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a full body gold and red, with a 7-color tail feather flame giant bird, in the sky behind Chu Yan, rising into the sky …

Emperor Fire God, Vermilion Bird Martial Soul!

Between the wings, a large wave of fire, like a tornado of fire, swept through all directions, swallowing 4 sides and 8 attacks, and swallowing everything …

hu! hu! hu!

The huge sparrow mouth opened, and the endless fire waves swept across the sky, within a radius of 100 li, and quickly turned into a fire sea …

A large amount of Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi and the air filled with Heaven and Earth were submerged by the emperor fire and instantly turned into an endless mist, quickly evaporated, and the sky above the sky, the temperature surged!

Vermilion Bird Martial Soul, a large-scale Emperor Fire attack, although mighty, but the actual attack power is not too strong, especially for Mo Wunian and other Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen powerhouse, but only to weaken the other party’s attack and response.

However, this is enough for Chu Yan!

“Kaitian Sword Art, Divine Punishment!”

right hand Clear Sky Sword flicked, the sword light turned horizontally, slashed out, instantly, the sword light of 5 color Gang Yuan fusion, moved towards the front 7 8 people intercepted their own clan Heaven’s Chosen, straight cut …

These Hades, Heaven’s Chosen, have just been submerged by the Vermilion Bird Martial Soul’s Emperor Fire Dragon roll. They are running True Qi to fight against the fire column. , Come across …

This sword, with the help of the power of the emperor fire, the word glow is like a cloud of fire invading the sky, and even the light of the sun in the sky is completely covered. The Vermilion Bird fire power in the sword body is the real killing move.

call out….!

pu chi! pu chi! pu chi!

Sword light is like water, flashing over, sky above, sword light flashing over the sword track, 8 groups of blood mist burst into burst …

8 corpse were cut into 2 pieces, sprinkled with blood, and fell straight from the air to the ground.

Under a sword, 8 Heaven’s Chosen were cut down!


Chu Yan didn’t stay in a trace. His body was like electricity. He rushed across the airy fields like blood and rain and flew away …

“Wh … what !?”

Immediately behind Chu Yan, Mo Wunian, who had just retreated to Emperor Vermilion Bird’s surroundings, saw 8 corpses, falling from the air, and suddenly had a pair of eyes, staring at Boss, terrified look in his face, and his heart was furious.

It ’s not Chu Yan ’s this sword, how terrifying it is!

It ’s because that Martial Soul just called out by Chu Yan turned out to be Grade 1 Martial Soul, and the powerful Profound Truth of Destruction in Fire Bird Martial Soul made him with the body ’s Devouring Power. , Constantly rolling …

You should know that the Profound Truth of the Ming tribe is the Profound Truth and the Profound Truth of life. The strength of the Profound Rank that exists in mutual existence is because he awakened the green spear Martial Soul of the Profound Truth of life, which made him better than the same family Heaven’s Chosen , Much more powerful!

However, whether it is Profound Truth or devouring Profound Truth, the most feared thing is Profound Truth of Destruction!

This Heavenly Dao mysterious hidden deep in the bloodline is just like the bloodline of Monster Race. When the lower Monster Race faces the upper Monster Race, it will have a sense of fear and submission from the depth of the bloodline. withstand.

And now, after seeing Chu Yan, the huge Fire Bird unhindered Heaven and Earth, Mo Wunian’s Divine Soul, are constantly shaking …

“This … this Chu Yan, it turned out to be like this !?”

Mo Wunian couldn’t believe it at all. The native in front of him had 2 Grade 1 Martial Soul, which is almost a heaven defying existence among the Ming tribe …

You know, this is Grade 1 Martial Soul, but it ’s not a radish cabbage. Even if he is only one, and it ’s still under the full training of the Ziming Clan, his Martial Soul was promoted from Earth Rank to Heaven. ….

How can this be! ?

He really couldn’t understand how, in a small world with a big slap, how could there be an indigenous presence with Grade 2 Martial Soul at a time! ?

It ’s not just Mo Wunian, 4 directions, nearly 10000 Heaven Clan Heaven ’s Chosen. At this time, they are all astonished expressions, staring at Chu Yan in a daze, and the unbelievable color of his face.

Only this Kung Fu Kung Fu, and more than a dozen Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen, was seized by the Vast Heaven Continent Martial Sovereigns, seized the opportunity and bombed!

For Chu Yan ’s Martial Soul, Heaven ’s Chosen were shocked, but Vast Heaven Continent ’s Martial Sovereigns had seen it for a long time, and would not be surprised at all. Seeing each and everyone was shocked by the Ming ’s Heaven ’s. Chosen, how could they miss this opportunity!

“Mo Wunian, die for me go!”

In a flash, Chu Yan has turned around, holding Clear Sky Sword, White Tiger and Vermilion Bird 2 to respect the power of Martial Soul, pouring into the sword body insanely, pointing to Mo Wu Nian in the distance under the sky of the sword power skyrocketing …

This sword, with the increase of 2 Full Star Martial Soul, Chu Yan even used 3 “Five Elements” to prepare to seize the opportunity and kill Mo Wumin with all his strength …

As long as Mo Wunian is killed, no one in the entire Ming Clan Heaven’s Chosen is his own opponent, and the Ming Clan’s defeat can be determined!

Roar….! Roar…!

Just when Chu Yan was preparing his mighty sword and was ready to make his full shot, in the far sky, a path of horrible beast roar sounds, roaring and shaking, bringing up a turbulent spirit cloud …

The golden sea of ​​clouds is surging and moving towards this side, running wildly!

The comer, it is the Golden Claw Tianjiao … Ear Emperor!

Boom … Rumble!

The golden clouds spread across the sky like Hong Feng’s transit, bringing up 10000 sounds of stuffy thunder and mighty noise!

The nearly 30,000 feet of the Tianjiao beast, constantly rolling in the golden thundercloud, a ray of colored animal blood, swaying the sky …

At this time, the ear emperor was completely angry, just Mo Wunian’s attack, on his body, once again left a deep bone scar …

The emperor of the sea monster under the wound, with fierce hair, like 10000 ancient Ominous Beast, with destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth momentum, it seems that Mo Wunian, crushed into fine powder….

“Chu Yan, give me this alien!”

Among the golden waves, the ear emperor leaned out, and a pair of golden beast eyes radiated 10000 golden glows, like two rounds of golden sun, staring straight at Mo Wumin, and at the same time, said to Chu Yan … ..

“it is good!”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan was overjoyed, although he knew that Ear Emperor was not Mo Wunian’s opponent, but when he saw Ominous Beast’s attitude at this time, it was also in his heart!

As long as Ear Emperor can hold Mo Wunian, a few breaths, enough time for him to take down the women in purple clothes.


Chu Yan didn’t hesitate, his figure turned, moved towards the original path, and flew back …

Boom … Rumble!

Mo Wunian just wanted to stop it, but in the golden sea of ​​clouds above the horizon, 2 golden paw prints broke out of the cloud and drove straight to himself …

“Not good! You … block me from that native!”

In the hands of Qingming spear waving, 2 spear glows blasted out, while resisting the attack of the ear emperor, Mo Wunian who was anxious, shouted shouted to Heaven’s Chosen in the distance …



Hearing Mo Wunian’s roar, the nearest gens of Heaven’s Chosen, here, quickly withdrew from their war circle, moved towards Chu Yan stormed away …

“die for me !”

Seeing that several Ming tribes Heaven’s Chosen blocked the road, rushed to Chu Yan of Mo Siqian, suddenly broke out, and waved his hand, it was 3 sword glow, straight out …

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