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The 800 Hades of Heaven’s Chosen, under the full power of Chu Yan and the Ear Emperor, fully lost half of it within ten breaths.

“Emperor Ear, I’ll leave it to you here! I will chase Mo Wunian!”

Chu Yan’s eyes swept across the sky, and the powerful Divine Consciousness instantly discovered that Mo Wunian was hiding on a mountain peak in the distance, secretly peeking at the battle here, immediately sneaked, opened the mouth and said.

“Okay! Rest assured …”

The ear-eared eyes were red, they were killing up, and immediately loudly roared, answered Chu Yan.

Whoo …!

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan suddenly turned into electricity, moved towards the direction where Mo Wunian was, and swept away.

“What !? He found me …”

Mo Wunian, who restrained aura to the extreme, saw Chu Yan rushing towards himself, and suddenly his face was white …

Just now he saw with his own eyes that Chu Yan’s battle strength is more than double the previous few days. Now he is not Chu Yan’s opponent at all.

Uh …!

There is also no hesitation, Mo Wunian rises into the sky from the mountain peak of invisible, moved towards the distance, and flees.

Seeing that Mo Wunian turned around and fled, Chu Yan had expected that he would never let him go, and suddenly his speed rose again, chasing the other side.


2 silhouettes, one after the other, as if 2 black lightnings, across the sky, moved towards the farther and farther away.

Tearing the Void constantly, keeping the movement art speed in the Peak state, as fast as a rainbow …

Mo Wunian’s movement art should be an imperial martial skill. After he worked all one’s strength, he even had a balanced distance with Chu Yan …

However, after Chu Yan used a “Five Elements”, the speed suddenly rose sharply, and soon the distance was brought closer again …

“die for me !”

With a stern drink, Chu Yan just rushed into the distance of 10 li and waved his hand with a sword …


The mighty Sword Qi, traversing the sky, wrapped in five-color gang thunder, might monstrous, straight to Mo Wunian.

“Asshole …!”

Feeling the attack of sword glow behind him, Mo Wunian’s red face was green. In order to maintain speed, True Qi, which was not much, and consumed a lot, where he dared to take this horrible sword directly, and directly turned to change direction. , Hurry to dodge …

call out…!

However, just when he just flashed and rushed to the sky on the left, behind him, 3 4 sword glow struck again, sealing off all his escape routes, giving him no chance at all …

“Qingming spear, come out!”

With a loud roar, Mo Wunian’s eyes were split, and he directly summoned his Martial Soul …


The big spear of azure, as soon as it comes out, provokes the void, trembling constantly, Martial Soul of Grade 1 of Grade 1, might be shocking!

“Tianyan 10000 spear!”

With a stern drink, Mo Wunian drove the azure euphorbia in his hand, transported the full body of True Qi and Fleshy body power, and swept suddenly …

shua! shua! shua! shua!

Suddenly, as the azure euphorbia waved out, a path of azure’s halberd burst out continuously, and instantly it was a torrent of 100 halberds on the foot, moved towards behind swept away….

Behind him, Qingming spear Martial Soul, burst out 10000 azure light, the powerful Martial Soul increase power, accurately fell on each azure halberd, the power of 1000 halberds, more than doubled.

Boom … Rumble!

The halberd shadow jungle thundering like a thunder sea sweeps the sky, like a sea of ​​azure, moved towards Chu Yan swept away….

The powerful Bingfeng wave, with an unmatched might, smashed into the void of 10 li, crushed into fine powder, and collided with a black sword glow, fiercely …

Boom … boom … rumble!

A shocking explosion of Heaven and Earth sounded, a terrifying wave of halberd light was cut by the black sword glow, and suddenly fell apart, 4 scattered apart, turned into turbulence, swept all directions… ..

5 sword glow, 4 cracks, the remaining a, but burst out of the air and burst into the waves, straight to Mo Wunian …


The sword glow is like electricity, hitting the sky in an instant, and slashing towards Mo Wunian’s body protection Gang Yuan….

A cold, iron-like killing intent, tingling Mo Wunian’s skin, so that his entire body of hair directly exploded …

“Wh … what !?”

Mo Wu-nian, who was almost scared, looked towards the eyes, with a word glow of less than 1000 steps, his heart rose, the death of big shares, crazy rise …

However, between the turmoil, Mo Wunian was too late to shoot again, and could only barely hold the Qingming Halberd in his hand and block him in front …

bang bang Bang!

clang! clang! clang!

The flutter of blood and flesh, the golden spear intersect, and at the same time sound, sweeping through the sky …

I saw Mo Wunian, a Sword Mark with a thick wrist, passed through, and the blood arrow came straight out, spitting out the bloody rain.


The sound of mournful scream sounded, Mo Wuji’s body was stabbed out of the body by powerful force, and his mouth was spurting blood, with both eyes, full of despair.

This sword is in the middle of his belly, if it is not a Spirit Armor on his body, which offsets most of the strength, I am afraid that now he has already been directly divided by this sword ……

However, even a very small part of Sword Qi, following the wound, rushed into his within the body, and under the crazy strangling, he also suffered a lot of internal injuries. If this is an ordinary person, this kind of injury will die 100 times. enough.

“Mo Wunian, you can’t escape!”

Chu Yan’s voice was like ice, and his eyes were staring at his opponent struggling in the air, standing firmly in the shape, coldly opened the mouth and said.

“Earth …. Indigenous, I am one of the 3 Heaven’s Chosen of the Ziming tribe. It’s up to you and I want to kill … Kill me !?”

Between the words, Mo Wunian’s corner of the mouth, a lot of dirty blood mixed with some visceral fragments, kept pouring out, and he looked extremely bloody.

The sword just now not only hurt Fleshy body, but also, his strong energy, even his Sea of ​​Consciousness, were affected, Divine Consciousness was greatly damaged …

“Really !? I’m going to try …”

hearing this, Chu Yan sneered, Clear Sky Sword in his hand, then lifted up, the powerful True Qi Gang Yuan, constantly pouring into the sword body, the dark-skinned Clear Sky Sword pointed, pointing directly at Mo Wumin …

An extremely sharp sword breath, constantly rushing away, in an instant, these auras, like the calm sea, suddenly grabbed the monstrous waves, turned into extremely terrifying sword waves, moved towards Mo Wunian swept away….

This sword, may be extremely strong, and it is a range attack …

For Mo Wunian, who has been injured, it is definitely a must-have!

“Hehe …..”

Seeing the sword tide that swept across half of the sky hit Mo Wunian’s face, there was no trace of confusion, but instead a more decisive color, and even a proud color …

Not bad!

It’s a triumph!

Just like that, the conspiracy is about to succeed!

Uh …!

Mo Wunian turned his hand over his palm, and suddenly there was a purple jade stone.

This jade stone is nether purple, among the purple jade stone, the rich grey airflow slowly floats in it, as if it is a sea of ​​clouds, it is locked in the purple jade stone.

This purple jade stone is Mo Wunian’s last life-saving method!

But it is the Master. When he became one of the 3 Heaven’s Chosen of Ziming Clan, he handed it to him!

“Aboriginal, you go die for me!”

With a loud roar, Mo Wunian’s face was twisted, and the whole face was completely twisted into a ball. It was extremely crazy. Raising his hand and throwing the purple jade stone to Chu Yan …

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