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The mask was blown away, and in a panic, he waved his hands and threw various lights and shadows in an attempt to block the chasing young man …

However, these things he threw out, but let everyone look stunned!

All of these lights and shadows are one piece of heavenly materials earthly treasures, spirit tools, treasure, and at a glance, no less than 100 pieces …

Moreover, the mask man seems to have fallen into madness, completely insane, still throwing a lot of treasure….

For a time, not only the young men who hunted him with a knife, but also the young women in the distance, as well as the yellow robe old man, all of whom were startled. When their eyes swept through the huge treasure light and shadow, they were all ecstatic. ….

shua! shua! shua!

There was hardly any hesitation. The three broke out at the same time at the same time. No one attacked the mask man again. They rushed towards the treasure that was thrown out. Their hands flickered and grabbed one piece of treasure.

“Fuck! There is such a fighting method !?”

Chu Yan hiding in the ruined stone palace in the distance, the pupil light is bright, looking at those treasures, naturally the eyes are very hot, but still suppressing the charge ahead of the feeling of pressure, dare not reveal the slightest trace …

No matter how good treasure is, it must be alive!

“Ha ha ha, don’t you want this Broken Sword ?! For you …”

Suddenly, while the young men and women and yellow robe old man were madly robbing the treasure, the mask man who had stood firm on the sky in the distance was laughing loudly, waving his big hand, a black streamer, breaking out of the sky , Directed at 3 people …

“Broken Soul Sword!”

“Broken Soul Sword!”

“Broken Soul Sword!”

3 cries of unanimous exclamation sounded at the same time, 3 pairs of red eyes radiating dazzling red light at the same time …

The appearance of the sword shadow of the black streamer made the expression of the three people become extremely fanatical.

Not only 3 people on the battlefield, but even Chu Yan, at this time, the complexion suddenly changed …

“What !? What’s the matter !?”

Chu Yan, who was hiding in the distance, was staring at the black streamer intently, wanting to see clearly the “Broken Soul Sword”, but his within the body suddenly burst into a powerful aura …

“Map !? Bark map !?”

In the Rakshasa Space, the bark map obtained from Mo Siqian, at this time, it was a soaring aura, sweeping the entire Rakshasa Space of Chu Yan, a powerful idea, like a kind of coming in the depth of one’s soul ‘S call constantly stimulates Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness…

“Demon Sword Martial Emperor !?”

Sudden mutation, Chu Yan’s face was dull, completely ignorant …

“On this map of the bark, Chu Yan once clearly sensed the aura of the Demon Sword Martial Emperor, and now that the” Broken Soul Sword “appeared, it was the bark map that exploded with such a strong will. … .. ”

Thinking of this, Chu Yan’s eyes fiercely sighed and his mind was tense for a moment …

During the Sword Peak of Beneath Heaven Sword Sect, Chu Yan once heard Nine Dragons Cauldron said that Demon Sword Martial Emperor had left a treasure, but after he left Vast Heaven Continent, there was no news about this treasure after the robbery traces, No one has ever discovered …

And now, in this outland, Chu Yan one after another found clues related to Demon Sword Martial Emperor. Is it true that Demon Sword Martial Emperor really broke the Space-Time channel of Vast Heaven Continent and came to the outland continent? Moreover, there are treasures left! ?

Now, the map brought in Demon Sword Martial Emperor aura sends such a powerful will response, so this is the only explanation Chu Yan can think of at present!

That is to say, the black streamer thrown by the mask man, the so-called “Broken Soul Sword”, has a great relationship with Demon Sword Martial Emperor! ?

According to the news heard by Chu Yan, several thousand years ago, the stunning Demon Sword Martial Emperor was Vast Heaven Continent’s first Heaven’s Chosen. If he really left Vast Heaven Continent, he went to Outland World to use his innate talent, I am afraid that in the foreign domain World, it will really make some reputation …

“Broken Soul Sword !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes are bright, looking at the three powerhouses in the distance, and at the same time, he can finally see clearly that the handle is only half the length of the ordinary long sword, the tip of the sword has been broken, and only the black long sword of the sword body is half …

This handle of Broken Sword, is … the broken soul sword! ?

Above the entire sword body, a path of black and white airflow lingers over the entire sword body, and the powerful Sword Intent sweeps the sky and sweeps the sky!

However, including Chu Yan, 4 people watched the Soul Sword, their expressions started at the same time, and the mutation regenerated!


Under a screaming roar, the masked man above the sky is a big mouth, a strong air flow, rushing out of his mouth …

These waves with white mist, like 10000000 silk threads, merged with all Spirit Treasure flying in the sky, one by one, just a flash, they were all pulled back to the mask man …

At the same time, the mask man waved his hands and collected all these 100 Spirit Treasures …

For a time, the treasure was just in the sky. Now, the whole sky is clear, and there is no Spirit Treasure.

“court death!?”

“Dare to play great aunt!”

The young men and women who awakened suddenly, flushed with rage, gritted their teeth, and were all angry …

Under the simultaneous move of the mind, two people simultaneously attacked, and two Martial Souls exploded with the power of the monstrous Martial Soul. The terrifying True Qi Gang Yuan surged out like a Nu River, as if to blow the sky directly. Into powder …

“Ha ha ha… .. you think of Sir’s broken soul sword! Today, even if it is dead, I will also lose all the treasure of Sir, along with me …”

The masked man burst into laughter with obvious madness in his voice, laughing more than

“You … don’t think about anything!”

On the ground, the mask man shuddered suddenly, and turned into a white cloud of smoke, moved towards the sky in the distance, and flew away …

“Fuck! Want to escape …”


Young men and women and yellow robe old man, all shouted together, body flashed at the same time, turned into 3 stream of light, chasing straight …

“Fast speed!”

Seeing that several people flew away one after another, Chu Yan’s face started, without any hesitation, he quickly mobilized movement art, follow closely from behind….

It’s just that Chu Yan’s speed is obviously not as good as the 4 people in front, just blinking time, the silhouette in front has completely disappeared, no trace at all …

didn’t expect, with his own strength, compared with these people, it was so much worse!

“Haha…. The treasure of Demon Sword Martial Emperor should belong to us Vast Heaven Continent, even if I met it, it was mine!”

Chu Yan constantly urged movement art to speed up, such as a black lightning, across the sky, along the direction of the few of them flying away, chasing away …

“The man in the mask doesn’t seem to be the opponent of the other three people. I am afraid that if he fights again, it will really be damaged!

Flying fast, Chu Yan divides a Divine Consciousness and communicates with the bark map in Rakshasa Space …

But what made Chu Yan didn’t expect was that the will from the bark map told Chu Yan …

It’s going to … swallow the Broken Sword!

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