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In Chu Yan Qi Sea, thirty inner cores, simultaneously move simultaneously…

A large number of True Qi Gang Yuan, like the tide, poured into the body protection Gang Yuan, and instantly, the body protection Gang Yuan was expanded more than ten times, and the area reached nearly 10,000 zhang range!

In this way, even if the body protection Gang Yuan can’t hold up, Chu Yan also has enough time to respond!

bang bang Bang!

A bang is the blade of a path of Star Wind Fierce, which is constantly chopped on Chu Yan’s body protection gang yuan, and a bang is made, and the suffocating explosion sounds continuously!

These Nine Heavens gang winds are extremely powerful. It seems to attract all the Heaven and Earth Spirit Power in the vicinity of 100 li. The might is so strong that it is definitely not under the attack of a quasi-imperial powerhouse.

Under the blast of the Star Wind Fierce blade, Chu Yan ’s body protection Gang Yuan was trembling and trembling, on the verge of collapse, obviously somewhat unsupportable …

“Really strong formidable power! The Heaven and Earth Spirit Power of this Outer World is rich, making this Heaven and Earth formidable power also much more powerful!”

Chu Yan pupil light swept away, and found that even Heaven and Earth Spirit Power beyond a thousand li was constantly moved towards this Nine Heavens gang yuan, bringing this Star Wind Fierce blade’s formidable power, constantly improving…..

Or is it just a land of wind, with the strong Heaven and Earth Spirit Power of Outland World as the foundation, the formidable power is so great.

If you ride Heavenly Tribulation in this outlying land, I am afraid that even if you are yourself, you have not had several points of grasp! ?

Seeing your own body protection gang yuan, because of the large area, there are naturally many wind blade attacks, so Chu Yan’s True Qi gang yuan quickly consumes …

After a few breaths, Chu Yan flew a distance of 10,000 li, and already rushed into the border of Na Huang Caohai. Chu Yan had to gather the size of the body protection gang yuan to save the consumption of True Qi …

After all, Chu Yan does not know that although he has entered the sea of ​​nahuang grass, how far is that “Ghost Domain Forbidden Land”! ?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A path of Star Wind Fierce blade, like a downpour, continued to cut down on Chu Yan’s body protection gang yuan of hundred zhang, and the muffled noises sounded more and more dense!

Such a huge number of Star Wind Fierce blades, even the True Qi contained in Chu Yan thirty two inner cores, can’t support it, which makes his speed drop!

However, Chu Yan can only swallow Golden Pill while clenching his teeth …

The size of hundred zhang is already its own limit, and it will no longer shrink. If the body protection 罡 元 can’t stop it and suddenly burst, you can still barely make self-protection …

Otherwise, if the body protection Gang Yuan collapses, with its own fleshy body, being in such a strong and densely packed Star Wind Fierce blade, it is estimated that it will not be able to support a few breaths …

“Rush! Rush … Rush forward!”

Chu Yan’s eyes are red, regardless of whether he is swallowing Golden Pill, regardless of it, he just flies desperately forward, hoping to rush out of this gang wind area soon …

At this moment, in the boundless gang wind area, Chu Yan finally realized that Heavens beyond Heavens, the strength of this Outer World, really exceeded Vast Heaven Continent!

You know, if it is at Vast Heaven Continent, with Chu Yan ’s strength, any Heaven and Earth discoloration, impossible, will have the slightest impact on Chu Yan!

However, this Nine Heavens Gangyuan area was the first Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon encountered by Chu Yan when he came to Outland World. It caused him such a big trouble, which made Chu Yan out of World Outland. There is a hint of small eyes …

The passing of time is like a year, and every time of interest, in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness, is like a year …

Although Chu Yan keeps swallowing Golden Pill and restores True Qi with medical power, the speed of consumption is still far faster than the speed of recovery …

After one hour, when Chu Yan ’s True Qi is less than 30% remaining, the endless darkness on the horizon finally has a hint of light …

That bright place is exactly the edge of the Nine Heavens gang wind area …

call out….!

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan’s original gloomy face instantly showed a burst of ecstasy, clenched the teeth, and the speed skyrocketed again, regardless of True Qi consumption, crazy flight, and rushed to the edge of the Nine Heavens gang wind area …

Uh …!

As if a black lightning, rushing out of the endless dark clouds, stabbing the shatter void, brought out a straight void crack, Chu Yan suddenly loosened his body, and the pressure disappeared instantly!

“Hu…! Fortunately, if you add more area, I’m afraid I can’t get out!”

Chu Yan’s speed did not decrease, and he continued to fly forward, looking back towards him, the endless dark cloud that just rushed out, his mind trembled …

shua! shua! shua!

At the next breath, Chu Yan saw that 2 huge air masses rushed out of the Nine Heavens gang wind area, moved towards where they were, and flew straight …

These 2 groups of huge air masses are Li Tian Martial Emperor and Asahi Martial Emperor. The huge body protection air cover that will be opened will protect 100 purple robe people and chase them firmly behind …

2 Regiment air cover center, Li Tian Martial Emperor and Asahi Martial Emperor, with a pale face, it seems that the Nine Heavens gang wind area just now has no effect on them in general.

“Martial Emperor…. Really tough!”

Chu Yan’s eyes twitched involuntarily, and he was amazed …

“It seems that if you want to survive in this foreign world, you must upgrade your strength as soon as possible!”

Chu Yan clenched the teeth, go back and continue flying fast, no longer paid attention to chasing soldiers behind …

In any case, I have dashed through the Nine Heavens gang wind area, as indicated on the map, and I am less than 100,000 miles away from “Ghost Domain Forbidden Land”.

This distance, at most one hour, can be reached!

Chu Yan is not worried about the chasing soldiers behind him, but he is a little worried about the emperor …

Mountain and river myriad beasts In the picture, for more than ten days, the ear emperor is still in a special coma state, and there is no sign of waking up at all.

It seems that the Divine Consciousness attack performed by Asahi Martial Emperor was extremely harmful to the ear emperor’s demon consciousness …

In the hands of Chu Yan, there is a Golden Pill called “Divine Pill”, which is specifically for Sea of ​​Consciousness and Divine Consciousness. However, the ear is the body of Monster Beast, I don’t know if it is useful …

However, it is useless to think about it now. Chu Yan must first find a way to get out and find a safe place before he can heal the ears!

“Yi !? It seems to be coming soon!”

Flying in the endless sea of ​​grasslands, Chu Yan raised his eyes and suddenly saw a continuous mountain range appear on the far horizon …

This mountain range is exactly what is marked on the map, where Ghost Domain Forbidden Land is located …

In the middle of the mountain range, there is an incomparable gigantic basin terrain, and Ghost Domain Forbidden Land is in that basin.

However, because over the 100,000 years, all the powerhouses that entered this Ghost Domain Forbidden Land have been lost, without exception, except for the Martial Emperor-level powerhouse, which may escape and drop a lost soul result, there is no exception!

Therefore, on the map, not at all there are too many records about Ghost Domain Forbidden Land, and Mo Siqian doesn’t even know what Ghost Domain Forbidden Land looks like!

Accelerating the flight non-stop, Chu Yan swallowed the medicine pill and quickly recovered True Qi… ..

After flying for 5 minutes of time, in the depths of the mountain range in front, a very magnificent black city rose from the ground and appeared in the vision of Chu Yan …

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