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Uh …!

Chu Yan did not hesitate. From 10,000 zhang altitude, he fell straight to the ground. The silhouette fell into the endless forest of the mountain range.

As the silhouette of Chu Yan landed, there was a silent mountain range. Suddenly, the wind was blowing, and the endless white mist, as if under the guidance of some special power, instantly covered the entire mountain range …..

When Chu Yan landed and stood firm, and looked up all around, his face suddenly started!

I saw in front of me that the whole World was completely plunged into a piece of white, full of incomparable fog. Even with Chu Yan’s eyesight, I could only see the tree shadow of 100 steps ahead, still the kind of fuzzy look!

“what’s the situation!?”

Chu Yan was a little stunned by this sudden situation, froze for a while, and then thought of running the pupil of Qilin, looked up again …

This time, I can finally see the situation of 10000 steps in the vicinity, but my Divine Consciousness seems to be in a devouring place. As long as Divine Consciousness is away from the body, it will be quickly absorbed by the white mist all around …

Moreover, if you increase the output of Divine Consciousness, the white mist all around, it will come together crazy, like a group of wild beast smelling bloody …

In this way, Chu Yan can only completely restrain Divine Consciousness, but there is the pupil of Qilin, observing the situation of all around …

This mountain range forest is at least 1000 miles away from the black city in the distance. Although it has entered the basin, it is still clear weather just now …

How can this rich strange mist suddenly appear! ?

After careful exploration for a long time, Chu Yan did not perceive any dangerous aura, so he slightly distinguished the direction, and strode out in accordance with the direction of the black city I just saw in the air …

On the other side, 10,000 zhang above the horizon …

2 Great Martial Emperor took 100 people with purple robe. At this time, they stared down at the white mist that almost covered the direction of 10,000 li, and an Old Zhang face, all turned into a blue-green color …

“Li Tian Elder, Xu Elder, St ….. There is a family rule at St., no one can set foot on” Ghost Domain Forbidden Land “, I … we …”

A purple robe old man, looking at the white mist below, the whole face is even paler than the extremely dense white mist, the whole body is trembling, stuttering …

Deep in his eyes, there was a deep color of fear, he didn’t even dare to take a look at it, the white mist below …

Because, there, it is the Saint Race 3 domain, the 9 forbidden places that nobody knows … Ghost Domain Forbidden Land!

Hearing this purple robe old man, all the purple gangsters around, all nodded, all looked scared, looking towards the 2 Martial Emperor….

According to legend, the scope of this white fog is all within the scope of Ghost Domain Forbidden Land. The shadowy bodies that make Saint Race all Martial Artists, become terror-stricken at the news are hidden in this white dense fog ….

Anyone in their Saint Race, as long as they dare to step into this piece, once they use True Qi and are sensed by those shady bodies, there will be only one end!

That is … die!

Moreover, the kind of death is like disappear from the face of the earth, the mist rushes through, the whole person, even the belt, disappear without a trace, even a little slag will not stay …

It is precisely because of this weird scalp numbness and air-cooling death that all Saint Race Martial Artists have enveloped this thick fog and named it “Ghost Domain”!

This shows, Saint Race Martial Artist, the fear of this place!

“Damn Aboriginal! Bastard …”

Asahi Martial Emperor eyes are crimson, staring at the white misty sea below, and the green bars on his forehead are constantly emerging …

Chu Yan’s silhouette and aura have completely disappeared in their sight and Divine Consciousness …

That is to say, at this moment, they can no longer find Chu Yan, let alone try to snatch back Saintess, and then kill this in the heart, they were killed by the indigenous people 10000 times!

Li Tian Martial Emperor, also has a gloomy face, blinking eyes …

“This is the end! That native and Saintess, stepped into Ghost Domain Forbidden Land, I am afraid it will soon be damaged!”

In a word, Asahi Martial Emperor and a group of purple robe gangsters, a trace of different colors flashed on his face at the same time …

Saintess…. Damaged!

This time, the trouble is big!

After returning to the clan, you do n’t have to think about it, you know, the holy home in the clan, after knowing this, will never let anyone of them here …

“Ugh … let’s go! Go back and find a way!”

Li Tian Martial Emperor pondered for a long time, finally gave a long sigh, gave up the idea of ​​rushing into the Ghost Domain Forbidden Land, slowly turned around, moved towards and flew around …

Seeing Li Tian Martial Emperor turned away, others, including Xu Martial Emperor, all had a dull look, turned around one after another, and went away with Li Tian Martial Emperor …

Ghost Domain Forbidden Land is definitely not something that these people dare to enter. They can only return to the clan. After the announcement, the clan sent out a more powerful existence, and it is possible to step into this area and find the remains of Saintess …

It’s just that by that time, I’m afraid Saintess has already …

A group of Ziming tribes, together with the 2 Martial Emperor, no one thought that Chu Yan would take Saintess and go straight to “Ghost Domain Forbidden Land”, this is simply the road of ten deaths without life!

It seems that this native also knew that he would die, so he would bring Saintess and perish with him, but it fell to death ….

If this native fell into their hands, cramping and peeling skin, refining soul and eroding bones were all light.

Soon, there were 100 purple silhouettes, from the vast white fog and sky, disappearing cleanly …

In the sky, there was a silence again …

On the other side, in the foggy sea of ​​Ghost Domain Forbidden Land, a black silhouette is moving fast, constantly moving towards the black city in the middle of the foggy sea …

It’s just that this forest is much larger than Chu Yan’s imagination, and it ran for a full hour, but no forest edge appeared.

“The endless dense fog, coupled with these forests, seems to be constantly changing. Even Qilin’s pupils are invisible in some places … It seems that it may be lost!”

Chu Yan walked while looking at the four directions of the white sky, his heart was full of stunned …

However, Chu Yan can now be sure that he is already in the Ghost Domain Forbidden Land range. As a result, relative to the pursuit of the 2 Martial Emperor and Ziming clan gangsters, he is temporarily safe …

“En! There are strong aura fluctuations …”

Suddenly, Chu Yan looked fiercely startled, browses tightly knit, and turned his head towards towards the left …

Although Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness can’t be released, the pupils of Qilin have seen the fluctuations of the void, so, a few miles away, the fluctuations of the void are extremely violent, which is a sign that the powerful aura is getting closer.

Just as Chu Yan gazed at the silence, converging all aura and mind to the extreme, a black silhouette slowly appeared from the white mist in the distance …

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