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Chu Yan saw Demon Sword Martial Emperor rushed forward toward the front, suddenly started, and asked.

The direction that Demon Sword Martial Emperor is taking is exactly the direction that the large iron corpse has just appeared. If you go further, you will probably encounter more ambush …

“Ha ha ha…. Kid, are you scared !?”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Demon Sword Martial Emperor kept walking, but looked back towards Chu Yan, his face full of laughter.

“Uh … Not afraid, just don’t die!”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor’s words suddenly made Chu Yan speechless, smile bitterly, and said.

“Boy, you remember, Martial Dao cultivation is by no means peace and security, the way to calculate gains and losses …”

Suddenly, Demon Sword Martial Emperor looked so sullen, looked very seriously towards Chu Yan, his eyes bright and bright, explaining

“If you want to achieve the Martial Emperor’s road, you must heaven defying, acting abnormally, and fighting with the sword, only the eyes can see, the sword edge means, there is no reason to turn back!”

“Among the mouth of the ancient demonic path, if the front is the most dangerous place, I ask you, go or not !?”

The word fell to the ground, as if a thunderclap, in the Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness, constantly blasting …

Chu Yan’s body trembled violently, just walked a few steps, followed Demon Sword Martial Emperor’s footsteps, and suddenly stopped, a pair of pupils, instantly enlarged …

“Ha ha ha…. Not bad! A good one.” Heaven and Earth is big, only my sword of war can walk, what the sword edge refers to, it makes sense to retreat! “The so-called heaven defying, if even this Mortal World can make me retreat, what else to talk about … heaven defying!”

In less than half a breath, Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly burst into light, and a mighty air suddenly rushed out of him …

Aura rushed away, and Demon Sword Martial Emperor sensed the change of Chu Yan, and suddenly his face was awkward and his face was dumb, and then, looking towards Chu Yan’s eyes, it was all the color of praise …

“This child’s perception is extremely amazing! No wonder … no wonder …”

a Mind flashes, Demon Sword Martial Emperor seems a bit obvious, why Heavenly Dao Ming curse and that Sir, choose this kid …

“Hehe, just understand! And, I tell you, no matter what Danger Land Forbidden Land is, it is often the most dangerous place, and the chance is the greatest! Let’s go!”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor chuckled a few times, then took Chu Yan, moved towards the dense fog in front, flew away …

This one is the endless slaveter!

In just one hour, Chu Yan they just walked less than 10 li …

However, on every inch of the 10 li ground, the corpses were almost shredded, and the bones and bones were completely covered!

4 all directions, not only iron corpses, but also some extremely terrifying Monster Beast, rushing out of the bloody fog like a tide, moved towards them 2 people pounced …

These iron corpses are almost all close to the quasi-imperial level cultivation base, and those Monster Beasts, although most of them are Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base, the number is extremely amazing. Every time Beast Tide strikes, the number is not less than 1000!

However, Demon Sword Martial Emperor, wearing a white robe and holding a black long sword, is like a Heaven and Earth Demon God….

The location where he stands, within 10,000 zhang, is all the iron corpses attacked and the Burial Ground of Monster Beast.

As long as the sword light is not extinguished, Sword Qi is endless, no matter how fierce the Beast Tide and the corpse tide, it is like the tide water hits the Heaven embankment, and it ca n’t shake it at all, and it will smash its own body.

“This … what is this Sword Art !? This is not Kaitian Sword Art!”

Chu Yan stood 100 steps beside Demon Sword Martial Emperor, always paying attention to Demon Sword Martial Emperor’s sword moves, but, after reading it for a long time, he couldn’t understand it at all, Demon Sword Martial Emperor’s Sword Dao …

However, Chu Yan can be sure that he used Sword Art by no means!

“Little fellow, sword a, is the same as 10000 in the world. Whether it is Sword Art or Spirit Sword itself, they are rules and constraints. If you want to be a true Sword Dao, you must break these rules and constraints … “

“One day, if you can comprehend, all 10000 things in the world are swords, and all 10000 laws in the world are swords, and your Sword Dao is Great Accomplishment!”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor heard Chu Yan’s doubts, chuckled and pointed.

“All things in the world are swords, and all things in the world are swords !?” Chu Yan’s expression started, his expression stiffened.

“Good! Kaitian Sword Art is just the simplest basic Sword Art, don’t you feel it? Kaitian Sword Art, the interpretation is 10000 times in the world, and you …”

“You have to break through the 10000 ways in this world and achieve … the way of self!”

This shouted loudly, as if to take the lead, drank Chu Yan directly!

“Self … the way! Break … break the 10000 way !?”

a path of consciousness, in Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, it seems like a sky full of meteors, constantly passing by …

These rainbow-like consciousnesses are more and more and brighter, almost reflecting the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness of Chu Yan.

Since Chu Yan entered Martial Dao cultivation from 16 years old, until now, all he knows is that if he wants to improve his strength, he must get a higher rank cultivation technique and a higher rank martial skill to improve the battle strength… ..

So, creating martial skill, creating cultivation technique, he never didn’t expect this kind of thing …

But today, a sentence of Demon Sword Martial Emperor, like Overhead Bang, directly awakened him …

Moreover, in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, every move of the Demon Sword Martial Emperor has just been attacked, and every Sword Qi swept, it looks like a natural achievement, which is subtle and completely different from the various Heavenly Dao known by Chu Yan.

However, it is more subtle and more powerful than any kind of Heavenly Dao!

It turned out that this is … the way of self!

“many thanks Senior !”

After a long time, Chu Yan finally woke up from the clear comprehension, the corners of his mouth were light, and his imposing manner changed greatly …

Turning slowly, looked towards Demon Sword Martial Emperor, Chu Yan bowed and thanked.

Until now, how could Chu Yan still not see it? Demon Sword Martial Emperor, on the way, simply is intently pointing himself …

“Thank you? Thank you, you will thank you in Sea of ​​Consciousness, Sir, I always listen to him … hehe!”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor laughed twice, and then stopped talking, pupil light swept, looked towards the slaughter field that had calmed down …

It’s been a long time since Beast Tide and Corpse Tide have appeared. Could it have been … killed! ?

“Haha, found …”

Looking around all around, Demon Sword Martial Emperor suddenly burst out laughing …


Hearing the sound, Chu Yan followed Demon Sword Martial Emperor’s gaze, and at a glance, he found that there was an incomparably tall and fuzzy shadow beyond 10000 steps, as if it were a huge zhang high hill …

“Go! Let’s go …”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor fell to the ground with a bang, flew away, pulled out a remnant, moved towards the distant hill to pack …

Chu Yan follow closely from behind, and it wo n’t take long for 2 people to stand in front of the tall shadow …

It’s just, what is the hill bag there, this is simply an extremely large altar …


Chu Yan kept looking at the huge zhang high, a huge altar covering an area of ​​10000 steps, his face started.

Except in Tianlian Secret Realm, Chu Yan has never seen such a huge altar …

Moreover, Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness swept across the altar, and on it, he felt a very strange aura.

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