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On the map, it is only marked that the Ziming tribe has all Heaven’s Chosen, and the words that are not allowed to enter, not at all, have many explanations.

Looking at the map, a smoky “Ghost Domain Forbidden Land” logo, Chu Yan suddenly became frowned!

The so-called Danger Land also has several places on the Vast Heaven Continent. Each Danger Land is extremely dangerous and dangerous. Therefore, Martial Artist of ordinary, dare not enter it.

Obviously, this “Ghost Domain Forbidden Land” should be the same place within the Ziming tribe, so the Ziming tribe will prohibit Heaven’s Chosen from entering it.

However, Chu Yan, who has passed through many Danger Lands, knows in his heart that it is a dangerous place for desperate situations, and often also has great opportunities.

“Oh, a good place …”

Chu Yan’s mind moved, Divine Consciousness swept behind him, and saw 2 Martial Emperor and a group of Ziming clan gangsters, still follow closely from behind, suddenly sneaked….

Based on his current situation, if he doesn’t want a solution, he may not be able to get rid of these enemies even if he flies for a year.

Therefore, Chu Yan can only bet on one, if good luck, maybe there is a trace of flying, if bad luck, the situation should not be worse than now!

“Mo Siqian, I ask you, what is this Ghost Domain Forbidden Land !?”

After a little pondering, Chu Yan asked, and asked Mo Siqian around him.

Mo Siqian is the Saintess of the Ziming tribe. He has lived in this outer land for 10000 years and should know about these Danger Lands.

“Ghost Domain Forbidden Land !?”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Mo Siqian was still stunned. Immediately, his face sank instantly, and a hint of confusion flashed in the pupil light.

“Then … Can’t go there, absolutely not …”

“Oh why!?”

Seeing Mo Siqian’s reaction, Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly lit up …

If Mo Siqian responds normally, Chu Yan may not have such great interest, but when he saw Mo Siqian, who is the Saints of the Ziming tribe, he heard the words “Ghost Domain Forbidden Land” and it seemed to be true Seeing a ghost, Chu Yan suddenly raised a ray of hope in his heart.

If it is only ordinary Danger Land, with the strength of the 2 Martial Emperor, I am afraid it does not care at all.

But now, Mo Siqian is so afraid of this place, it shows that this place is really dangerous enough, if it can stop 2 Dawu Imperial Capital …..

“100 10,000 years ago, there used to be a powerful tribal power. Later, I don’t know the reason. Overnight, there were 100000000 million people in the whole sect, all turned into ghost ghost qi …

Speaking of which, Mo Siqian’s eyes showed a hint of fear …

“Later, Outland World, a lot of powerhouses, went to explore, including our Saint Race, and also dispatched 3 Martial Emperor, who went to them, who knows, these powerhouses have been damaged, and even the 3 big Martial Emperor, from which, All went crazy … “

“Crazy !?” Chu Yan’s complexion started …

“En! Yes, 3 Martial Emperor, all Divine Consciousness is chaotic, all crazy, now in Saint Race, recuperating for 500,000 years, only barely someone can sober about one hour, according to him, that piece of Ghost Domain Forbidden Among the Land, there are countless special spiritual arrays, and there are many powerful Yinsha bodies, ordinary Martial Artist, which are not their opponents at all! “

“Yinsha body !?”

Chu Yan pupil light squinted slightly, looking at Mo Siqian, a trace of doubt flashed in his heart.

For the Nether tribe, Chu Yan has some understanding, especially the Black Blood Temple. Once in the Soul Evocation Valley, they also saw their special secret method of refining Yin puppets.

Therefore, the people of the Ming tribe have some physique with some shady bodies. According to the truth, for Yin Fiend Qi of ordinary, simply will not be afraid …

Moreover, if the cultivation reaches the respect of Martial Emperor, the Martial Emperor of the Clan, how powerful the body of Yinsha is, it should be more Yin Fiend Qi.

“Hmph! Mo Siqian, do you still have nothing to say !? If you let i have understood, although it can’t kill you, but ruining your appearance, it is easier for me!”

Chu Yan raised his hand, a group of Gang Yuan True Qi, condensed in his ordinary heart, looked at Mo Siqian, the pupil light was full of doubts,

“no, do not want!”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s words, I glanced at the Gang Yuan Tuan in his hand again, Mo Siqian suddenly complexion greatly changed, graceful eyebrows wrinkled, and finally said again

“Most of the Yinsha bodies in this” Ghost Domain Forbidden Land “are compatible with my Saint Race bloodline, they … they can devour our blood energy and cultivation base, and strengthen themselves. People enter it … “

“For forces outside our Saint Race, it is also to stop the news and prevent them from getting the secrets, which will be used to deal with our Saint Race in the future!”

Mo Siqian’s words suddenly made Chu Yan’s eyes bright, and soon he laughed out loud

“Ha ha ha… .didn’t expect, your Hades are relying on Devouring Power cultivation, and now they have met the nemesis, and have been swallowed by other forces …”

The laughter reverberated, and Chu Yan glanced back, far behind the crowd of Ziming powerhouses behind him, sneering again and again, he had made up his mind …

“It seems that I must go to this Ghost Domain Forbidden Land!”

In a word, Chu Yan didn’t hesitate, according to the mark on the map, suddenly turned, moved towards Danger Land, and flew away …

Under a sudden acceleration, Chu Yan’s speed quickly reached Peak …

Endless Spirit Clouds, a black meteor, across the sky, straight up to 80,000 miles!

According to the marker on the map, this Ghost Domain Forbidden Land is 300000000 million miles away from where Chu Yan is located. Even if Chu Yan is flying at full strength, it will take at least half a month …

However, Chu Yan now has goals and plans, and his mood is very different from before …

With the help of flying, Chu Yan constantly swallowed the medicine pill, operated the cultivation technique, and recovered his True Qi consumption …

Time flies, as always …

Maybe there are 2 Martial Emperors of the Ziming tribe, plus 100 purple robe powerhouse “escorts”. On the way of Chu Yan, let ’s not talk about people or powerhouses, even a Monster Beast, did not meet …

After more than ten days, Chu Yan finally reached the Ghost Domain Forbidden Land very smoothly … Na Nao Cao Hai!

Nahuang Caohai, located on the border of the Ziming tribe, is the border with the blood tribe. On the other side, it is a swamp of 100000000 million miles and endless ice fields. There are no other forces at all …

The swamps and ice fields have a huge range. It is said that the Monster Beast of the Heavenly Tier cannot fly.

Therefore, coupled with the ban of the Ming tribe, usually, there is no one involved in this deserted sea of ​​grass.

On this day, above the flight, a black lightning flashed first, and then a large purple shadow flew over, instantly breaking the vast sky that has been silent for countless years!

hu! hu! hu!

At the moment of rushing into Nahai Caohai, the clear blue sky suddenly became a masterpiece of thunder and lightning, and the wind continued!

The violent Nine Heavens gang wind, blowing up the sky violent wind, completely covered the whole sky, the area is large, at a glance, you can’t see the margin …

Below is the endless stream, at first glance, like a piece of grassland by the sea of ​​grassland …

In the sky, it is more and more violent, a path of gang wind, constantly condensed into a blade like Divine Weapon’s blade, moved towards Chu Yan blasted …

“Body protection Gang Yuan, explode for me!”

Seeing that a large blade of wind came, Chu Yan did not dare to be underestimated and immediately urged body protection Gang Yuan to wrap the whole body tightly!

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