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“Yes … Mo Senior Brother!”

Hearing Mo Wunian’s words, Mo Cang stopped talking …

However, Saintess Mo Siqian beside him, but with a look of excitement, still asked.

“Mo Cang, I ask you, this Haotian Smelting Trial Land, that woman is the most beautiful !?”

In a word, Mo Cang’s face suddenly started. He has been killing or devouring in Vast Heaven Continent for 10000 years. The most seen is the puppet. Ask him who is the most beautiful woman in continent.

However, Mo Cang just started slightly, and then his eyes rolled a few times, suddenly with a malicious smile said

“Reporting back to Saintess, above the continent, according to rumors, it is the young lady of Medicine Sect, Gong Ningyue is the most beautiful! Moreover, this woman is the continent first Heaven’s Chosen, Chu Yan’s favorite person … hehe …! “

“Gong Ningyue !?”

Hearing Mo Cang ’s words, Mo Siqian suddenly froze, and then, beautiful eyes fiercely shrank, looking towards Mo Wunian, opened the mouth and said

“Wonderful, let that Chu Yan surrender Gong Ningyue …”

Mo Wunian heard, nodded, “Saintess, rest assured, wait for me to take this child and let him surrender this girl for Saintess to devour!”


Hearing Mo Wunian’s pledge, Mo Siqian immediately smiled. This smile can be described as 1000 poses 100 charming, gorgeous and fragrant, amazing.

It’s just that this smile fell into Chu Yan’s eyes, but it instantly ignited his heart, endless anger …

dragon has a reverse scale, touch it will certainly become angry!

And Yue’er is Chu Yan’s heart, the unforbidden prohibition!

“Give me … die!”

At the next breath, Chu Yan roared loudly, and his body resembled a mortar shell. The moment he rushed out of the spot, he exploded a violent sonic boom, and the whole body became a residual image, moved towards Mo Go straight without thinking …

Qiang …!

Clear Sky Divine Weapon shot, the violent Sword Intent storm, picked up the sky Sword Qi storm, the whole body True Qi Gang Yuan infusion, long sword slammed out …

call out….!

In an instant, a silver sword glow of up to 10,000 zhang, wrapped in 5 color Gang Yuan Sword Qi, like a meteor from the sky, falling down from the sky, the mighty sword light, where passed, the void burst, Heaven and Earth For one point, the unhindered sky dome, with the force of the sword falling down, swept towards Mo Wunian …

cut! cut! cut!

One sword shot, Chu Yan not at all did not stop at all, before a sword glow cut out thehundred zhang within a short distance, Chu Yan hands Clear Sky Divine Weapon, constantly waving, a path of horror 10,000 zhang sword glow, lined up in a row , Whizzing out …

Kill Mo Cang! This person must die!

At this time, Chu Yan and Divine Soul were furious, and the Clear Sky Sword power in hand reached Peak instantly.

These swords, on the surface are cut towards Mo Wunian, but in fact, they are all aimed at Mo Cang behind Mo Wunian, a few 10000 steps away!

Before the enmity is known, this Mo Cang, even in his own face, mentioned Gong Ningyue, which was courting death!

Gong Ningyue, Chu Yan is the most important person in this alien world continent. When he heard the enemy, discussing how to swallow her, how could Chu Yan not be angry.

It ’s just that Chu Yan ’s current Martial Dao will is so powerful. Although furious, there are 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul guarding the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the clear heart has not been lost. Chu Yan shot, except at full strength, not at all rash !

“Kill …”

“Kill these aliens!”

“Dare to bully me, Vast Heaven Continent, damn aliens, all die!”


Chu Yan’s anger, and the horrible Sword Intent storm, suddenly like a little fire star, lit the sky with dry firewood, originally, gathered in the vicinity, waiting for the leader of the two sides to fight the Ming and Human Race powerhouse, this moment, finally broke out ….

It seems to be infected by Chu Yan’s anger, Human Race has nearly 30000 Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, all exploded, horrible aura, such as the monstrous clouds, crazy surge …

30000 Dao silhouettes containing horrible aura, converging into a frenzy that engulfed Heaven and Earth, stormed toward the distant alien Heaven’s Chosen crowd …

For a time, all kinds of terrifying attacks seemed to explode in the stars, countless explosions exploded at the same time, rushed into the weather waves, swept Heaven and Earth, like a piece of world destroying torrent, with endless horror might, swept towards each other …

Huang Tian I, Sword Master, Shen Dang and other former Sect Masters of Antiquity Eight Sects, now the Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect Elders, compared to before, from cultivation to the imperial cultivation technique provided by Chu Yan Febisu …

Especially in the last 2 years, under Chu Yan ’s continent integration plan, almost half of the cultivation resources of continent have gathered in Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect. With these cultivation resources, their cultivation base can increase their speed much less than the rocket …

At this moment, in the face of Hiro Heavenly Tribulation, all the big guys broke out the strongest battle strength at the same time …

This wave of attacks, such as the giant river of the sky and sea, monstrous killing intent and power, raging!

“Hmph! The ants shake the sky, courting death!”

Mo Wunian saw this scene. In his eyes, the gray mang flashed, there was no trace of confusion, the green halberd shook in his hand, and he stood up …


With a roar, Mo Wunian rushed into the night in the hands of the halberd, bringing a strong hurricane between the powerful halberd sprints, like a head azure Flood Dragon, breaking out of the sea, shooting directly at the Vault of Heaven, the dragon body passed, 10000 things are extinguished, all turned into powder …


call out….!

The powerful sword glow collided with the terrifying halberd light, fiercely …

Boom … Rumble!

The azure light collided with Yinmang, and there was a tremendous explosion, which suddenly turned into an endless shock wave and swept away …

It’s just that Mo Wunian’s halberd just exploded the silver light sword light of the a and 3rd roads into pieces, and his own halberd also disappeared …

So, the row that Chu Yan just cut out, the last 4 tracks of the 5 3 sword glow, with a harsh word whisper sound, blasted away the air and dust mist destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, still violent slash, press forward….


With a sigh of shock, Mo Wunian saw 3 sword glow and came back and forth, suddenly frowned, and quickly fled to avoid …

His flashing body immediately exposed Mo Cang and Saintess Mo Siqian behind him.

“Hmph! Break for me!”

Seeing 3 sharp sword glows, purple clothes women Mo Siqian, tenderly shouted, raised a pair of jade palms, fiercely shot …

Suddenly, 2 purple palms, like 2 city gates rushing out of the storm, shot straight at the 3 sword glow.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

2 purple palm seals collided with the 3 sword glow, and immediately burst 3 bursts of gas bursts, spewing up to a hundred zhang’s air waves …

The blasting True Qi Gang Yuan attack, as if Hong Feng was crossing, converged into 3 exhaust waves, sweeping the audience …

Endless surging waves, 3 sword glow and 2 notes of purple palm seal, at the same time vanish …

“This guy…..”

Seeing this scene, Mo Wunian and Mo Siqian were looking at Chu Yan’s pupil light at the same time.

Under this move, although the game was tied, neither side took advantage of it, but on their side, the two players shot successively, and the opponent, Chu Yan shot alone, next to the quasi-imperial powerhouse, just wait and see. , No intervention at all!

Anyway, more is to pay attention to the horizon, the battle between the two armies …

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