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On the other side, Chu Yan’s battle with Mo Wunian is almost fierce.

Chu Yan 3 has 10000 True Qi consumed by Avatar, which has been supplemented by 9 Xuan Golden Pill, and the battle strength is not affected at all.

For the powerful Mo Wunian, Chu Yan held Clear Sky Sword and Kaitian Sword Art, one sword after another, fighting with the front of the sword, not letting the slightest …

Bang! Bang! Bang!

azure glow Chongxiao, 5 colors Jiangang, 2 are in the air, constantly blasting and exploding, bursting a bright cloud of gas, rushing all directions.

A battle ground for 2 people, within 10 li, no one dared to get close …

Only those explosive aftermaths can make the ordinary powerhouse crash into serious injuries …

“Kaitian Sword Art, Divine Punishment!”

Chu Yan held his sword with both hands, his eyes were like fire, and his whole body True Qi was surging like a frenzy, standing in the air, Mo Wunian fiercely moved towards the bottom under the moving towards …

One sword fell, Nine Heavens fell, the endless tide of Sword Intent, as if Heavenly Punishment thundercloud, attracted 10000 Thunder Tribulation, contains Heaven and Earth Might, hiding the sky and covering the earth moved towards Mo Wu Nian shrouded down .

The mighty Sword Qi blends in with Heaven and Earth Might, as if a world destroying flood, sweeping all directions, is unmatched!

At this time, Chu Yan, all of his mind, was completely immersed in the battle with Mo Wunian. For the distant 2 clan wars, he had no longer paid attention to.

After all, with his own 3 10000 elephants Avatar, as well as the ear emperor of the quasi-imperial powerhouse, plus his White Tiger Martial Soul suppression, the 2 unique skills of the Ming tribe Heaven’s Chosen, can not be used, so one Come….

The Vast Heaven Continent side with 3 opponents in itself, simply impossible to defeat!

“Earth …. Indigenous …!”

Mo Wunian saw Chu Yan this move “Divine Punishment” coming into the world, suddenly the complexion greatly changed, and the pupil light kept shaking …

“Heavenly Halberd!”

Not afraid of any hesitation, Mo Wunian’s Qingming Halberd in his hand, wrapped around his body True True Qi, a halberd burst out, diffuse Heavenly Halberd light, burst out like a slice of blade light spear forest, covering a large sky above the head, bursting Sword shadow rushing to the sky falling wild cloud …

Boom … Boom … Boom … rumble!

lightning movie, sword shadow halberd, sharp waves rushing through the sky, sweeping the sky, might monstrous …

In one move, 2 attacks, burst again, and dissipated at the same time …

Sou! sou!

Chu Yan and Mo Wunian, followed the nearly 1000 zhang high energy aftermath, and retreated at the same time, avoiding the explosion of the central area, the remote 10 li confrontation …

Call … call …!

Chu Yan is holding Clear Sky, his eyes are like thunder, and when he is excited, he stares at Mo Wunian in the distance, with the body thirty two inner cores running madly, like True Qi 罡 元 like 1000 rivers and 10000 rivers, constantly from Qi Sea rushed out and merged into Chu Yan’s meridian and flesh and blood.

The powerful True Qi, rising wildly, all around Chu Yan’s body, forming a path of horrible True Qi tornado, ravaging the void, above the sky, gangster masterpiece, Heaven and Earth discoloration …

“Damn Aboriginal!”

Seeing a scene, Mo Wunian beyond 10 li, the mind was mad …

This Chu Yan is not only a demon, but also a monster at all. The two of them have been able to attack no less than 2 moves, but that Chu Yan seems to have hit chicken blood, the more fights the more brave is, True Qi It seems that there is no trace of consumption.

However, Mo Wunian’s True Qi within the body has already consumed 50%.

Now, not only does the formidable power drop, but also, it wo n’t last long.

“Aboriginal, go die for me!”

Mo Wunian fiercely clenched the teeth, the Qingming Halberd once again exploded with 10000 azure glow like the sun, the whole body was True True Qi Gang Yuan rushing, dancing Qingming Halberd, moved towards Chu Yan rushing away …

At this time, Mo Wunian knew that if he couldn’t do it quickly, the longer the fighting time, the greater the probability of his defeat in the face of Chu Yan and monster Chu Yan.

Therefore, Mo Wunian is ready to desperately!

shua! shua! shua!

In the hands of Qingming Halberd, stab in the air, a path of azure azure glow comet like a star, dragging the halberd light of the long tail flame, stab Chu Yan continuously.

For the entire Eighteen halberd, every a has exhausted all the power of Mo Wunian, and even used his own source Devouring Power …

Even in the moment of explosion, these Devouring Powers, as long as they have a slight impact on Chu Yan’s Martial Soul, are enough to be deadly!

Because of the existence of Devouring Power, this Eighteen halberd crossed the several li voids, traversing all the way, constantly devouring Heaven and Earth Spirit Power… ..

Even the Strength Qi waves that have just exploded and have not completely dissipated have been absorbed and merged into Eighteen.

In this way, Eighteen ’s might, which rushed out less than 10,000 zhang, was more than three times stronger than just now …

A path of coarse void crack, holding Eighteen’s terrifying halberd, moved towards Chu Yan straight out.

Like a group of bulldozers, rushing through a forest at high speed, passing along the road, everything is turned into powder …

“En !? Devouring Power !?”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan’s face suddenly changed, and didn’t expect Mo Wunian even used Source Power….

You know, these contain Devouring Power attacks. If Chu Yan fights hard with them, the attacks he made will collide with them, at least has 30% will be absorbed by these Devouring Power and become the power of the other party. Counterattack yourself …

Whoo …!

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan turned around, the movement art unfolded, and dodged quickly …

“St. Rakshasa True Body, the power of golden trident!”

Liu Long covered sky movement art, running to the extreme, when Chu Yan rushed out of the edge of the range covered by Eighteen halberd, angrily roared …


In a loud roar, behind Chu Yan, a tall demon shadow appeared suddenly, nearly 1000 zhang high figure, surrounded by black mist, although seeing the unreal body, but in the black mist, a dazzling golden rays of light, suddenly bright …

call out….!

That golden light, 3 in one, rushed out of the black mist, with great power, and directed straight at Eighteen …

“All me … broken!”

Chu Yan and the Rakshasa shadow behind him opened their mouths and roared at the same time. In the roar of heaven shaking earth shattering, Saint Rakshasa golden trident burst out a terrifying golden glow, sweeping the sky …

Boom … Boom … Boom …!

I saw that a terrifying golden glow was like a golden river. When the sky danced and swept, a path of azure halberd kept exploding, and the sound of the explosion hit the sky and resounded through the clouds …

In a blink of an eye, the golden glow and Eighteen halberds exploded at the same time, turning into Heaven and Earth gang wind, sweeping the sky and disappearing into the distance …

“Interracial, die!”

“Aboriginal, kill!”

When the gas burst, the two of Chu Yan and Mo Wunian, both with red eyes, held Spirit Armament, like two Fiendgods, and rushed towards each other.

At a distance of nearly 10 li, in a flash, 2 black silhouettes collided violently, swept by a huge air wave, 2 silhouettes, crazy hands, intertwined in an instant, it was impossible to tell who was who …

Whether it is a five-color gang sword, or the Qingming Thunder halberd, the weather is exploding, causing the whole sky to tremble continuously, as if to take a breath, heaven falls and earth rends.

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