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As Mo Wunian said, as long as the connection channel is opened, it means that there is new hope!

Therefore, a pair of eyes of Heaven’s Chosen, a pair of underworld clan, lighted up again.

Being in a desperate situation, Mo Wunian’s words are equivalent to giving them a life-saving straw, so, next moment, the eyes of more than 50 Ming tribes Heaven’s Chosen looked at the 9th layer peak …

Boom … Rumble!

At this moment, a dull rumbling sound resounded through the sky …

Like a thunder burst in the water, not only is the sound loud, but it seems to be passing along the void with a burst of power, and it continues to spread out 4 …


The large sky, under this muffled sound, began to tremble gently, and this tremor became stronger and stronger with the passage of time …

Uh …!

Just as Chu Yan and Ear Emperor stared at the alert, suddenly, not far from the black altar, a dazzling black beam of light rose into the sky, moved towards the sky, and rushed straight away …

This is a black beam of light, with a circle of purple circles, wrapped in a black beam of light, rising from the altar, set outside the black beam of light, and constantly rushing to the sky …

purple circle pattern, like a circle of water ripples, moved towards the sky in all directions on 4 sides, trembling constantly …

As a result, a larger area of ​​the void was dyed with a purple and black color, and it didn’t take ten breaths time. Like a purple black lake, it appeared on the sky of the 9th layer peak.

Uh …! Uh …!

Seeing this natural phenomenon, Chu Yan and Ear Emperor were two people with dignified faces, looked at each other, and stood up at the same time, moved towards in midair, a large purple black void approached.

You do n’t have to guess that this purple black void is the opening position of the Space-Time channel.

Although the last time, the Ming tribe Heaven’s Chosen came down, because Mo Wunian used special means to forcibly change the location of the advent, but the source of the space channel is still at the place where the altar is on the 9th layer peak.

Then, two people stood in the sky, standing quietly in the sky, staring at the purple black area in front of their eyes, expanding and solidifying …

The strong void mutation seems to cause the backlash of Vast Heaven Continent. The void all around in the purple black area begins to become mad, and the constant collision squeezes this purple black void.

However, this purple black void seems to have extremely powerful power. Not only is it not suppressed, but it continues to move towards all around …

Boom … Rumble! Boom … Rumble!

A dull thunder blast sounded continuously in the sky, deep and powerful, like a scene before rainstorm.

Because of the extremely close distance, Chu Yan and Ear Emperor were stunned by this sound and caused Divine Soul to tremble. This shows that the strength of this power is not human.

With the recurrence of Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon, all parts of Vast Heaven Continent, some strong Sect and peerless Martial Artists, all vacated, standing at 10,000 zhang high altitude, moved towards the 9th layer peak direction.

Such a natural phenomenon means that Hiro Heavenly Tribulation…. Is over!

This time’s Hao Heavenly Tribulation, the entire Vast Heaven Continent, the lost Martial Artist, less than 1000000, and the annihilated Sect less than 100 …

Compared with the case of the Heavenly Tribulation 100,000 years ago, the entire continent was devastated and hard to find in 1000 miles. It was completely as different as heaven and earth!

Every Martial Artist at Vast Heaven Continent knows very clearly what is the reason for all this!

It is precisely because, before this year’s Hao Heavenly Tribulation, a heaven defying demon appeared … Chu Yan!

Even with his own strength, he swept the continent to achieve unification, and then led the entire continent Peak powerhouse, and died a battle with Heaven’s Chosen, actually defeated the alien powerhouse and saved the entire continent.

This kind of behavior, simply is … salvation!

Boom … rumbling! Boom … Rumble!

Above the sky, the sky explodes with thunder, getting louder and denser, and the power of the purple black area is constantly increasing. Within the time of hundred breaths, it even rushed into a large vacancy in the void and completely occupied it. !

Uh …!

At the same time, on the top of the 9th layer peak altar, the purple black opened eyes, along the black light column, continued to rise, and finally reached the purple black void area …

The eye-shaped Spirit Mark merged with the purple black area, and it immediately began to evolve, growing and expanding rapidly!

In a blink of an eye, it evolved into a dark void crack. Numerous electric flowers lingered, slowly opened, as if an ancient gate, slowly opened …

Buzz … buzz … buzz …!

The void is trembling continuously, Heaven and Earth simultaneously out roaring sound, the sea of ​​clouds above the sky rolls over and continues to dissipate …

The Space-Time channel continues to expand, and after about ten breaths, it is finally completely shaped and stopped expanding.

At this time, the Space-Time channel exudes a powerful aura. The deep and bottomless channel is full of purple black brilliance, like a starry sky zone, leading to the endless universe, the end of the world …

“Quick! Let’s go!”

Chu Yan’s eyes flicked, her body shaped into electricity, moved towards the Space-Time channel, and flew away …

Ear emperor did not hesitate, immediately behind Chu Yan, 2 people flashed to purple black area at the same time!

Just blinking time, one black and one gold, 2 silhouettes, before the Space-Time channel …

However, neither Chu Yan nor Ear Emperor stepped directly into the Space-Time channel, but turned around, turned their backs toward the channel, and looked alertly towards all around… ..

“Strange! Does Mo Wunian not want to go back !?”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, a little puzzled softly.

“Hmph! I don’t believe it! The dozens of aliens who survived, including him, definitely want to go back!”

The ear-eared coldly snorted, his face full of murderous aura, and the pupil light have been on the horizon around the all around, looking around at 4 places.

“Good! No matter what they think !? In the end, they have to leave Vast Heaven Continent from here, and only today, only one day! Otherwise, they don’t want to go back in their entire lives!”

Chu Yan sneered, who seemed to have a heart, opened the mouth and said.

With Mo Wunian’s thoughts, Chu Yan has guessed!

After all, Chu Yan has experienced many times himself. Although the Nether tribe is a foreign alien, it is also a Sect-style force. For Heaven’s Chosen’s trial, it should not be much different from Vast Heaven Continent!

After the normal trial, at the other end of the void channel, there will be someone waiting for these Heaven’s Chosen to return. At the same time, there will be inside the sect Elder Deacon, etc. to preside over the trial result evaluation, give rewards and so on!

Therefore, if Mo Wunian’s Heaven’s Chosen don’t go back from the void channel for a long time, then the other Ming’s big brothers must have doubts and may come to try World to check!

And this is also the time for Mo Wunian to wait!

It’s just that Chu Yan doesn’t care about Mo Wunian’s dim sum!

Because, the purpose of Chu Yan’s trip is to go to the outer domain through this Space-Time channel, so no matter whether he is in the past or they come over, in the end, they will inevitably contend with the masters of the Ming tribe!

Therefore, the final result still depends on whether Chu Yan’s hole card works or not!

And this Mo Wunian, including Heaven’s Chosen, the remaining aristocrat, Chu Yan is planning to leave none before he leaves!

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