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The time flows by little by little …

During the day and night, in a silence, the exchange is constantly changing.

In a blink of an eye, within 2 days, in a flash …

Today, it is the day when the Space-Time channel is about to be opened again. Outland and Vast Heaven Continent will soon be connected again!

Once in 100,000 years, if Chu Yan and Ear Emperor miss this opportunity, they have to wait another 100,000 years!

More importantly, because Chu Yan’s plan has been in the majority, Heaven’s Chosen, the Ming tribe, has more than 2 10000 people, and the remaining 100 people lost in Vast Heaven Continent …

As a result, if Chu Yan this time cannot pass through the Space-Time channel, then, next is the crazy counter-attack of the Ming Clan!

At that time, all the creatures of the entire Vast Heaven Continent will once again face the situation of genocide and death, and by that time, Chu Yan was no longer able to do anything!

Therefore, at this time, Chu Yan must charge ahead, destroy the Space-Time channel altar at the other end, and give Vast Heaven Continent a buffer time.

At the very least, Vast Heaven Continent is safe until they re-establish the Space-Time channel connected to Vast Heaven Continent!

“Brother Chu Yan, time is up!”

Ear Emperor woke up from the cultivation state before Chu Yan, slowly got up, looked at the black altar not far away, and slowly opened the mouth and said.

“En! Success or failure … in this battle!”

Hearing the words of the ear emperor, Chu Yan slowly opened his eyes and stood up …

Buzz …!

2 People chatted a few words. Suddenly, not far from the top of the black altar, abruptly, a Spirit Mark like an eye suddenly lit up …

Immediately afterwards, Spirit Mark, whose eyes were closed, began to change slowly, like a person’s eyes, slowly opening …

And with every trace of its width, the rays of light on the entire altar will be brighter …

“To be opened!”

Seeing this scene, the ear emperor immediately felt that the complexion sank, immediately, brows slightly wrinkle, took out a golden scale and handed it to Chu Yan.

“Chu Yan, this is one of my scales. I poured blood essence and Divine Soul into it, and refined it into a high rank Life Spirit Mark!”


Chu Yan subconsciously took the golden scales, wondering.

“If … I’m unfortunately killed in battle! If there is still a chance, Vast Heaven Continent won’t hurt, I hope you can help me resurrect!”

Ear emperor’s face was solemn, looking at Chu Yan, with a few requests, said sincerely.

“En! Rest assured!”

I originally wanted to say and so on Chu Yan, when I saw the look of the ear emperor, I suddenly turned around and directly nodded and agreed.

In fact, this time, with Saintess Mo Siqian in hand, Chu Yan has a lot of confidence and will succeed!

However, the ear emperor even spoke, and the 2 people will immediately fight side by side again, Chu Yan will not refuse!

“I asked Mo Siqian, at the end of the channel, there are 2 Martial Emperor guarding, so this battle is absolutely impossible! We can only outsmart it!”

Chu Yan looked at the depth of the ear emperor’s eyes, and there was a trace of decisive color, suddenly opening to remind.

“What !? 2 … 2 Martial Emperor !? Then … how to outsmart !? That Saintess, really useful !?”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, the ear was shocked!

“Good! I have some discoveries! This Saintess is not simple! I think it should be more useful than what I started guessing!”

Chu Yan chuckled and appeared confident!

“Hu … that’s good!”

The Emperor of Ears heard that long relaxed, although he didn’t ask Chu Yan for details, he knew Chu Yan’s character and wouldn’t talk casually, but if he said it, he would be sure!


next moment , Chu Yan pupil light sweeps, Divine Consciousness is like water, moved towards 9th layer, peak 4 sides all directions, keep pouring …

Soon, when Divine Consciousness rushed out of the 1000 mile range, he found several familiar auras, precisely those of the sham family Heaven’s Chosen.

These people, forming groups, not at all gathered together, but from different directions, cautiously moved towards the 9th layer peak close!

Obviously, they also know that the Space-Time channel is about to open, and today is also their last chance!

Now, they have less than 100 people. If they stay in Vast Heaven Continent, they will only have a dead end. Moreover, with the barrenness of Vast Heaven Continent, their Martial Dao has come to an end!

So, even if it is dead, they are ready to fight together!

“Emperor Ear, you are here, I will meet those guests!”

Chu Yan chuckled, fell to the floor, and stood straight up …

At the moment when he rose up from the ground, the original figure was a figure, rising from the sky, but there were 8 silhouettes….

It was Chu Yan who urged the 10000 elephant showdown, which was divided into 7 Avatar, plus true body, exactly 8 people, moved towards 8 directions, quickly killed!

Looking at the speed at which the Spirit Mark opened on the altar, I am afraid there will be a period of time, so Chu Yan is taking advantage of this time to prepare to clean up these alien remnants!

However, when these people saw Chu Yan approaching, Mao suddenly burst into fright and fled frantically …

Even if Chu Yan pursues with all his strength, he only kills a dozen or so. On the occasion of didn’t expect, life and death, the speed of these alien Heaven’s Chosen will soon become like this …

After returning to the 9th layer peak, Chu Yan and Huang Huang wait patiently …

In the ensuing time, those ghetto Heaven’s Chosen, the more they gather, the more unwilling to approach the 9th layer peak again …

Moreover, Chu Yan found a very familiar silhouette, it is … Mo Wu Nian!

As soon as Mo Wunian appeared, he summoned all Heaven’s Chosen together, hiding in a sea of ​​spirit clouds, from above, looked towards 9th layer peak …

“Mo Senior Brother, what to do !?”

Heaven’s Chosen, who survived less than 50 people, all had a pale face, surrounded by Mo Wunian all around, and asked with despair

“That Aborigine, and Monster Emperor are at the entrance of the tunnel, we can’t go back!”

“It’s troublesome now, if they stay there, we really want to stay in this indigenous World !?”

“No! Never! I want to go back to Saint Race, I don’t want to stay here!”

“Mo Senior Brother, think of a way! We must go back to Saint Race!”


Dozens of Heaven’s Chosen spoke in unison, and some people even cried in tears, almost crying!

Seeing the passage altar open, and they approached for the first time, just in a blink of an eye, Chu Yan was killed by dozens of people, simply unable to get close …

In this case, if you want to break through Chu Yan’s guard and step on the Space-Time channel, simply is simply an ossible thing!

“What are you afraid of !? Look at you, there is a little Saint Race clansman look!”

Mo Wunian was extremely disappointed with these Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen. You must know that if they were not afraid of death in the Vault of Heaven, they would run away in random, according to his plan and hole card, it is entirely possible to overturn, but …

Up to now, more than 800 Heaven’s Chosen are dead with only 50 people left, their hole cards have been exposed, and they have been injured.

Now, if you want to play against Chu Yan again, there is no possibility!

“You think about it, as soon as the Space-Time channel opened, it was Saint Race connected to this indigenous World!”

Mo Wunian landed on the floor and asked dozens of Heaven’s Chosen to stare at him …

“After the passage is opened, if they do n’t leave, we wo n’t go back, even if Elder, who is guarding the passage on the side of Saint Race, will take action and come along the passage to check here! Hmph! When the time comes …….! “

Speaking of which, Mo Wunian’s face reveals a smile!

Others’ faces suddenly started, and they reacted quickly …

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