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Chu Yan was stunned for a while before the bark map passed on to himself …

However, since both of them have aura of Demon Sword Martial Emperor, it is not good, there is really a subordinate relationship between them.

In this way, the bark map might really suck the “sword of broken soul” directly.

However, the 4 foreign powerhouses in front of us are fighting …

If at this time, Chu Yan shot and photographed the broken soul sword, it must attract the attention of 4 people.

When the time comes, Chu Yan, who became the target of the crowd, is absolutely impossible to escape, only the lost part.

“The fat you have, you must not give up …”

Chu Yan breathes deeply, his eyes flashes, and True Qi urges, the speed of movement art increases again …

No matter how you plan, you must first find a place for several people to fight, when the time comes, and then depending on the situation.

Along the large-scale silver-white building complex, Chu Yan pushed the movement art speed to the extreme.

After flying for a full hour, his eyes swept far away, and finally his face relaxed, and his speed slowly dropped.

“Just in front, fortunately not lost!”

Above the square in the distance, a path of various gang elements attacked, constantly blasting in the air and exploding, exploding the weather waves, sweeping all directions….

Chu Yan quickly reduced the speed, bypassed the main road, and flashed to the side of the building complex, converging the aura to the extreme, using the hidden effect of White Tiger Black Mark Technique, moved towards the side of the battlefield.

“En !? Not good …”

When Chu Yan had just approached, and was close to the range of the air surge, an extremely powerful and terrifying aura suddenly rushed across Chu Yan’s body …

Suddenly, a bloody violent, and extremely cold aura, as if 10000000 waves of gas, kept pouring into Chu Yan within the body….

“Really strong Blood Fiendish Qi!”

Chu Yan’s eyes fiercely shuddered, his face changed dramatically, and he didn’t dare to carelessly, quickly urged the power of Qilin Martial Soul to fight against these Blood Fiendish Qi …

Qilin Martial Soul is Heavenly Might Divine Beast, acting on behalf of Heavenly Punishment. Its Martial Soul power has the attribute of most Firm most Yang in the world, and even Heavenly Tribulation Divine Thunder can be swallowed by it ….

Therefore, to deal with this Extreme Yin’s Blood Fiendish Qi, with the help of Qilin Martial Soul, it is exactly one yang and one yin, one righteous one evil, mutual restraint!

In addition to the power of Qilin Martial Soul, Chu Yan can actually choose to use Rakshasa True Qi, because the Rakshasa True Qi cultivated by Chu Yan is also a very special force, which is a kind of Yin Fiend Demon Qi …

However, if you use Rakshasa True Qi to devour these blood Baleful Qi information, although the attributes are similar, but after all, it is not the same attribute, when the time comes, Chu Yan also needs tempering True Qi, these Blood Fiendish Qi economic tempering …

The most important thing is that Chu Yan has seen that the core of the battle in the distance, the large and large film to the extreme Blood Fiendish Qi, because the surging of the strength Qi after the battle, constantly moving towards 4 sides all directions scattered … ..

If you rely on the Rakshasa True Qi within the body, and devour this bloody courage like a sea of ​​waves, I am afraid that it will not be long before you will be overwhelmed by the other side.

Faced with such a huge amount of Blood Fiendish Qi, Chu Yan ’s point of Rakshasa True Qi, simply is not an order of magnitude,

Therefore, Chu Yan can only rely on … the power of Qilin Martial Soul!


The power of Qilin Martial Soul collided with the blood Baleful Qi that invaded Chu Yan within the body. The two confronted each other in the inside of the body of Chu Yan ….

What makes Chu Yan didn’t expect is that this blood Baleful Qi is far more powerful than he imagined, the purity of aura, I am afraid that at least a few 100,000 years of tempering …

“Really strong Blood Fiendish Qi… ..”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, face instantly changes is dignified …

Looking up, the blood of Baleful Qi breathed like black red clouds. From the square in the distance, 4 outland powerhouse battlefields, constantly exploded by the fighting force, rushed out, floating through the void , Making the bloody ruthless aura all around, keep rising.

Even Chu Yan, who constantly runs the power of Qilin Martial Soul, confronts it, feels qi and blood throughout his body and becomes blocked …

It can be seen that these blood Baleful Qi is powerful and far from ordinary Martial Artist, which can be resisted.

Buzz …! Buzz …!

Just when Chu Yan clenched the teeth, ready to use “Five Elements”, suddenly, on the Sea of ​​Consciousness sky, azure Tianlian shuddered suddenly, sending out a path of azure ripples, like water ripples, moved towards Chu Yan within The body keeps rushing away …

The azure airflow released by this azure sky lotus, where it passed, the Rakshasa True Qi of Chu Yan within the body, the power of Qilin Martial Soul, quickly merged, transformed a brand-new power, and Chu Yan expression suddenly started ….

This kind of power is something that Chu Yan has never seen before …

didn’t expect, this azure sky lotus, after engulfing a lotus seed, had such a huge change.

The powerful fusion power, like a piece of vast ocean and vast expanse, sweeping past with immense power.

Whether it ’s Chu Yan within the body, or all four directions, Blood Fiendish Qi, who rushed to Chu Yan, has turned into nothingness, and can no longer affect Chu Yan… …

“Ha ha ha, good! Very good… ..”

Seeing the sudden change of mutation, Chu Yan was pleasantly surprised …

Now because azure Tianlian suddenly shows his power, he has no scruples about these blood Baleful Qi, and he can get close to the battlefield.

As soon as he looked up, Chu Yan saw that there were 4 powerhouses in Outland, fighting at a palace on the top of the mountain …

The mountain peak is incomparably tall, and it is definitely not less than 10,000 zhang. Moreover, mountain peak is an extremely precipitous county cliff. Behind the palace is Bottomless Abyss.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

4 silhouettes, on the cliff mountain hall, fighting frantically, all kinds of gas explosions continue to explode, the waves and waves remain, 4 scattered sky …

“It seems that the mask man can’t stand it!”

Chu Yan blinked a few times, and then he went to the place near the palace. Looking not far away, the battle in the sky looked, and his mind was slightly deep …

“Weird! The aura on this mask man includes the human Martial Artist aura, Monster Race Monster Emperor aura, and rich death energy. Fleshy body strength is even stronger than Monster Beast. Is this guy really a human !?”

With a face full of doubts, Chu Yan’s eyes have been chasing the air, and he has been chased by the young men and women and the yellow robe old man, the mask men who are constantly retreating …

According to Chu Yan’s recent observation, this masked man has Demon Sword Martial Emperor’s Soul Breaking Sword, and seems to be protecting these treasures, which may have a lot to do with Demon Sword Martial Emperor …

Even Chu Yan boldly guessed that the “Sir” in the mouth of the masked man is most likely … Demon Sword Martial Emperor!

But now, under the siege of 3 people, the mask man’s strength is obviously inferior, and it is only a matter of time before he loses.

If the mask man loses, the “Broken Soul Sword” will fall into the hands of the other party.

But this Sword of Soul Breaking has a great connection with the bark map in Chu Yan’s hands. If it is lost, it may be useless!

“No, it is necessary to get the Sword of Souls in hand!”

Chu Yan’s eyes flickered, looking at the sky above, sharply turning his mind …

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