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Although for this time, I was invited by the young men and women of Fiendgod to come to find the broken soul sword, but I found nothing and was unwilling, but the yellow robe old man knew that Fiendgod said that he could not afford it …

“Ai, let’s just …”

After a long, lost sigh, the yellow robe old man still glanced at the stone gate behind him, and then he stood up and straightened into the sky …


The ancient demonic path …

A black silhouette, like a meteor from outside the sky, flying across the sky and hitting a mountain heavily …


With a loud noise, Chu Yan’s body fell on the mountain peak, smashing the ground into a big pit …

The sky was dusty and smashed, the ground was smashed like a spider web, full of crack marks, 4 spread out, extending nearly 10,000 square meters.


In the dust and mist, a silhouette trembled, struggling to crawl out, stepped on the ground, then opened his mouth wide and spouted a big mouth of blood mist.

The blood was flowing, and the whole black robe was dyed as a blood robe …

Chu Yan’s pupil light is not dim, but extremely bright, just like a star …

Martial Emperor Avatar hit, even Chu Yan used a few life-saving cards, and was still bombed into a serious injury, with the body meridian and internal organs, suffered a lot of damage, qi and blood rolled over, True Qi Gang Yuan, 4 rushes , Is still making the injury worse.

This time I was injured. It was Chu Yan who suffered the most in recent years.

Fortunately, he has a double body refinement fleshy body, which is extremely powerful, plus a few life-saving cards at the same time, the opponent is just a Martial Emperor Avatar, so his life is worry-free.

It’s just that Chu Yan at this time, supporting a very weak body, cautiously observing all around, but he didn’t dare to start healing directly.

After all, in this ancient demonic path world, there are dangers everywhere. If there is no law protection, no safe place can be found. I am good at cultivation, and the consequences are unimaginable …

Take out 2 bottles of Golden Pill and Chu Yan pours it directly into the mouth. With the help of medicine pill, he suppresses the injury and restores part of True Qi.

But the next moment, a suddenly silhouette, suddenly sounded beside Chu Yan, scaring Chu Yan almost True Qi retrograde, cultivation deviation… ..

“Oh, nice little fellow, Interesting …”

Uh …!

Chu Yan’s body, a black light, burst out, hovering in front of Chu Yan, emitting a burst of black air …

Soon, these black airflows condensed into a human form, completely dispersing the blood Baleful Qi of all around, standing in front of Chu Yan.

This is one dressed in a snow-white long robe, with a dark face and long hair like an old man silhouette, a pair of eyes, with a faint starlight, seems to be able to see through Heaven and Earth 10000, bright!

“You … you are … Sword Spirit !?”

At a glance, Chu Yan’s complexion greatly changed. This old man was the spirit of the sword array that Chu Yan encountered when he cracked the spirit sword array at the magic Sword Peak …

“No, are you … Demon Sword Martial Emperor !?”

At the next moment, when I saw the old man’s face, there was a long smile, and Chu Yan suddenly felt, immediately reacted, and cry out in surprise.

“Tsk tsk tsk, smart little fellow!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, the old man didn’t answer directly, but instead responded casually, and looked up 4 times …

“An ancient demonic path, demon tree! A good place …”

In a word, Demon Sword Martial Emperor’s eyes, but with the mountain at the foot, looked up to the sky, looked towards that tree, growing on the top of the mountain, the towering tree with a height of at least 100,000 feet, constantly nodded praised … .

“Little fellow, with such a cultivation base, dare to break through the ancient demonic path. Hehe, it’s crazy enough, but …”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor withdrew his gaze, his smile on his face bloomed, his eyes were squinted, he looked at Chu Yan, and then said

“But … this kind of temperament, just to my liking!”

The word fell to the ground, not waiting for Chu Yan to react, but Demon Sword Martial Emperor waved his big hand, pedaled the broken soul sword, and grabbed Chu Yan with one hand …


The black paw print hit, Chu Yan had no trace of resistance at all, and had no time to react, so he was directly caught in the hands by Demon Sword Martial Emperor …

Immediately, Demon Sword Martial Emperor took Chu Yan, Yu Jian flying, rushing straight to the Demon Tree on the top of the mountain!


Sword light crossed the sky, just in a blink of an eye, Demon Sword Martial Emperor took Chu Yan and fell into the dense crown of the Demon Tree. After releasing Chu Yan, he said softly

“Little fellow, heal quickly! Let me help you …”

After finishing speaking, Demon Sword Martial Emperor body radiated a ray of Dewey aura, instantly dispersed a huge canopy of nearly 5 miles in a circle, the pupil light swept all around, and began to look intoxicated at the Demon Tree, and the distance was blurred World is coming …

“many thanks Senior !”

Chu Yan’s injury was not light, and he was no longer polite. After bowing a hand, he sat directly cross-legged, took out Golden Pill again, and swallowed it down …

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yan ran Rakshasa Promise and began to condensate the scattered True Qi Gang Yuan, heal the Qi Sea chaos, bring together the restored True Qi, and start cultivation and tempering medicinal power. He was injured in the whole body.

The faint Rakshasa True Qi keeps escaping from Chu Yan within the body, spreading all around the void …

The appearance of Rakshasa True Qi suddenly changed the original face of Demon Sword Martial Emperor, his face suddenly changed, a pair of eyes, full of surprise, looked straight to Chu Yan, the pupil light kept flashing …

Especially seeing that Chu Yan has a light azure light wrapped around his fleshy body. These azure rays of light are extremely mysterious and do not conflict with those Rakshasa True Qi. effect….

All this made Demon Sword Martial Emperor’s smiling face gradually solidify …

“This little fellow, it seems, not simple …”

After a long time, the Demon Sword Martial Emperor’s pupil light slowly recovered, the different lights flickered, watching Chu Yan sitting cross-legged, his nodding head lightly said.

It’s just that what he said is incoherent, even if Chu Yan can hear it at this time, I’m afraid I can’t understand it at all …

“3 has 2 of them, the Heavenly Dao Ming mantra should be considered, but, where is the source? Unreasonable …”

“Could it be that Xiaohao moved his hands and feet to come here for him and set the order in advance !? It doesn’t look like …. It can’t always be …”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor, watching Chu Yan, talking to himself, dancing from time to time, expression on his face, constantly changing, like crazy, completely irregular …

“No! Absolutely impossible, he is awake with impossible, hmph! This time Dao, but not Shang Yuan Dao, Heaven and Earth return, Heavenly Dao Ming curse, can’t be wrong!”

Above the still canopy, there are 2 silhouettes, one motion at a time …

The void around all, a piece of calm, the entire ancient demonic path seems to return to normal, without any waves …

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, three days passed …


With one mouth, Chu Yan suddenly swallowed a big turbid breath, condensed his breath, and slowly opened his eyes …

call out…!

Just at the moment of Chu Yan eyes opened, the Demon Sword Martial Emperor, who had been crazy next to him, suddenly raised his hand, right hand pointed to the sword, fiercely moved towards Chu Yan’s head, shot a black finger …

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