The ear emperor standing beside Chu Yan saw the appearance of the green halberd, his face fiercely changed suddenly, and his eyes were full of scary cry out in surprise.

Emperor Spirit Armament, on Vast Heaven Continent, has always heard its name, but no one has seen it …

Not to mention the Spirit Armament, even the Sovereign Rank Spirit Armament, on the Vast Heaven Continent, is extremely well-known treasure.

Even the 30000 Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouses who followed Chu Yan and the Ear Emperor represented a group of Martial Artists of Vast Heaven Continent strongest battle strength. Among them, there were no more than 1000 people with Wu Sovereign Rank Spirit Armament, most of them Still holding the Spirit Armament.

The Emperor Spirit Armament, even the Continent Supreme who has achieved Diwei’s achievement for 10000 years, has never seen it.

“Emperor Spirit Armament !?”

Hearing the exclamation of the ear emperor, Chu Yan’s face could not help but started, staring at the fine azure long halberd in Mo Wunian’s hands, at a glance, heart slightly startled!

Swept through Divine Consciousness, a little perception, he found that the Spirit Armament in Mo Wunian’s hand, aura, was not inferior to his own Clear Sky Divine Weapon!

You know, my own Clear Sky Divine Weapon, but I spent my hard work, and finally refined the 7th grade Divine Weapon, didn’t expect, it was just the same level as the Imperial Armament …

“Ha ha ha, it really is a group of indigenous people!”

Seeing Chu Yan and the ear emperor’s face in shock, Mo Wunian immediately laughed at it, and looked contemptuously shouted …

“It’s just a first-order emperor. The indigenous people are the indigenous people, and the ants are the ants, so to make a fuss about nothing….”

With a disdainful look on his face, at the same time, there was a sense of inexplicable superiority in his heart, and Mo Wunian continued to raise a sense of pride.

In Saint Race, even if it is in the Ziming domain, as long as Heaven’s Chosen can raise the cultivation base to Martial Sovereign Realm, the family will issue the Emperor Spirit Treasure as a symbol of identity and strength.

Therefore, the Spirit Armament of the Emperor Order is in Saint Race, although it is precious, but it is also common!

Now, seeing the natives of Vast Heaven Continent and seeing their emperor’s Spirit Armament, they were all stunned and dumbfounded. Mo Wunian’s sense of importance just mentioned to Chu Yan also disappeared instantly.

After all, Aborigines are Aborigines, even if they are a little bit powerful, they ca n’t compete with the monster-like Saint Race mention on equal terms!

At their origin, these indigenous Martial Artists of Vast Heaven Continent, just like their Saint Race captive prey, only exist for their slaughter to devour and improve their strength. With their dignified Saint Race Heaven’s Chosen, rank and status, absolute It is the difference between Heaven and Earth.

This gap, after countless years, is deeply in the in the bones of every Saint Race clansman, when they face the indigenous people, they will have a sense of transcendence in their hearts, as if they are in front of them, a group of humble ants.

Hearing Mo Wunian’s words, the ear emperor immediately reacted, but his face was black with anger, a pair of demon eyes, and he stared at Mo Wunian with anger …

This guy, aboriginal, aboriginal, a ant …

In this Vast Heaven Continent, the Ear Emperor is also regarded as the existence of the Supreme. For 10000 years, it has always been 10000 above ten thousand people. When did someone dare to speak to himself in this way, so the Ear Emperor instantly became angry!

At this moment, a Jiaosheng, but suddenly sounded …

“Mo Cang, I ask you, this vast Smelting Trial Land, but Martial Artist !? The best cultivation base is higher! The bloodline is stronger!”

Mo Siqian standing in the distance, but suddenly asked Mo Cang around him.

“This … yes! Of course there is!”

Hearing the words of the woman in purple clothes, Mo Cang, who was originally waiting for the outbreak of the war, started to look back and said quickly

“Reporting back to Saintess, this Vast Heaven Continent is barren and Spirit Qi is thin, but it has a little benefit. Many women on this continent are beautiful women, especially some Martial Artists who have cultivated Martial Dao. They are all young and permanent, and they look very old, very strange! “

“Oh really!”

Hearing Mo Cang’s words, Mo Siqian’s eyes were suddenly bright, a look of surprise …

“Of course, how dare you cheat Saintess underneath, you see under …”

Speaking of which, Mo Cang also seemed extremely excited, a woman in purple clothes with a smiling face said

“Below, in this trial of continent, for 10000 years, no less than 10000 indigenous women have been devoured, so even if it has gone through 10000 years, there is no sign of aging …”

“It really is……”

purple clothes Mo Siqian hearing this, looking at Mo Cang in front of him, I didn’t pay attention to it just now, but now I take a closer look, there are really some differences.

Within the Saint Race, if the life essence reaches several 10000 years, even if the cultivation base is high, the appearance can only be maintained to the middle-aged appearance of fifty-sixty years old. 30’s appearance …

“It’s so amazing !?”

purple clothes Mo Siqin has actually believed in 8 points, very excited, unable to bear asked again

“Then I ask you, where is this beautiful woman from Smelting Trial Land, the beautiful woman and the powerful female Martial Artist from the cultivation base !?”

“Reporting back to Saintess, at present, on the entire Vast Heaven Continent, the strongest Sect force is called Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, and all the powerful female Martial Artists of cultivation base and bloodline are all concentrated in Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, which is The Sect of Chu Yan! “

Hearing the question from Saintess, Mo Cang’s eyes suddenly flashed a cold color, and the mouth was replied.

At the same time, Mo Cang’s eyes, with the color of a joke, swept across Chu Yan in the distance, holding a sigh of relief, and suddenly a large half!

As long as Saintess’s interest can be aroused and the goal is aimed at Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, then his revenge of the Black Blood Temple destroyed by Chu Yan can finally be reported!

“Number One Sect, Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, is his !?”

When I heard Mo Cang’s words, the first answer was not Saintess Mo Siqian, but Mo Wu Nian in the distance …

There was a little consternation in his heart. Didn’t expect that this Chu Yan with only Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base turned out to be the Sect Master who tried Continent strongest Sect, and the quasi-imperial powerhouse standing next to him seemed to have nothing to do with it. objection…..

“Good! As long as the Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect is destroyed, the Senior Brother and Saintess will be able to devour the most pure bloodline and the strongest Martial Soul in this trial!”

Mo Cang explained constantly, just hope, their interest in Chu Yan is bigger …

“Very good! This is a credit to you, and you can share some benefits with you!”

Mo Wunian hearing this, but his heart was already a little uncontrollable. When he thought of the pleasure of swallowing, he wanted to swallow the entire Vast Heaven Continent now.

Waving his hand at random, Mo Wunian turned his eyes to the one in front again … Chu Yan!

At this moment, he finally confirmed that this Chu Yan is definitely more suitable for him to devour than the quasi-imperial powerhouse beside him!

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