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Over the course of one night …

When the east rises, the sky is white, and the fish sauce is early in the morning …

Ear Emperor spent a whole night in the sky on the 9th layer peak, until there was no trace of Divine Beast aura overflowing before he returned to the 9th layer peak.

Standing in front of the palace on the 9th layer peak, the current ear emperor, aura, changed a lot.

In the past, only Chu Yan, a Martial Artist that surpassed the quasi-imperial rank, could feel a thin Divine Dragon aura in him, but now …

It is estimated that any Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse or Monster Sovereign can feel him, the terrifying Divine Beast aura.

Such a shocking change, just one night, is enough to withstand the merits of 30,000 years of cultivation …

After an hour, Heaven and Earth shines …

In the 9th layer peak palace, Chu Yan strode out, walked to the palace, and stood in front of the ear emperor …

“Ha ha ha…. Brother Chu Yan, didn’t expect, your Martial Soul turned out to be …”

Although the ear emperor is excited, he still knows the taboo. The last two words, with his Monster Beast, naturally dare not export at will.

“Hehe, you are the first to know this secret on Vast Heaven Continent. Remember to keep it secret for me!”

Chu Yan knew that the Ear Emperor had understood his own secret of Divine Beast Martial Soul, and he no longer deliberately concealed it, generous said with a smile.

“Relax, in this way, Brother Chu Yan can be regarded as my respect for Monster Race! I naturally keep it secret for you!”

Ear Emperor smiled, and looked solemnly replied.

“Uh … respect of Monster Race !?” Chu Yan’s face suddenly started.

“By the way, Chu Yan, I just returned the news and found Mo Wunian’s trail … but …”

The ear elephant thought of something, and suddenly opened the mouth and said, but, half said, but it was frowned, and his face hesitated.

“But what !?” Chu Yan suddenly asked after seeing the ear emperor’s face.

“Mo Wu-Nian has collected almost all the remains of Heaven’s Chosen, nearly 800 Heaven’s Chosen, at this time, in the Vault of Heaven!”

Ear emperor quickly replied.

“What !? Vault of Heaven Valley …”

Hearing this, Chu Yan’s face was startled, and the pupil light suddenly froze.

Vault of Heaven is the place where Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect hides into the void. Of course, it is also the only entrance where you can enter Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect.

Mo Wunian appeared in the Vault of Heaven with the 800 Ming Clan Heaven’s Chosen. The impossible is a coincidence, is it …

They have a way to open the entrance to the Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect! ?

Suddenly, a chill rose from Chu Yan’s heart …

You know, apart from the masters of the 9 palaces, and the Spirit Beast of the 100 town palaces, the remaining Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect powerhouse were all brought out by Chu Yan.

If Mo Wunian took 800 Ming’s Heaven’s Chosen and really entered the Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, then the result …

“Go! Let’s go!”

Chu Yan was shocked and couldn’t help but said that he stood up and turned into a long rainbow, almost disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, the Emperor of the Ears did not dare to neglect, quickly got up and chased to Chu Yan….

At the same time, the Emperor of Ears took out the subpoena Jade Talisman, notified all the continent powerhouses in the vicinity, and rushed to the Vault of Heaven.

Although the ear emperor knew that at the speed of him and Chu Yan, I am afraid that it would be difficult for others to hurry, but there are only those that can be done at present.

Along the way, Chu Yan was in a hurry, and the speed of the movement art reached its extreme …

In the end, even the ear emperor was included in the myriad beasts map of the mountain and river. With him, Chu Yan stepped through each step for 1000 years. Every time he flashed, it was crossed over layers of voids, so fast that he almost saw traces …

Sigh … Zi …

The speed is as fast as a flying rainbow, Chu Yan’s silhouette crosses the sky, and emits a piercing scream, which leads to the void, and a path of electric current keeps shining …

After 3 hours, Chu Yan and Ear Emperor finally approached the Vault of Heaven …

“Chu Yan, according to the news, they are all in the valley, including Mo Wunian!”

The ear emperor’s voice was low and his killing intent was revealed. Seeing that Chu Yan was so anxious, he was also in a heavy mood.

“I have informed the nearby continent powerhouse that they will come quickly and dare!”

“Hmph! 800 Interracial only! I am enough!”

Chu Yan’s whole body is like a piece of 10000 years of cold. The coldness between the words makes the ice in all around constantly appear ice crystals.

“We came, did they find out?” Chu Yan asked.

“Of course, Impossible knows that the cultivation base of the two of us, how could these heterogeneous juniors find out!”

The Emperor of Ears didn’t even think about it, he spoke directly.

hearing this, Chu Yan nodded, turned his head towards towards the Vault of Heaven in the distance, eyes flashing …

Mo Wunian!

What does Mo Wunian want to do! ?

revenge! ?

Want to kill all Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect! ?

With their 800 Heaven’s Chosen, although the strength is far superior to the Martial Artist who stayed behind Sect, Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect has nearly 200000000 million Sect disciple.

Even if it is not invincible, if all 4 fled, Mo Wunian had only 800 of them, and wanted to kill 100000000 million Martial Artists, I am afraid it will not be so easy!

After a long time, the news leaked. When he and the continent powerhouse played, Mo Wunian and 800 Heaven’s Chosen would all die!

In this way, wouldn’t it be suicidal behavior! ?

According to Chu Yan’s judgment on Mo Wunian, this person will not do such a stupid thing. Now Mo Wunian should be thinking all over his mind. When the Space-Time channel opens on the fifth day, If you pass through the passage guarded by Chu Yan, return to the Ming tribe.

Just go back to the Ming Clan and report the situation of Vast Heaven Continent. When the Ming Clan dispatches the powerhouse within the clan, everything is reported.

“Go! Let’s go in!”

After a little deep pondering, Chu Yan no longer hesitated, flew and flew directly, moved towards Vault of Heaven and God Valley rushed away …

Ear emperor follow closely from behind, 2 people one after the other, rushing into the valley at full speed …

……… ..

At this time, deep in the Vault of Heaven …

In a dense forest, tall towering trees, with a nearly zhang high degree, cover the crown of the sky and cover the sun, forming a single piece, almost completely blocking the entire sky.

In the dimly lit forest, large black silhouettes gather together …

These people, it is Heaven’s Chosen, who is currently on the Vast Heaven Continent, is nearly 90% of the people who are still alive.

Mo Wunian faced an incomparable gigantic mountain rock, his eyes kept blinking, and a powerful Divine Consciousness on his body repeatedly explored the mountain rock repeatedly.

At this time, he was full of suffocation and anger …

Before he came to Vast Heaven Continent, he didn’t expect how, in this place where dogs don’t lay eggs and birds don’t shit, he will fall in the sewer, forced by a group of indigenous people, like a mouse, hiding in This dark place doesn’t even dare to reveal his head.

Moreover, there are 2 10000 Heavenly Sins of the Ziming tribe, and now there are less than 1000 people alive …

Mo Wunian thought of this, his eyes would twitch violently, and his heart was bleeding.

These are the Martial Artists with the most innate talent among the young generations of the Ziming tribe. It can be said that they are the foundation of the entire Ziming tribe in the future.

Elder within the clan gave these people to himself and brought Vast Heaven Continent to the trial, and as a result, lost 90% 9…

Even if I try my best to take them back to Saint Race, I am afraid that the name of the 1000 ancient sinners cannot be avoided.

“Mo Senior Brother, we must rescue Saintess!”

Behind Mo Wunian, a tall youth of the Ming nationality, his face as heavy as iron, opened the mouth and said coldly.

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