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A pair of black grey eyes, looking directly at the bloody thundercloud above the sky, the hateful opening shouted.

A Martial Sovereign Realm kid who dare to challenge the “Fiendgod Road” Heavenly Might turned out to be act recklessly!

“The place where the sky is round, God’s language is crying, the ghost is shocking!”

Loudly roared, Ghost Head Blade in the hands of young men, broke out Blade Qi, True Qi Gang Yuan, the whole body as if the flood was dumping, moved towards the big knife in the hand, crazy infusion …

For a time, the Ghost Head Blade, which was flooded with terrorist power, seemed to be an incarnation magic knife, and the aura that emanated from it, even all around the void, could not bear it, and it shattered instantly!

Qiang …!

The ghost knife rushes into the sky, like the hand of 10000 ancient Fiendgod, black qi 4 overflows, ghost shadow haunts, and turns into a black blade glow skyward, slashing straight to the thunder cloud on the sky …

Boom … Rumble!

The blade glow is too empty, as if there are 10000 thunderbolts, and the power of ghosts is gathered in one place. The powerful blade power makes Chu Yan Divine Soul fiercely tremble, and his face instantly becomes heavy.

With the dark rainbow-like blade glow, getting closer and closer, Chu Yan’s heart is full of life, and the sense of crisis is rising wildly …

Chu Yan, who was above the clouds, glanced at a glance, and instantly confirmed that this black rainbow was slashing towards himself, and his face became more and more solemn …

This black rainbow rushed across the sky, soaring upright, carrying a monstrous sword and mighty force, like a soldier of the heavenly demon, wrapped around the mighty ghost qi, sweeping the sky, moved towards Chu Yan rolling …

In front of such a terrible blade glow, just a blade light above, contains a ray of Diwei, which makes Chu Yan’s scalp numb, and the whole body’s sweat is exploded …

At this time, Chu Yan once again felt that under such a terrible might, he seemed to be a very small ant, fighting with Heaven and Earth without any resistance.

“Xuanshui Shield! Come out for me!”

Eyes are red, Chu Yan with black hair flying, the whole body is in an imposing manner, without any hesitation, black light masterpiece on his body, a black streamer is blasted straight into an 8-sided black crystal shield, moved towards black glow ….

Since entering Martial Dao, this attack in front of him is the strongest attack that Chu Yan has seen. Even if he gathers his whole body strength and hole cards, terror can only support at least one 2 moves.

Even Chu Yan clearly knew that even his own Divine Beast Martial Soul, in the face of such attacks, would instantly become fly ash and be directly killed!

Facing such a terrible blow!

Chu Yan, based on the “back water decision” that did not subside, burst out 3 battle strengths, used the spirit of Five Elements, and used the Black Tortoise and soul skills, which could only be blocked!

If it can be blocked!

Maybe there is a glimmer of survival, if you can’t stop it, you will definitely die!


next moment, the Xuanshui Shield collided with Diwei’s blade glow and fiercely. The terrifying ghost qi blade glow was heavily cut on the 8 black crystal-like Xuanshui shields. At the same time, it exploded, and 2 waves of waves merged into one. , Pick up the rushing weather waves and sweep across the sky!

A huge air wave rushed through, Chu Yan’s body, as if hit by a 10,000 zhang mountain, flew straight out, and flew into the sky in the endless blood of 10,000 li ….

“Mary ants! I will meet sooner or later …”

In the ghost qi that exploded in the sky, the young men waved Ghost Headed Great Saber, staring at the silhouette of Chu Yan ’s flying, and then, within the body black qi masterpiece, wrapped around the body of Diwei that had not yet dissipated, moved towards the way. Direction, flying up …

Uh …!

When the sky-splitting sound sounded, the young man used the body of Diwei to wrap the young woman and the yellow robe old man. The speed was fully open, and only 3 breaths spy was used. Then he rushed to the entrance of the ancient demonic path …

“break for me !”

Under shout out loudly, the young man waved his hand, and the Martial Emperor illusory shadow behind him turned into a black streamer, heavily bombarded on the door of Space-Time at the mouth of the ancient demonic path …

Boom … Rumble!

The dramatic explosion dissipated, the closed stone gate Space-Time channel was even blasted away a small Space-Time crack …


Without the protection of Di Wei’s illusory shadow, the young men and women and the yellow robe old man, all relying on their True Qi, are struggling to support the blood of all around. The Baleful Qi is eroding, seeing the cracks open, clenching the teeth, and at the same time Shaped burst shot, burst out of the Space-Time crack …

shua! shua! shua!

3 silhouettes, passing by, passed through the Space-Time crack and returned to the stone gate again …

These 3 people rushed back from the mouth of the ancient demonic path and returned to the ruins again!


Feeling the pressure on my body suddenly disappeared, 3 people at the same time long relaxed …

“Fortunately, we are just on the Space-Time channel at the mouth of the ancient demonic path, not at all deep, otherwise, even if we try to marry the power of Martial Emperor Avatar, don’t think of it!”

The young man looked back at the stone gate behind him, and said with a lingering fear.

For this battle, for him, basically used all the life-saving cards. In the end, the remaining Martial Emperor’s prestige, if there is one trace less, I am afraid that even the Space-Time crack will not explode …

In that case, their three people will remain in the mouth of the ancient demonic path forever. If you want to come out again, I am afraid it is not as heavenly ascension!

“It’s a pity! Didn’t kill the kid, grab the broken soul sword!”

Young woman, biting her silver teeth, with both eyes full of killing intent and unwilling!

“Forget it! The Soul Sword is born already impossible, as long as the Soul Sword is not born, we still have a chance!”

yellow robe old man, also looking at the stone gate, his turbid eyes, flashing constantly, seems to be thinking about …

“No! I feel that at this time, the Sword of Souls may have really been born! That kid gave me a sense of impenetrability. I feel that he might come out of the ancient demonic path!”

The young man heard yellow robe old man’s words, but it was the head, the pupil light said deeply.



In a word, the young girl and yellow robe old man were stunned and exclaimed!

That kid can still come out of the ancient demonic path! ?

How can this be! ?

Even if it was just now, they also relied on Martial Emperor Avatar to blast through the stone gate and return to the present world without in-depth conditions.

If it wasn’t for Martial Emperor Avatar’s hole card, with their three people, they wanted to come back, simply impossible!

The kid, obviously, has been swept away by Martial Emperor Avatar, 10,000 li, fearing that it has fallen into the depth of the ancient demonic path. If you want to come out, simply there is no possibility, but …

“No need to think about it, I will return to Sect immediately and report to the inside sect!”

After the young man finished speaking, looked towards 2 people on the opposite side, and finally his eyes fell on the young woman ’s face, gently nodded….

2 People Dual Cultivation cultivation technique, the same mind, and then, the young women are also nodded….

“Okay! Let’s go!”

The female youth saw the grave expression on the face of the male youth, felt the other party’s heart decided, and no longer said much, gently opened the mouth and said.

Immediately afterwards, the 2 people said goodbye to the yellow robe old man, and they rose directly to the ground, turned into 2 long rainbows, and disappeared into the sky.

“Hmph! Dog, shit-like” Fiendgod Road “, even a Martial Sovereign Realm kid wouldn’t get it right! Really waste!”

Seeing the silhouette of the young men and women leaving, the yellow robe old man’s face, which had just been very gentle, instantly became awkward and scolded in bad voice.

If they are not Fiendgod ’s disciples, yellow robe old man, they will even kill them directly and rob them of the treasure to make up for the result of nothing this time.

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