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3 words and 5 glow sword glows, passing through the sky, flashed from 3 Ming’s Heaven’s Chosen …

pu! pu! pu!

3 groups of blood mist sprayed out in an instant, a good head flew into the sky, 3 headless corpse, fell straight from the air, moved towards the ground!

For these ordinary tribes Heaven’s Chosen, the strength of the double Chu Yan, let alone three, is five, ten, and it’s just one more two swords.

Therefore, anyone who blocks his actions will only have to … die!


Seeing that the three Heaven’s Chosen who blocked Chu Yan were cut off their heads with a sword, they suddenly made all around those storms ready to continue to block Chu Yan’s Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen. One stays!

Including Mo Cang, who stood beside Mo Siqian, originally wanted to be a loyal protector. As a result, Chu Yan looked like an angry volcano and might be unmatched. He suddenly shook his neck, moved towards and fled away !

After all, he is a member of the Blood Nether tribe, and this Saintess of the Nether Nether tribe has little to do with himself!

“Aboriginal, so bold!”

Seeing Chu Yan rushing in, Mo Siqian’s graceful eyebrows wrinkled slightly, not waiting for Chu Yan to approach, raised his jade palm and waved it with a palm …

Mo Siqian is the Saintess of the Ziming tribe, and a cultivation base is under the weight of the clan, but within 100 years, he has reached the upper Martial Sovereign Realm.

Based on the Profound Truth devouring, lifespan endless long Ziming tribe, for 100 years, even a small doll is not counted, but the cultivation base has reached the upper Martial Sovereign Realm, which has been regarded as Peak Heaven’s Chosen.

Therefore, Mo Siqian’s palm shot, palm seal is only 10 zhang size, jade white as snow, but the palm seal contains the might, but like a row of mountains and sea, rumble rolled over …

“En!? This Saintess, there is still a little strength! Ha ha …”

Chu Yan saw Mo Siqianyu’s palm clap, and the corners of his mouth were light, and he sneered.

didn’t expect, this Saintess, when she saw herself rushing, not only did she not escape, but instead faced the battle head-on, it seemed that she had great confidence in her strength, or, she thought that Chu Yan was not her opponent at all!

Boom … rumbling!

The jade-colored palm seal roared through the ages, bringing up a glorious piece of silver, and slammed into Chu Yan.

“Give me broken!”

Chu Yan is like an electric figure, without any sign of slowing down. In his hand, Clear Sky Sword is waving, and the five-color sword gang in a thousand zhang is straight to the palm seal of jade white!


With a burst of air, the jade white palm seal burst into an instant, and turned into a snowy white brilliance, 4 scattered …

“Yi !? So strong !?”

Mo Siqin seemed a little unbelievable, his palm seal was so easily cut by Chu Yan, and his fabulous little face was full of consternation.

Seeing Chu Yan smashing his palm seal with a sword, Mo Siqian’s original calm and disdainful small face instantly appeared a panic.


Under a tremor of void, behind her, a mass of silver rays of light rose into the sky …

This is a silver silver moon, as if rising from nothingness, the endless moonlight, swaying the sky …

The majestic Martial Soul power swept all directions instantly, a solid as a pillar

This is Mo Siqian’s Martial Soul, Silver Moon Martial Soul!

Take Sun, Moon and Stars as Martial Soul. In Martial Soul World, it is extremely rare. So far, Chu Yan has seen that Sun, Moon and Stars are Martial Soul.

didn’t expect, this Martial Soul of the Saints Saintess turned out to be the Silver Moon Martial Soul!

This Sun, Moon and Stars are Martial Artists of Martial Soul. Among the Martial Souls, it comes with Heaven and Earth Might, which is similar to the 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul of Chu Yan!

It’s just that Divine Beast Martial Soul is even rarer than Sun, Moon and Stars Martial Soul!

So far, apart from himself, Chu Yan has never met anyone who has the same Divine Beast Martial Soul as himself!

Therefore, Martial Soul, the silver moon of Mo Siqian, has just appeared. It just made Chu Yan look startled. Immediately, Chu Yan reacted. Clear Sky Sword was raised in his hand and he was ready to attack again!

However, as soon as he looked up, he showed Mo Siqian’s figure and disappeared from his own eyes!

“En !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes flicked and turned her head to look around for 4 times, only to find that Mo Siqian’s figure actually integrated into the rising silver moon Martial Soul …

From a distance, I saw a silver shadow in Martial Soul, a beautiful shadow flying, like that, like a picture seen by Chu Yan’s later generations!

“Chang’e flew to the moon !? By …”

Chu Yan shouted in a low voice, speechless, didn’t expect, in this different World, I can see such a familiar scene!

However, this does not stop Chu Yan’s plan of action, slightly narrows the eyes, Chu Yan’s figure turns, moved towards the silver moon Martial Soul on the sky, and rushes away!

Life Source Martial Soul, unity of soul and soul!

What about that, in front of absolute strength, even Life Source Martial Soul cannot stop Chu Yan!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Just as Chu Yan turned and rushed to the moon moon Martial Soul on the sky, suddenly, the moon moon Martial Soul, the rays of light masterpiece, on the 100 thick pillars of silver moonlight, moved towards Chu Yan came straight …

These silver moonlights, each with a beam of light, carry a jade palm seal. It was after Mo Siqian merged with Martial Soul that he shot Chu Yan again.

It’s just that this time shot, it’s 100 palm seals, which is more than ten times stronger than the previous one.

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Seeing that there were 100 palm seals blasting, all the four directions in my body were blocked, Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, I can only use a sword to stop …

As a result, the speed of movement art is greatly reduced. Beyond 10,000 zhang, dozens of Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen took advantage of this time and immediately gathered up to surround Chu Yan …

With a path of sword light chopped out and all the palm seals in front of him chopped up, Chu Yan also fell into the siege of Heaven’s Chosen, a dozen meddling tribes.

“It’s blocking the road again !?”

Pupil light swept, looking towards all around A dozen Heaven’s Chosen who surrounded himself, Chu Yan’s brow furrowed, face sank like water….

It’s not that Chu Yan is worried about the siege of Heaven’s Chosen, a dozen Ming tribes, the key is time …

Looking up, Chu Yan looked above the distant sky …

At this time, the Golden Claw Tianjiao transformed by the Ear Emperor was fighting with Mo Wunian, and the scene was violent and bloody.

Mo Wunian wanted to kill the Ear Emperor as soon as possible, so as to rescue Saintess. However, under the anger of the Ear Emperor, Mo Wu Nian was so entangled that he could not withdraw.

However, Mo Wunian’s strength, after all, is much stronger than that of the Ear Emperor. Under the crazy attack, there will be a scar on the body of the Ear Emperor’s huge Tianjiao, a lot of animal blood, and the sky will be as if There was a blood rain …

According to this situation, the ear emperor’s impossible support is too long, so there is not much time for Chu Yan …

At the same time, on the battlefield of the 2 clan wars in the distance, Vast Heaven Continent has nearly 30000 Martial Sovereign powerhouses and 10000 Hades Heaven’s Chosen. At this time, the battle is in an anxious situation …

Because of Mo Wunian’s magnificent exhibition, the mob of Heaven’s Chosen was greatly boosted, and even the war situation was reversed, and the continent powerhouses were tied.

Although both sides continued to have powerhouse damage, like dumplings, moved towards the ground …

However, this loss of Martial Artist, not only did not make the powerhouses on the battlefield shy, but instead, the more fierce, the unique skill was exhausted, and the enemy madly fighting together!

“No, you must do it quickly!”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan within both eyes, fine shots, and then looked towards Heaven’s Chosen, a dozen meddlings around me, and Mo Siqian on the sky with Martial Soul fuse, Yin True on Chu Yan Qi Gang Yuan, rising wildly!

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