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On the one side is the battle of the 2 clan Supreme, on the other side is the 2 clan Life and Death Battle field …

Regardless of which side, the Human Race side has begun to continue to occupy the advantage, especially on the battlefield, because of the absolute advantage of the Ear Emperor, Chu Yan Avatar, and the number of people, the number of the damage of the Heaven’s Chosen is increasing …

After a column of incense time, Heaven’s Chosen, who can still be intact in the sky, has less than 2000 people, and all are injured. True Qi also consumes more than half.

On the side of Human Race, the original 30000 Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse lost a total of 10000 people, and more than 2 10000 1000 people, constantly moving towards the remaining 2000 Netherworld Heaven’s Chosen surrounded by …

For the defeat of the Nether, there is only time left!

On the other side of the battlefield, as Chu Yan’s offensive becomes stronger and stronger, the battle of the Supreme 2 people is also coming to an end!

Boom … Rumble!

Mo Wunian waved a halberd, exploded Chu Yan’s sword glow, dissipated the invisible, and immediately, his body retreated …

Huh … hu!

Withdrawing from the distance of 10000 steps, Mo Wunian stopped his body and gasped violently. At the same time, his eyes swept and looked towards the direction of the 2nd class battlefield in the distance …

At a glance, Mo Wunian’s complexion instantly turned blue, and bloodshot eyes in his eyes kept appearing …

Hades …. defeated!

There are 10000 Heaven Clan Heaven’s Chosen. After the First World War, there are less than 2000 people remaining. Moreover, it has been surrounded by more than 2 indigenous powerhouses. At every breath, there are dozens of them. In the loss.

A trace of despair appeared in Mo Wunian’s eyes!

These Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen, led by him, died soon!

As the leader of the team, I was completely suppressed by the native named Chu Yan, and there is no chance of winning!

“Everyone flies!”

Suddenly, Mo Wunian drummed True Qi and growled loudly …

“Charge ahead, look for other Heaven’s Chosen of the same family, and gather together to be alive!”

With the roar of endless sorrow, the whole sky resounded!

More than 1000 Ming tribes Heaven’s Chosen, heard Mo Wunian’s roar, and they all started suddenly, and then all of them looked angry, but none of them fled away. On the contrary, 4 Ming tribes Heaven’s Chosen began. Shock encirclement …

The direction they hit was actually the direction Mo Wunian was in …

“Mo Senior Brother! Let’s save you …”

A netherlander Heaven’s Chosen, with blood all over his body, red eyes, shouted loudly, dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety moved towards the large block of Human Race powerhouse in front of him, madness …

Boom … boom … bang!

A large-scale attack torrent broke out suddenly in the position of the clan conflict …

It has to be said that these Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen has significantly better battle strength than the Human Race Martial Sovereigns.

Even in such a weak situation, after sacrificing more than half of the people, they were rushed out of the siege group and moved towards Mo Wunian quickly approached.

shua shua shua!

A large silhouette flew over, spitting blood all the way, and when they gathered around Mo Wunian, the number was less than 300 …

Seeing that the Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen rushed in, Mo Wunian quickly ran True Qi, and shot again and again, blocking all the chasing soldiers behind, and finally brought together 300 Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen with injuries all over the body.

“Chu Yan, wait for us to kill Saint Race!”

In a word, Mo Wunian’s figure turned into a lightning, quickly moved towards the distant sky, and fled …

The 300 Ming tribes Heaven’s Chosen around him acted at the same time with him, follow closely from behind, and turned their body speed to the limit, and fled quickly …

“En !? Run away !?”

Chu Yan’s complexion started, didn’t expect Mo Wunian would escape …

Although, in the current battle situation, not only Mo Wunian, I am afraid that anyone will choose to escape!

Because, staying, there is only the dead end!

“Sect Master, wait for me to catch up! Kill them …”

A crowd of continent powerhouse rushed to Chu Yan and shouted loudly, ready to chase away …

“no need!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan raised his hand, and stopped everyone, saying the head

“Heaven’s Chosen of these 10000 tribes has been abandoned!”

“When they came, 20000 Heaven’s Chosen were divided into 3 groups. This group brought by Mo Wunian is the strongest of the 10000 people among all the Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen. The key now is not to kill them, but It is to kill all the remaining 10000 Heaven’s Chosen! “

Chu Yan turned slowly, without much explanation, moved towards Ear Emperor flew away quickly …

As Chu Yan moved, the big guys of the Human Race powerhouse also gathered from 4 directions in the direction of Chu Yan and the Ear Emperor ….

Dong Huang Tian First, Shen Dang, Gong Yuntian, Sword Master and other big brothers, all have not lost.


Ear Emperor converged True Qi, and his figure flew, and as soon as he leaned over, he fell in front of Chu Yan from a distance.

“Chu Yan, didn’t expect, your battle strength is so amazing! Ha ha ha, this battle, happy!”

Ear emperor looked excited, laughed heartily said.

This laughter sounded, and suddenly, all the Human Race gangsters around all looked relaxed at the same time, all smiling.

Not bad!

This battle is very happy!

Although their Vast Heaven Continent has only 30000 Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouses, they have lost nearly 30%, but …

They … won!

The victory of this battle is far more important than the victory itself.

Because of this victory, all the powerhouses of Vast Heaven Continent have seen hope!

As if everything were as planned by Chu Yan, Vast Heaven Continent can really compete with the Ming tribe. If Chu Yan ’s plan is to continue, they will have a great chance …

Get rid of the shackles of the Ming clan and become an independent and free race. It is even possible to become a powerful force among the 10000 clan in the outer domain! ?

“Well, it’s very happy!”

Hearing the words of the emperor, Chu Yan also smiled, nodded, and said, “Your injury …”

“Maybe, although my battle strength is not as good as you, but I am the body of Sea Demon Race after all, even if the fleshy body is destroyed, I will not necessarily be damaged! Hehe… ..”

The emperor shook the head carelessly and said with a smug face …

“En !?”

Hearing the words of the ear emperor, Chu Yan’s face suddenly started, is there any special innate talent in this Sea Demon Race! ?

“Chu Yan, what’s the use of the girl you just grabbed !?”

Ear Emperor asked, his face full of doubt …

When he had just fought, he saw clearly that Chu Yan made him stop Mo Wunian’s purpose, obviously to catch the Underworld girl. Although it was extremely dangerous, Chu Yan succeeded …

However, the ear emperor naturally guessed that Chu Yan attached great importance to this woman!

“Yes! This girl’s name is Mo Siqian, but she is Saintess of the Zingzu Ziming domain, and she has a very high status!” Chu Yan nodded, seriously replied.

“Saintess !? And Mu Wanxi … uh … you want to get the chips !?”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, the ear subconsciously opened his mouth, but just said 2 sentences, and immediately looked awkward, and quickly changed the subject.


Chu Yan naturally saw the reaction of the ear emperor, but he didn’t care, just nodded with a chuckle.

“Hehe, it’s exactly the same as I guess! I see you catch people, I also caught 7 8 …”

The ear emperor smiled evilly, which attracted all the human race bosses around, all with a smile on his face …

“Oh, Chu Yan, what do we do next?” Ear Emperor asked

“Next, times change, it’s our turn!”

Chu Yan slightly narrows the eyes, raised his eyes to the distant horizon, opened the mouth and said coldly.

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