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Clear Sky Sword, black glow, Chong Yan, Chu Yan go straight against the night, go straight to Mo Wunian …

Just broke to the upper Martial Sovereign Realm Peak, the strength has more than doubled, and now Chu Yan, on the cultivation base, has surpassed Mo Wunian.

You should know that after Martial Sovereign Realm, every promotion of Small Realm is the difference between Heaven and Earth. Besides, Chu Yan improved 2 Small Realm in one breath.

Compared with the war a few days ago, Mo Wunian is not Chu Yan’s opponent.

When the Clear Sky Sword came out, the word glow that shook the world, such as the long rainbow breaking the sky, the prosperity of the sword, like the raging sea of ​​anger, as if even the sky dome could be cut.

“10000 Elephant Avatar, come out!”

Under shout out loudly, on Chu Yan, a path of black silhouette flew out like lightning …

A total of 7 10000 elephants Avatar, holding a long sword, rushing into the night, moved towards 4 all directions, terrified Heaven’s Chosen, and rushed away.

Mo Wunian above the horizon, when he saw Chu Yan for the first time, his heart was trembling, his eyes were wide, his jaw was almost dislocated …

In just a few days, the indigenous cultivation base has improved so much! ?

Moreover, not only the native Chu Yan, but also the Monster Race Martial Emperor beside him, the monster qi on his body at this time is more than twice as powerful as the previous few days.

What … what is the situation! ?

On this Vast Heaven Continent, is there any secret of peerless peerless, which can make Martial Artist’s cultivation base quickly improve! ?

Otherwise, it is only 3 to 5 days. One human one monster, 2 indigenous people, has almost doubled their strength …

This … is simply impossible! ?

How is it possible for Martial Artists in the Spirit Qi Barrens to grow faster than their Saint Race! ?

“Quick … Quick escape! Everyone, immediately spread out, can escape one is one!”

Mo Wunian was just in a trance, he immediately woke up and growled loudly …

He knew that compared to the previous few days, this battle today, although the opponent is only 2 people, but in addition to the one-sided slaughter, there will never be second results.

Boom … Rumble!

black glow Chongxiao, 5-color Sword Qi lingering sword light, came straight, Mo Wunian clenched the teeth, azure light appeared in the hand, and Qingming Halberd appeared.

“Yanri Halberd!”

Mo Wunian’s eyes are like blood, True Qi is like a tide in the whole body, there is no trace of keeping hands, nor dare to have any trace of keeping hands, urge the whole body strength, the halberd sweeps out, and hits the oncoming sword glow….

Boom … boom …!

The halberd light is like thunder, the long mans is over the sky, like a thunder and lightning dragon that is rushing into the sky, exuding the bright light of the sky, with 10000 sounds of thunder and thunder, rumble transits, and it slams straight towards the cut Word glow!

In one move, he didn’t wait for the two attacks to collide, but Mo Wunian had already turned around and fled, moved towards the horizon, and flew away.

Boom … boom …!

2 Thunderous giant explosions opened, the halberd light and sword glow exploded at the same time, the mighty aftermath of the energy, picked up a full wave of 1000 zhang high, moved towards 4 sides, all directions rushed open …

That mighty Heavenly Halberd awn, when it only stopped for a while, it blasted away, turned into a raging weather, and continued to dissipate. The black sword glow, with 5 colors of lightning, passed straight, but it was cut In the void …

“Well, Mo Wunian escaped !?”

Chu Yan startled, wondering softly.

A breath of time was enough to allow Mo Wunian to escape to a distance of 1000 miles. In a flash, the silhouette had reached this horizon, only a small black dot.

And those who are Heaven’s Chosen, are not so lucky. They were swept by two terrorist waves before and after. They lost more than a dozen people for the first time, and almost 2 people for the second time …

pu! pu! pu!

a path of moved towards 4 面 8 Words escaped the clan Heaven’s Chosen Broken corpse, constantly falling from the air through the air and smashed the ground with a muffled sound, like dumplings, there were more than 100 clan Heaven’s in an instant Chosen lost …

The ear emperor was not idle, directly transformed into Tianjiao, rushed into the cloud, and kept in one direction. As long as he wanted to escape from this direction, Heaven’s Chosen, no one could rush past his golden jaws!

In less than a blink of an eye, the Ear Emperor blasted the sky from the sky, and the Shang Dynasty 100’s Heaven’s Chosen….

“Oh … run away!”

“Go! Moved towards Mo Senior Brother, escape in that direction!”

“Go! Don’t look back …”


All kinds of horrified roars resounded through the sky, and the remaining 4 500 Heaven’s Chosen made a great effort to eat and fled wildly, hoping to leave this place soon.

Most of them are in the direction of Mo Wunian …

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan slightly narrows the eyes, with a flick of his body, directly blocked the direction completely, and Clear Sky repeatedly slashed …

The huge sword shadow surged out, almost occupying half of the sky, and there was still the possibility of escape.

what….! what….! what…..!

The sword shadow is like the Pentium River, where it passes by, a path of purple black silhouette is engulfed in an instant, in addition to a scream, it is instantly decomposed by sword shadow and turned into a bloody rain, 4 scattered … .

“Hmph! I still want to escape!”

Chu Yan coldly snorted, holding Clear Sky, Divine Consciousness controlled 7 10000 elephants Avatar, moved towards each and everyone Heaven clan Heaven’s Chosen, chased away.

“die for me !”

Holding Clear Sky Sword, one sword after another, slashing out constantly, black sword glow, with 5-color lightning, striking the sky, moved towards each and everyone in the background of the Heaven’s Chosen of the Minzu, straight away …

Ah … ah … ah …!

With a mournful scream, dozens of Heaven’s Chosen shrouded in Chu Yan’s word light were instantly separated by a sword, blood spattered, internal organs flowed together, body protection astral qi, could not stop the word light at all.

Moreover, with Chu Yan’s speed getting faster and faster, like the tide-like sword light, hiding the sky and covering the earth, constantly cutting out …

Those Ming’s Heaven’s Chosen, although the movement art is extremely fast, but how impossible is faster than sword glow.

Therefore, the sky above the Vault of Heaven at this time has become a slaughter!

Chu Yan true body, plus 7 10000 elephants like Avatar, plus Ear Emperor, under 3 Layer battle strength, basically at the first breath time, harvest the life of 100 Ming’s Chosen Heaven’s Chosen at the speed of the first slaughter!

For these Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen, Chu Yan is extremely angry with Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect’s actions, and naturally will not show any mercy to them.

Moreover, this time war, this is the battle between life and death between the Hades and Human Race, which is related to the survival of the race, and it is even more impossible.

These Hades, Heaven’s Chosen, originally came to Vast Heaven Continent to slaughter all creatures!

“Not good! He is going to kill us …”

“How can this native be stronger than a few days ago?”

“Not only the native, but the Monster Emperor has become stronger!”



Seeing Chu Yan and the Ear Emperor, constantly killing the Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen, the sky is full of sword light and paw prints, blood and corpses, flying under 4 times, and the alive Heaven’s Chosen, all are scared soul flies away and scatters, except Escape, there is no trace of resistance at all.

In fact, according to Chu Yan’s first thought, Mo Wunian’s thoughts …

He is preparing to resist Chu Yan, the remaining 800 Heaven’s Chosen, against the Ear of the Ears, in this way, he has the strength to fight, and, if using some cards, there may be a chance of winning …

However, all of the Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen were terrified. Chu Yan fled and fled as soon as he appeared. Under the scatter, simply impossible was the opponent of Chu Yan and Ear Emperor.

This result is exactly the method they originally intended to deal with Vast Heaven Continent!

Now, with one’s way, one’s own return!

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