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Seeing the big crowds of the Ziming tribe, a pair of crimson eyes continually sweeping towards the ruins of the altar in the distance.

“Ah … hurt …!”

Suddenly felt a tremendous force, pinched between his neck, Mo Siqian exclaimed painfully, his face flushed purple …

This scream suddenly pulled the attention of all the big brothers of the Ziming tribe directly from the ruins of the altar, back to Chu Yan …

“Stop it! Aboriginal … you don’t want courting death!”

Li Tian Martial Emperor heard Saintess’s screams, and suddenly his face was stern, and he shouted out quickly.

“Aboriginal, you dare to fight with me… .. you want to live today!”

Asahi Martial Emperor’s face, already cold and almost able to bleed, a pair of venomous eyes, looked straight at Chu Yan, the misty mist all around the body, instantly became violent, and continued to surge and dance …

ka cha! ka cha!

Waiting for other people’s riots, 2 skeleton bursts, followed by Mo Siqian’s screams, rang …

Ah … ah ……!

Among the dozen Heaven’s Chosen hostages in the hands of the ear emperor, 2 of them have a bone, and at least half of them have been crushed by the ear emperor …

A few 10 bones, at the same time squeezed by Gang Yuan’s strength, under that pain, two bad luck Heaven’s Chosen, the painful face was as white as paper, large pieces of sweat beads, rolling off the forehead, one by one The face was almost completely wrinkled …

Puff … Puff …!

When the ear emperor smiled and let go of two golden paw prints, two Heaven’s Chosen who had been squeezed out of bone had a big mouth and spouted two big mouths of blood, which directly passed out and died ….


Whether it ’s the 2 Martial Emperor, or the many Ziming tribes, seeing this one, it ’s all complexion greatly changed….

“Indigenous, are you challenging our bottom line !?”

Li Tian Martial Emperor, voice ice cold like frost, in the tone, has revealed a decisive color …

“Hmph! As you just said, as long as the two of us leave safely, I will naturally release Saintess and the hostages!”

Chu Yan pupil light swept away, without any hint of cowardice, but he also knew that the Martial Emperor’s respect almost reached Martial Dao Peak, so he was more serious than the Martial Artist of ordinary.

Now that the 2 major Martial Emperors are afraid that they have reached the limit, they can no longer stimulate them!

“No! All hostages must be released before you can leave!” Xu Wuyu said with a voice.

At this time, as Chu Yan expected, like Li Tian Martial Emperor, he has reached the point of preparing to take all on one throw!

If it was not Chu Yan who just said that he was willing to release the hostages, I am afraid he would directly use the hole card and fight hard!

However, now that Chu Yan is willing to negotiate with them, he can only temporarily suppress his anger and work with it …

Although there are cards, but the risk is too great, if accidentally, really hurt Saintess, then the consequences …

“Release the hostages first! Do you think I’m a 3-year-old kid !? Let them go, we 2 still have life …”

Chu Yan looked at each other coldly, opened the mouth and said directly …

“I just said that I can make the Heavenly Dao vow to me …”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s words, Asahi Martial Emperor said, but just half of it was said, but Chu Yan kept shaking his head and interrupted directly …

“Don’t say anything about the Heavenly Dao oath, this Heavenly Dao in Outland World, I don’t believe it at all …”

Chu Yan shook his head again and again, the pupil light flashed slightly, and then said, “In order to show sincerity, I can put these Heaven’s Chosen first, leaving only Saintess, and when we reach a safe place, let go of her!”



Chu Yan’s words just landed, Li Tian Martial Emperor and Asahi Martial Emperor, but shouted in unison.

“No! Huh … This matter can’t help you …”

Regarding the reaction of the 2 major Martial Emperor, Chu Yan had expected it, and immediately slammed …

Immediately, without waiting for the other party to react, the pupil light turned and looked at the emperor. The two looked at each other and smiled. Then, they threw a dozen Heaven’s Chosen captives and stood up at the same time, moved towards the distant horizon, flying Go away …

Sou! sou!

The speed of 2 is as fast as lightning, and in less than a breath of time, it is almost away from everyone’s sight …

Suddenly, the Ziming tribes were indecisive. For a time, no one was catching up, all looked stunned towards 2 Great Martial Emperor… ..

“Damn Aboriginal!”

Asahi Martial Emperor raged like fire, watching two natives, holding Saintess flying away, but …

As Chu Yan expected, they did not dare to take any action, but this does not mean that they would let Chu Yan escape so easily …

“Give me down!”

Under shout out loudly, Asahi Martial Emperor waved a big hand, and the dark mist that haunted the whole body turned into a black grey cloud wave, as if the sea was rushing, moved towards Chu Yan and the direction behind his ears, surging swept away… .

This cloud wave, like a thundercloud crossing, sweeping through the void, like a large dark cloud, instantly flooded the silhouette of Chu Yan and the Emperor of the Ear.


Chu Yan, who was flying at full strength, was shrouded in gray and black clouds, suddenly complexion greatly changed, didn’t expect, the other party really dared to shoot!

Boom … boom … rumble!

Amidst large clouds of dark clouds, 4 paths in all directions, a path of thunder and lightning continually exploded, blocking all 4 directions of all directions of Chu Yan and Huang Huang, leaving no escape route …

If they run away again, they will be all around the 10000 thunder and lightning, and directly explodes into waste!

“I said! You … can’t escape! Either leave Saintess, or … die!”

Asahi Martial Emperor, a body of smoke, just a roll, rushed in front of Chu Yan and Ear Emperor, incarnation is a giant with a height of 10,000 zhang, and the whole body is composed of dark smoke. Chu Yan shouted…

This shouted loudly, suddenly attracted all around 10,000 li thundercloud, tumbling wildly, countless thunder and lightning, and exploded at the same time, the whole sky above, seemed to be shrouded in thunder and lightning, the sky dome 9 domain, 10,000 li tremors!

Buzz … Buzz …!

As the thunder sound of Asahi Martial Emperor exploded, a path of naked eye’s invisible void wave, like the tide, moved towards Chu Yan and the ear emperor ….

“God … Divine Consciousness attack!”

The volatility of nothingness, insanely mad, goes straight to Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness…

This Divine Consciousness power is more than ten times that of Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness. Under the riots, the influx of Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness wanted to directly occupy and control the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness World!

Uh huh … uh …!

Mu Yan hummed one after another, Chu Yan and the Ear Emperor, at the same time the body started, the pupil dilated instantaneously, and a red mist spouted out a blood mist!

Sea of ​​Consciousness, like Qi Sea, is where Divine Soul, who is a cultivating Martial Dao, is unharmed!

In an instant, Chu Yan and Ear Emperor felt that their Divine Consciousness was completely stalled, as if Sea of ​​Consciousness had completely solidified!

Under the loss of soul, if Xu Martial Emperor takes another shot, I am afraid that Chu Yan will not even have the chance to provoke the verification in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Mo Siqian, and he will become a fool!

“Ah … save … save me …!”

However, almost subconsciously, Chu Yan clasped the right hand above Mo Siqian’s jade neck and suddenly tightened it …

Under gravity, Mo Siqian only felt that his neck was about to break. His big eyes were full of despair, and he cried out!

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