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However, for Mo Wunian, these just surprised him.

Although he admits that at the beginning, he looked down on the ear emperor, but even so, seeing that the ear emperor’s a might attacked, Mo Wunian just started slightly, and immediately, sneaked …

“Long Wei is a lot stronger, Interesting!”

Under a sneer, Mo Wunian’s Qingming spear in his hand suddenly shook, the spear body shivered violently, above the spear body, a path of azure’s rays of light, one after another shining …

Immediately, these azure spear qi condensed into a mass on the spear tip of Qingming spear, like the water flow of azure, flowing continuously, endlessly …

“Yanyue spear!”

The sound of low drinking sounded, holding the spear handle, Mo Wunian’s black robe fluttering all over the body, long hair fluttering, holding the spear in both hands, suddenly vigorously, swept left and right …


Above the spear tip, the azure water-like light cluster shines brightly and spreads out horizontally, turning into a half-moon-shaped spear glow, which instantly slashes out …

This spear does not have powerful rays of light and spear power. It seems that all the power is condensed in the half-moon spear decision, the rays of light cut by the crescent moon, zi zi thunder and lightning sound, it seems to contain Explosive formidable power, straight to the ears not far away …

Seeing that the half-moon spear swayed out, Mo Wunian stood up with the spear closed, and the corners of his mouth were light, and the pupil light was full of pride.

This move “Yanyue spear decision” is his unique skill, not to mention an indigenous quasi-imperial powerhouse, even if there is a Martial Emperor in Vast Heaven Continent, he is also sure that he will hit the other party under a spear.

As long as the ear emperor is resolved, Chu Yan loses a powerful helper. At the same time, the Supreme of Vast Heaven Continent will also lose one. At that time, as long as he is hostile to Chu Yan, Vast Heaven Continent, these indigenous people What a splash! ?


Just when Mo Wunian was so proud, suddenly, a piercing scream sounded through the sky …

“What !? Not good …”

Hearing screams, Mo Wunian’s smile on his face froze in an instant, his brows fiercely wrinkled, and suddenly looked back …

I saw that on the distant sky, a black movie, passing by, was rushing towards Mo Siqian and Mo Cang …

Boom … Rumble!

a 5 color paw print, blasted from the black shadow, turned into a giant grab of Gang Yuan, pinched the layers of void, moved towards Mo Siqian fiercely fell.

“Chu … Chu Yan! You dare!”

Seeing this scene, Mo Wunian’s face was pale, shocked soul flies away and scatters, he roared loudly, his body was like electricity, and hurried away.

“Oh, white, idiot, it’s only now reacting!”

Seeing Mo Wunian in the distance, furiously rushing out, Chu Yan was sneaked, True Qi in his body rose again, making the five-color Gang Yuan giant claw, and the speed increased again …

In front of Mo Siqian, Chu Yan has always kept a Divine Consciousness on her, so Chu Yan is very clear about her strength.

This lady is a Ziming tribe, she has a cultivation base battle strength, and even Mo Cang around her is not as good as …

Saintess who wants to come to this noble status, in the Ziming tribe, must be like a flower, spoiled by a shemale, and has not participated in several battles at all.

Moreover, at this time, they are Heaven’s Chosen, who came to Vast Heaven Continent for trial. They all believe that this is a unilateral slaughter, and they never thought that they would encounter the stubborn resistance of Chu Yan.

Naturally, it also neglected the protection of Saintess!

Of course, the Vast Heaven Continent Martial Sovereign powerhouse of ordinary is fundamentally close to Mo Siqian’s body. However, when encountering Chu Yan, who meets Mo Wunian, can be invincible, for Mo Si Qian’s protection was obviously not taken into account.

It’s just that, even if it’s understood now, it’s too late …

“Aboriginal of courting death!”

“Hurry up and protect Saintess!”

“Block him!”


For a time, some of the nearest gens Heaven’s Chosen from Mo Siqian saw Chu Yan attacking Saintess, and all his eyes were red, roaring in unison, all shots, palm glow palm seal, blade light sword glow, hiding the The sky and covering the earth attacked Chu Yan, or the paw print of the 5-color Gang Yuan.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

5 Segang Yuan’s paw print was hit by 100 attacks and exploded in a burst of gas. Under the tremor, it burst out and turned into an endless wave of waves, sweeping the sky …

At the same time, Chu Yan’s body is all around, there are also 100 attacks, moved towards him, and he came straight, as if the mountains and the sea were falling, mighty sky!

“En!? So much !?”

Suddenly, a coldness rose in my heart, Chu Yan saw the attacking flood of hiding the sky and covering the earth, and suddenly his scalp was numb. He didn’t expect that these ordinary tribes Heaven’s Chosen were so powerful. Battle strength….

On the 100 attacks fuse together, the might is more than ten times more than Mo Wunian’s attack, and I dare not take it hard!


Without any hesitation, Chu Yan could only temporarily give up the plan to capture Mo Siqian, and his body turned, moved towards the sky, and evaded these attacks for the time being …

“Can’t let him escape! Kill him!”

“Chasing! Kill this native!”

“Dare ants, dare sneak attack Saintess!”

“kill him…”


Over 100 Heavenly Clan Heaven’s Chosen, seeing that Chu Yan was going to escape, suddenly started moving art one by one, and afterwards, they wanted to completely kill Chu Yan.

However, there are already the Martial Sovereign opponents of Vast Heaven Continent on the 100 Heavenly Clan Heaven’s Chosen. Seeing them attack Chu Yan and Human Race Martial Sovereign, of course they would not sit back and watch …

shuaa ~!

All of a sudden, a few 100 Human Race Martial Sovereign rushed out, such as a wave colliding with the top 100 Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen, as if two pieces of anger invaded, suddenly bursting countless sparks star glow, various attacks on both sides erupted at the same time , As if the flood was dumped, enveloped each other …

For a time, above the sky, the war that had just stopped for a short time broke out again!

Whoo …!

When Chu Yan rushed out more than ten miles away, the distant sky, the black lightning that Mo Wunian had transformed, had rushed behind Chu Yan and roared.

“Aboriginal, you are courting death! I want you to destroy Soul Destruction and fall into the abyss forever!”

Mo Wunian’s speed is very fast, bringing a burst of wind, like a head of violent Ominous Beast, bursting into the layers of void, straight to Chu Yan.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Before Chu Yan flew, there were more than a dozen Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen ahead. He gave up their opponents without any hesitation, shot one by one, and attacked Chu Yan …


There was an interception in the front and a chase after the soldiers. Chu Yan burst into anger, didn’t expect, and captured Mo Siqin’s behavior as if he had stabbed the horse honeycomb …

However, the more this is the case, Chu Yan becomes more and more affirmed that she must catch this woman in purple clothes …

Tweet …!

Next moment, behind Chu Yan, a large red light, like a red glow, suddenly rose …

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