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Hearing Heaven’s Chosen’s words, Chu Yan and Ear Emperor suddenly looked stunned and looked at each other!

didn’t expect, these Heaven’s Chosen, all have some identity background, so that their plan is even more insured!

However, when I think about it, Chu Yan understands the whole story!

With Super Influence like the Ming clan, the discipline and the powerhouse are more than 1000 10000000, so for their loved ones and direct disciple, they will naturally spare no effort to cultivate from childhood …

Otherwise, how could these youths of the Ming tribe be able to achieve Heaven’s Chosen funding among their peers.

Of course, it is inseparable from the care and training of the big brothers behind him, precisely because they far exceed the cultivation resources of their peers, so they can become Heaven’s Chosen!

To put it simply, these people are all Noble children in the Netherworld, and they are naturally outstanding!

“It seems that the more than 2 Ming tribes Heaven’s Chosen we killed killed and defeated the Ming tribes!”

Chu Yan groaned a little, and also understood that on Vast Heaven Continent, kill’s more than 20000 Heavenly Clan Heaven’s Chosen is afraid that it is within the Ming Clan, and there are many forces associated with it. In this way, stepping into the Dark Clan After the earth, I am afraid that the number of people who want to die is far more than 20000.

“En! As long as there is a chance, after we charge ahead, try to stay away from the ghetto influence!”

Ear emperor, as the superior, naturally knows the truth, nodded.

Sou! sou! sou!

In the next moment, the ear emperor waved his hand, and suddenly shot ten golden air currents, forming a continuous line, like a long rope, wrapped around the neck of a dozen Mingzu Heaven’s Chosen, with a light grasp, all in his hands … .

So, driven by the emperor, dozens of Heaven’s Chosen were scattered around Chu Yan and ear emperor all around in the center.

In this way, as long as the powerhouse of the Ming tribe wants to start, it must first bomb the Heaven’s Chosen in their own clan to attack him and Chu Yan.

After preparing everything, Chu Yan and Ear Emperor stared at each other, and were nodded at the same time!



In a word, 2 people were simultaneously body flashed, moved towards the light door and washed away …

…… ..

The endless forest ocean, 10,000 zhang tall towering ancient trees, cover the sky, cover the vast sky …

This is a mountain peak, a mountain peak completely covered by forest. At a glance, there is an endless continuous mountain range.

At the top of this mountain peak, there is a huge stone statue, holding a long sword, standing up with a sword, actually 1000 zhang high degrees.

The position of the foot of the purple black statue is a huge bluestone base, on which there is a stone gate like a palace gate, which has been fully opened.

After opening the stone, there is an endless sea of ​​stars, just like Myriad Realms, where the universe is running …

This purple sky forest occupies a range of 100000000 million miles and is vast and boundless. Even if it is above 10,000 zhang altitudes, its border cannot be seen.

However, such a huge forest, within the sphere of influence of the Ziming tribe, is just a small mountain range that is not well known.

If it were n’t for a stone gate with a predecessor, it could lead to a small world for trial. I ’m afraid that people here will not know.

At this time, before this stone statue, nearly 100 people had gathered outside the Star Gate.

In front of the more than 100 purple robe people, a young man was kneeling down, crying without crying …

This person just escaped from the star gate … Mo Wunian!

In front of him, there are nearly 100 purple robe powerhouses with iron-blue faces and flaming eyes, which are the elders and Deacon of the Ziming tribe …

Before these 100 Ziming tribes, there were 2 tall Martial Artists, obviously the leaders …

One of them, a scarlet long robe, a grey long beard with a face, a one-eyed eye, and a pupil light gray, staring straight into the star gate, his face is so rich that it becomes a solid killing intent, floating like a mist 4 …

The aura on his body is very condensed, as if it is an endless abyss, and it is like a big mountain. It makes people feel the 10000 average power, but it does not make people feel cold.

This person is exactly, who had a close relationship with Chu Yan … Litian Martial Emperor!

Beside him, a relatively short, holding a bone fan, slowly shaking, a faint black grey wave, flowing between the bone fans, lingering around him, like a layer of mist, covering him, let Some people can’t see his face clearly!

However, a ray of extremely cold aura continually radiated from him, making people feel that this person is more like a gloomy Nether Soul than a living person!

This person, whose name is … Xu Kun, is also a Martial Emperor powerhouse, which is only inferior to Litian Martial Emperor in strength!

Listening to Mo Wunian who is weeping bitter tears in front of me, he is constantly talking about what happened on Vast Heaven Continent, the faces of 2 Martial Emperor, as cold as ice and frost, rich killing intent, rushing away, like a burst The gusty wind swept through all directions, making towering ancient trees within 10000 steps, withered quickly and turned into decayed wood …

There are more than 2 10000 Heaven clan Heaven’s Chosen, all in a 3 Star Rank trial small world, all lost! ?

Only one Mo Wunian lived, and the others were all buried in the small World, and no one survived!

For 100,000 years, even for millions of years, the Ziming tribe, one of the three branches of the Ming tribe, has ever had such a major event of heaven shaking earth shattering!

If this matter is passed back to the clan, I am afraid that the entire Ziming clan will blow up the whole pot, and the whole clan will be angry!

Even more terrifying, even the 2 Martial Emperor are trembling, unable to bear The chilling rise is that the Saintess, who had just been born of the Ziming tribe, fell into the hands of an indigenous person, life and death is unknown!

2 More than 10000 Heaven’s Chosen are damaged. Although it will shock the whole family and even support the foundation of the forces of the Ziming people for the next 100,000 years, this is after all only a matter within the Ziming people.

But it’s about Saintess, it’s completely different!

What is Saintess? It is one of the successors of Holy Mother in the future. Strictly speaking, once Saintess is chosen, he will no longer be a person of the Ziming tribe, but a person of Saint Race!

If Saintess really had an accident within the Ziming tribe, the Saint Race executives were irritated. They were afraid that the Ziming tribe would be subject to an unimaginable ruling!

Looking at the Space-Time channel in front of me, the hearts of the two Martial Emperor are sad …

Strictly speaking, this matter has exceeded their processing authority, and it is not something they can manage at all, but according to Mo Wunian, the 2 natives will immediately come out of the Space-Time channel immediately after him … ..

In this way, it is the responsibility of two of them to capture the two indigenous people and ask where Saintess is.

“Xu Martial Emperor, Li Tian Martial Emperor, that Chu Yan, coming out …”

Mo Wunian felt a faint fluctuation of the power of Space-Time in the star gate behind him, and exclaimed suddenly.

“Get lost!”

“Get lost!”

Hearing Mo Wunian’s shouting, 2 Martial Emperor roared at the same time, yelling at Mo Wunian …

In their view, this Mo Wunian, as the leader of this time’s Heaven’s Chosen, even had a face alive, and when he won the indigenous people and returned to the clan, his ruling could not be light!

In the blame, Mo Wunian’s face was flushed, his face suffocated, and he quickly stepped aside, not even raising his head.

At this moment, in the Space-Time channel in front of me, a large silhouette suddenly flashed …

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