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Hearing Mo Siqian’s painful cry, Asahi Martial Emperor’s face suddenly burst into shock, and the whole body’s aura was suddenly violent …

Even the Divine Consciousness frenzy that enveloped Chu Yan suddenly stagnate.

It was at this moment that the attack was stagnant, and Chu Yan reacted immediately. In his eyes, 5-color lighting spewed out, and there was endless anger on Chu Yan’s face …

“If you want me to die, I will bring her together!”

shout out loudly, Chu Yan’s imposing manner in the whole body is like a tide, the body is surging with a raging wave, his left hand is out of the palm, with a thunderbolt 10000 average power, fiercely slapped to Mo Siqian’s back!

Boom …!

With a muffled sound, the palm seal containing the powerful True Qi Gang Yuan almost made Mo Siqian’s delicate back sag …


With a loud scream, Mo Siqian’s jade lips opened wide, and a large stream of blood and broken internal organs spewed out, which was terrible!

“Give me immediately … get lost!”

Chu Yan imposing manner like a rainbow, eyes like blood, full body black robe hunting, long hair flying, staring at Xu Martial Emperor’s 10,000 zhang body …

A cry, as if heaven defying roaring!

This scene is like a tiny ants, trying to shake the sky, and the endless Heavenly Dao of aloof and remote!


Asahi Martial Emperor’s eyes have been fixed on Mo Siqian, Divine Consciousness swept, but found that Saintess within the body, all internal organs are cracked and damaged, except for a heart, it remains completely …

Suddenly, Asahi Martial Emperor was so angry that he wanted to shoot directly. With one finger, he dared to repeatly surrender his own ants and crushed them into powder!

Dignified a Martial Emperor, in front of the 100 big men of the Ziming tribe, was threatened by a Martial Sovereign Realm indigenous people, which made him like a volcano, and the whole explosion will start in an instant.

“Xu Elder, stop!”

In the distant place, Litian Martial Emperor is no longer able to bear, and quickly speaks to stop Asahi Martial Emperor.

Just now, Asahi Martial Emperor shot, although almost succeeded, but now Chu Yan has sobered up, and then wants to shot, I am afraid that the indigenous people will really burn with Saintess jade stone!

“Damn, how could it fail !?”

Asahi Martial Emperor looked unwillingly, staring at Chu Yan with resentment. Although he didn’t understand it, he slowly restrained aura and withdrew the attack from all 4 directions …

“Hmph! You think you can save my Divine Consciousness and save her! You are wrong …”

Chu Yan coldly snorted and said, “The seal that I left in her Sea of ​​Consciousness, as soon as it breaks with my Divine Consciousness, it will break out immediately, when the time comes, she has been dying!”


In a word, Xu Martial Emperor and Li Tian Martial Emperor, including the big crowd of the Ziming tribe, were shocked by the cold sweat, and the whole body shuddered …

“No wonder this child can be so clear so quickly, that there is still such a means!”

Asahi Martial Emperor and everyone are terrified. If they just succeeded and ruined Chu Yan ’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, that ’s not the same as killing Saintess together! ?

“Last time, let us leave and reach a safe place, and I will release Saintess!”

Chu Yan forbears the dizziness of Sea of ​​Consciousness and shouted coldly. “Whoever dares to stop, I will be with her, perish together! Never say anything!”

In a word, Chu Yan said nothing more, the pupil light swept away, and saw that he was suspended in his side, and he was completely distracted. The emperor of dumbstruck quickly waved his hand and included him in the “mountain myriad beasts picture” …

Whoo …!

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yan pressed Mo Siqian and continued towards the sky, flying away …

At this time, I watched Chu Yan fly away, and no one dared to block …

Moreover, simply cannot stop it!

As early as Xu Martial Emperor’s hole card shot, the same missed, the others are even more helpless.

Therefore, I can only watch Chu Yan flying farther and farther, standing in front of the completely destroyed starry sky channel, staring!

“Asshole! Damn native!”

Asahi Martial Emperor whispered, took aura, turned into an ordinary person, and floated in the air …

“Li Tian Elder, Xu Elder, just … just like this … let this native run away with Saintess !?”

On the ground, there were 100 purple robe gangsters, who stood up and flew high into the sky, watching Chu Yan leave. One of the older purple robe old man asked with a trembling voice …

“Fart! How could he leave him alive!”

Asahi Martial Emperor heard it, and immediately yelled, he was in a big stomach, and there was no place to vent. This Old Guy actually slammed into the mouth of spear …

“Go! Follow!”

Li Tian Martial Emperor nodded, Shen Sheng greeted Xu Martial Emperor Road, now the time is pressing, there is still time, let Xu Martial Emperor scold these wastes …

xiu! xiu!

In one word, 2 Martial Emperor, 2 incarnations of light smoke, disappeared on the spot in an instant, but when appeared again, it was beyond a thousand li, has reached the place of 100 li behind Chu Yan …


Seeing that the 2nd Martial Emperor had left, all the purple and purple gangsters were at a loss, and after staring at each other, no one dared to leave, and all of them moved art into 100 stream of light, chasing Chu Yan and 2 Big Martial Emperor….


Chu Yan is standing above 10,000 zhang high above the sky, his body is like a black sword, stabs shatter void continuously, and escapes quickly …

A path of void crack, smooth like a knife and axe, Chu Yan continually shuttles through it, not daring to stagnate.

Behind the 2 Martial Emperor and over 100 Ziming clan chasers, Chu Yan naturally found out, but he also knew that he was now holding Mo Siqian and not letting them chase, it was simply impossible!

Moreover, with Litian Martial Emperor and Asahi Martial Emperor’s universal ability, even if they don’t let them chase, I’m afraid they have the means to keep them out of the place!

Therefore, it is better to let them chase openly, at least, they can accurately know that they are there.

In front of me, the vast continent, the infinite world, 10,000 li Lingyun, the Xiaguang Yiyi, Chu Yan traveled in the void and the spirit cloud sea, felt Heaven and Earth Spirit Power rich to the terrifying level, and suddenly felt a little shocked!

didn’t expect, Heaven and Earth Spirit Power in this outer land is more than ten times stronger than Vast Heaven Continent!

However, Chu Yan was even more surprised that this continent is too big …

After flying for three hours, Chu Yan didn’t even fly out of the mountain range at the beginning. The scenery underneath didn’t change at all. It was still like a continuous mountain range and 3 million Lissen Sea.

With Chu Yan ’s current strength, 3 hours of time is enough for him to walk through the entire Vast Heaven Continent….

But now, even one of the mountain ranges of World Outland has not yet flown out!

This … cracking a joke! ?

Although Chu Yan had been mentally prepared for a long time, he knew that Outland World is very big, but …

This fuck is too big! ?

Uh …!

Chu Yan was a big fan, like a Jade Talisman from Rakshasa Space, Divine Consciousness explored it …

This piece of 3-color Jade Talisman is from the hand of Heaven’s Chosen, the Purple Sect of Chu Yan kill. It is a map of the Sect.

“Fuck! It’s really so big !?”

Only after a few explorations, Chu Yan found that the distance he had flown in 3 hours was only 10% of the territory of the Ziming tribe …

“En!? Ghost Domain Forbidden Land !?”

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yan looked through the map and quickly found a location with a special mark …

And this place is also the closest to me … Danger Land!

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