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Chu Yan looked at the dark Space-Time channel and exhaled for a long time with a disappointment on his face.

Although this battle kills all the Ming’s Heaven’s Chosen, but only one Mo Wunian is missed, it is considered a big victory!

However, both Chu Yan and Ear Emperor didn’t expect, Mo Wunian still had a life-saving card!

That Avatar, which is completely different from the Avatar transformed by Chu Yan True Qi, is a real flesh and blood, so that he can escape.

“He, Avatar, is obviously a unique means of the Hades! It should be related to the swallowing of the origin!”

Ear Emperor stood aside, seeing Chu Yan’s face pale, and could not help but comforted.

After all, in this situation, no one can think of it, naturally there is no way to prepare for it!

“Come on, Chu Yan!”

Ear Emperor glanced at the Space-Time channel in front of him, and now there are 2 hours left, and there is nothing left!

“2 hours have passed, the Space-Time channel is closing!”


At the same time that the voice of the ear emperor fell to the ground, the Space-Time channel in front of him began to buzz and tremble, and there were continuous purple black spots, which overflowed from the crack of Space-Time and obviously dissipated!

“Good! Let’s go!”

Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly lit up, then, slowly turned back, looked towards the earth and mountains behind him …

This piece of Vast Heaven Continent is where I grew up, and now I should leave!

The pupil light swept, and his eyes flickered. After a glance, Chu Yan withdrew his eyes and looked at the Space-Time channel in front of him. Without any hesitation, he strode in and rushed into the dark Space-Time channel with one foot. Disappeared!

Seeing Chu Yan enter, the ear emperor did not hesitate, flashed closely, followed closely from behind, and rushed into the Space-Time channel …

One black and one gold, 2 silhouettes, disappeared at the same time!

As the two of them rushed into the endless darkness, the entire 2th layer peak quickly recovered calm!

Except for the huge altar, the cracks in a Space-Time are still shaking and dissipating …

After a full breaths time, finally, all the power of rays of light and Space-Time disappeared, and the 9th layer peak was restored to the same state of 100,000 years again!


In the Space-Time channel …

A piece of nothingness and darkness, Chu Yan and the Ear Emperor walked side by side, the whole god was alert …

4 sides in all directions, all stars and seas, 2 people seem to be in the Endless Starry Sky, foot 10000 1000 starlight, along a galaxy-like light belt, continue to advance …

They have gone for one hour, but the environment around all has not changed at all, as if this Star River road has no end.

Ear emperor was extremely curious about the environment he was in. A pair of golden pupil light, looked around for 4 times. Although he was also alert, he was obviously excited and excited because he had never seen such a scene.

Chu Yan, who was a human being in the past, knew a little bit about the previous life, about the description of Universe Starry Sky and the vast world, so, although surprised, it was okay.

Going all the way, after walking again for nearly one hour, Chu Yan and Ear Emperor finally came to a huge light door …

Here, it is clearly the exit of this Space-Time channel!

2 people looked at this starlight gate, which was very similar to the city gate. Careful Divine Consciousness explored for a long time before slowly withdrawing his gaze.

“Brother Chu Yan, it should be the exit here! Outside … it should be the sphere of influence of the outside clan!”

Ear emperor’s face was condensed, looked towards Chu Yan, opened the mouth and said softly.

“En! Mo Wunian fled back, they should have been understood, we will have news soon!”

Chu Yan nodded, a faint color on his face, opened the mouth and said coldly.

If Mo Wunian was killed just after the first battle, then now, they can still be guarded by the outlaws of the Underworld clan, without defense, and suddenly charge ahead, maybe, there is a possibility of escape!

But now, I believe that because of Mo Wunian’s relationship, outside this light gate, there must be a strict array …

“Hmph! At worst fight with them! Anyway, I can’t go back now, I can only rush out!”

Ear Emperor snorted again, a trace of decisive color appeared on her face

“Brother Chu Yan, after waiting for charge ahead, you do n’t care about me. In any case, you must charge ahead! If possible, destroy the Space-Time altar over there and protect the Vast Heaven Continent!”

Some words, the ear emperor has made plans, his strength is not as good as Chu Yan, and, after he understood Chu Yan in Divine Beast Martial Soul, as long as Chu Yan is safe, he will do his best to protect Chu Yan.

On the other hand, the golden scale of his own heart was handed over to Chu Yan. As long as Chu Yan could escape, then he would have a chance to resurrect himself.

Although when the time comes, your own demon cultivation base is destroyed, but at least you can survive!

“Uh … alright!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan’s face started, slightly unexpected, didn’t expect, the ear emperor had such a plan!

But in the face of the emperor’s good intentions, Chu Yan couldn’t bear to say anything that made him uneasy, so he nodded and agreed.

According to Chu Yan’s plan, after stepping out of this light gate, perhaps, there will be no fighting, and the two of them will be able to get out safely.

It’s just that the plan belongs to the plan, and everything is still unknown!


At the next moment, Chu Yan waved a big hand, a silhouette flashed in front of him, but a woman in purple clothes suddenly appeared.

This person, no one else, is the Saintess Clan Saintess captured by Chu Yan … Mo Siqian!


Chu Yan suddenly raised his hand, a paw print condensed by a 5-color Gang Yuan, shot straight out, buckled to Mo Siqian, and suddenly caught between his necks, pulling it back to himself.

“this is….”

Mo Siqian was suddenly restrained by Chu Yan. First, a panic flashed across his face. When he saw his surroundings and found himself in the light gate of the Space-Time channel, his face suddenly cooled down and looked at Chu Yan , Coldly said

“Aboriginal, step out of here, you will die!”

Probably because endless is close to the site of Saint Race, Mo Siqian has confidence. Between the words, he is extremely arrogant, and his face is once again proud of the color!

“I’m dead, you can’t live!”

Chu Yan right hand, with a firm grip, immediately tightened Mo Siqian’s neck, which was white as jade, making her face instantly red …

Mo Siqian’s graceful eyebrows wrinkled and her face began to turn purple, which seemed a bit painful, but she didn’t dare to say anything more when she felt the murderous aura in Chu Yan’s eyes …

“Okay! I also grab a few!”

Seeing this scene, the ear emperor also turned his hands and took out a pearl. Under the infusion of True Qi, a dozen silhouettes appeared suddenly in front of him …

These dozens of people were all captured by the Ear Emperor in the battle with the Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen. Now they are used as hostages, just right!

As soon as these people appeared, they saw the ear emperor and Chu Yan, their faces twitched, they knelt down on the ground, and begged for mercy

“Please, forgive us!”

“Don’t kill us, we are useful! We are really useful!”

“Yes, as long as you don’t kill me, my Master and big brother will definitely let you go!”

“Yes! Yes! My Master is Elder, it will not be difficult for you! As long as you don’t kill me!”


life and death At present, a group of Heavenly Clan Heaven’s Chosen has a bit of guts. For the sake of life, they all open up and report to the family one after another, just to increase their weight and get a chance to live!

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