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“Good! Mo Senior Brother, these indigenous people dare to treat us so much, they must kill them all!”

“Revenge for the dead clansman, we cannot let them go easily!”

“Rescue Saintess, return to Saint Race, when the time comes, purple robe High Priest, will not let them go!”


With a sudden opening, several hundred Heaven’s Chosen were suddenly attracted, all roared, all excited and angry, all with grief and anger.

Hearing the roars, Mo Wunian turned around slowly, her cold, iron gaze swept across a clansman’s face …

Suddenly, all of the Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen roaring in unison, all quieted down, staring straight at Mo Wunian.

“hmph! ”

With a groan, the powerful aura swept the audience instantly …

“Chu Yan…. Vast Heaven Continent…. Will never let them go!”

In a word, like a starlight ignited dry wood, nearly 800 pairs of eyes, and instantly became a red blood …

“However, no one didn’t expect, in 100,000 years, these Vast Heaven Continent’s indigenous mice have grown to this level! They have the strength to compete with our Saint Race!”

Mo Wunian with both eyes contains infinite coldness, opened the mouth and said

As soon as this remark came out, the 800 Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen was present, all of them were startled, and their faces were fading, and many people’s faces became flushed with shame.

Not bad!

No one didn’t expect, Haotian indigenous, who was originally weaker than ants, would become so powerful.

It’s just a piece of 3 Star Smelting Trial Land. Within Saint Race, I am afraid that even the top 100 is not in danger.

You know, the Heaven’s Chosen in the Blood Nether of previous time, when they came to Vast Heaven Continent for trial …

10000 Heaven’s Chosen came and only lost ten people!

But when it comes to their Ziming tribe, more than 2 10000 Heaven’s Chosen came, but it was almost exhausted.

This distance is even greater than heaven and earth!

“It’s all that … Chu Yan!”

The tall young man of the Ming nationality standing in front of Mo Wunian gritted his teeth

“If it weren’t for his Martial Soul to restrain our Wraiths and also capture Saintess, we wouldn’t lose!”

“And, before the war, those natives swallowed a kind of Golden Pill, as if it was Chu Yan’s order, those Golden Pill restrained our Saint Race strongest devouring Source Power …”

His words suddenly caused all Heaven’s Chosen, Qi nodded, Sea of ​​Consciousness to recall the situation on the battlefield, exactly the same as he said.

As he said, if it was not Chu Yan, one after another took out their tricks to restrain them, this battle, impossible defeat!

Originally it was a simple slaughter, devouring and cultivation, and it will not be what it is now.

Everything is because of that … Chu Yan!

Moreover, this Chu Yan turned out to be the same as their Saint Race Heaven’s Chosen, but it was Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base that actually had battle strength that surpassed the ordinary quasi-imperial powerhouse …

Moreover, in his battle with Mo Wunian Senior Brother, everyone can see that his strength is probably still above Mo Wunian.

Vast Heaven Continent, what happened to such a heavenly defying demon! ?

“Mo Senior Brother, what do we …!?”

The tall Ning youth asked.

“Hmph! I have already asked Mo Cang, this Vault of Heaven, originally the Sect created by Chu Yan, where Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect is located …”

Mo Wunian’s eyes swept across the audience, slowly speaking, expressing his own ideas and plans

“Before we appeared, Chu Yan concealed the entire Sect into the void in order to deal with us better. He did so only one possibility, that is, this Sect, or the people within it, was extremely important to him!”

Speaking of which, Mo Wunian turned his head and looked at the huge mountain next to it, then said

“As long as we break through this void channel, rush into the Rakshasa inside the sect, and capture all the people that Chu Yan values, maybe, everything has a chance!”

Mo Wunian knew very well that, compared to the clansman’s massive loss of sins, and Saintess was captured by the indigenous people, it was nothing.

If clansman is damaged, he will be sentenced by the clan and subject to painful criminal law, then the crime of Saintess being captured is enough for him to die 100 times.

So, in any case, even if the 800 clansman in front of him is lost, or even his own life, Saintess must be rescued.

But when thinking of the powerful Chu Yan, Mo Wunian could think of the same method as Chu Yan …

That is … hostages!

Exchange the Saintess with the hostages that Chu Yan values!

“Within this boulder, there is a very secret spiritual array, I believe it is the entrance channel of the Sect, I will crack it immediately, when the time comes, you … not good!”

Mo Wunianzheng explained the plan with Heaven’s Chosen, a group of people behind him. Suddenly, on the distant sky, a rainbow-like sword light broke through the air …

Boom … Rumble!

Like a thunderclap-like sword light, with a sudden Heavenly Sword momentum that divides Heaven and Earth, a sword fell off, and the entire Vault of Heaven is trembling ….

The sword light’s front refers to the crowd of Heaven’s Chosen among 100 to 1000 in the large jungle …

The sound of the sword was thunderous, the border was surging, the sword was not coming, the sound arrived first, Heaven and Earth roared, and the rainbow was wild!

“Not good! Enemy attack …”

“Wh … who !?”

“Run away … Chu Yan is here!”


Everyone turned their heads at the same time, and at a glance, they saw a black shadow and a golden silhouette on the sky, all flew at the same time, all of them exclaimed, all scared and pale, their bodies shaking, soul flies away and scatters .

Without any hesitation, this group of startled birds fled wildly, moved towards all directions in 4 directions, and dispersed as birds and beasts!

Mo Wunian saw the sword light struck, and was just about to order the formation to resist, but in a blink of an eye, the 800 clansman in front of him, but escaped cleanly, suddenly his face started, completely ignorant!

What … what is the situation! ?

Are these still the clansman of the Ziming tribe! ?

simply is a group of terrified rat ants …

The other party was only 2 people, they were so scared that they ran away …! ?

Whoo …!

Deep in the eyes, there was a deep disappointment, Mo Wunian knew, of course, that by his own strength, the fundamental impossible was Chu Yan and the monster Emperor ’s opponent. Soaring into the sky, quickly evade.


Just when his figure just hit Heaven, the rainbow sword light was cut heavily in the secret forest, exploding the weather, the majestic air waves, and rushing the whole valley …

what….! what….! what….!

The waves of mountains and seas swept through Heaven and Earth, sweeping all directions, and the slower Heavens’s Chosen, who were swept by the air waves, suddenly made a mournful scream sound, a path of blood mist exploded , Dozens of Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen, lost on the spot!

might of a single sword, even if it is Strength Qi waves, the same instant kill piece!

Seeing behind him, the tragic phenomenon of a dozen clansman’s loss, the remaining escape alive’s genius Heaven’s Chosen, even scared the whole body’s scalp numbness, such as falling into the ice cellar, dare not have the slightest stay, and run wild!

“En !? Mo Wunian !?”

Chu Yan is holding Clear Sky, standing in the sky, black robe hunting, pupil light sweeping, and at a glance, he sees Mo Wunian skyward …

“Mo Wunian, prepare to die!”

In a word, Chu Yan long sword shook, rising from the ground, like a black sun, running away!

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