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Seeing such a huge altar suddenly surprised Chu Yan …

Moreover, this altar has always given Chu Yan a feeling of palpitations, making him always uneasy.

However, this kind of uneasiness made him reluctant. The mixed emotions made Chu Yan Divine Soul gradually confused.

Following Demon Sword Martial Emperor, Chu Yan kept moving towards the huge white altar …

Gao Hundred zhang, 10,000 zhang wide, like a Constant Antiquity for a long time, has existed in the world for 10,000,000 years.

The surface of the altar is full of broken marks. It seems that there have been countless battles here …

Various knife marks, sword marks, and fist pits, etc. are densely packed on the entire surface of the altar. However, they are all superficial wounds. It seems that there is no serious damage to the altar itself.

The overall structure of the entire altar is extremely complete.

The closer the blood Baleful Qi breath scattered in the void, the thinner it became, and the clearer the sight of Chu Yan and Demon Sword Martial Emperor.

A large number of withered bones, scattered on the various steps of the altar, there are some broken and scattered Spirit Armament and Spirit Treasure, there is no slight aura and Spirit Treasure aura, obviously, after the defeat, Spirit Qi is lost and has fallen It is scrap.

With Demon Sword Martial Emperor’s advance, Diwei aura scattered all around his body, rushed through the 1st Layer of white altar, and suddenly, 100 bones were swept by Diwei aura, like a tower of gravel, Quickly turned into fly ash, 4 scattered …

In less than a few breaths, the top 1 powerhouse skeletons located on the 100st Layer of the altar were all converted into fly ash under the impact of Diwei aura …

“This … is weathered !?”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan and Demon Sword Martial Emperor are both startled.

You should know that the power base here can not be lower than the quasi-imperial rank, even if it is damaged. With the strength of the Fleshy body of the quasi-imperial rank powerhouse, without endless years of erosion, impossible weathering is so serious.

“10000 3670 powerhouses! All lost here!”

Chu Yan’s eyes flashed in 5 colors, and the pupil of Qilin swept across the altar, dropping all the bones into his eyes.

more then 13,000 quasi-imperial powerhouse!

What is this concept! ?

You should know that the entire Vast Heaven Continent is only 3 Martial Artists, and its strength is far inferior to the Martial Artists in this Outer World.

“Here, there must have been many wars!”

Chu Yan’s face was dignified, and he looked around with 4 eyes, carefully inspecting every corner of the altar battlefield.

However, the more you observe the white altar, the more chaotic Chu Yan and Divine Soul are!

There is an invisible feeling, constantly flashing in the heart of Chu Yan, let him believe and trust this white altar!

This gave Chu Yan a moment, somewhat absent-minded …

“Boy, this is troublesome!”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor’s complexion, a dignified face, his hands are constantly sealed, and then, his hands are flying, a path of hand seal, and constantly fall on the white altar …

Buzz …! Buzz …! Buzz …..!

The white altar continues to tremble. With the hand seal of Demon Sword Martial Emperor, the 1st Layer of the altar begins to rise slowly …

Boom … Rumble!

The altar that rises from the ground rises higher and higher, like a big tree, is pulled up from the thick soil layer, and slowly rises in height.

After a long time, the rise of the white altar finally stopped, and the scene under the altar was completely exposed in front of the two people.

At a glance, when I saw the situation under the white altar, Demon Sword Martial Emperor and Chu Yan were silly at the same time!

“This … what’s the situation !? How could there be a stone room here !?”

Chu Yan looked stunned, looking at the bottom of the payment, almost the same size of the stone house as the bottom of the altar, expressions all froze.

If it was n’t for Demon Sword Martial Emperor, he would use his imperial skills to attract the white altar. If it was Chu Yan who came here alone, he would always find that there was such a big stone temple hidden under the white altar!

Moreover, even his own pupil of Qilin was not found!

“Boy, this stone temple does not have the cultivation base above Martial Emperor, and it is simply impossible to discover!”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor stared at the gate of the stone temple, his face solemn, and he explained Chu Yan’s question without looking back.

“In addition, this stone temple and this white altar, if I guess right, it should be” Tiantian Pagoda “!”

“Take the sky tower !?” Chu Yan startled.

“Yes, according to the legend of Outland World, the Sky Tower is where the Realm and Heaven Realm are connected …”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor’s eyes, like 10000 ancient stars, are constantly flashing …

Although he has heard of this legend of the access tower, he also knows that there are many powerhouses in Outland World who are looking for the location of the access tower …

However, in 10000 years, I have never heard of anyone who really found the Tiantian Tower!

It turns out that the Tiantian Tower is in the mouth of the ancient demonic path …

From the ancient demonic path to the million years, the entry into it, regardless of the cultivation base level, is always but never returned.

In this way, even if there is a powerful supreme expert who found the pick-up tower in the mouth of the ancient demonic path, the news could not be transmitted back to the Outer World. Naturally, no one knew.

“God … Heaven Realm !?”

Chu Yan, who was standing aside, heard Demon Sword Martial Emperor’s words, but it was fiercely shocked, and there was a shock in his eyes.

Heaven Realm! ?

Is it true that Heaven Realm exists in this World! ?

“Hmph! Who knows, this kind of chaotic 7-8 bad legend, there is no 100 and 80 kinds of rumors in Outland World. As for the true and false, no one can tell!”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor is a pupil light, bright and bright, straight to the white altar and stone temple, opened the mouth and said softly.

“Is this access tower also fake !?”

After a little pondering, Chu Yan asked.

“No! This pick-up tower should be true. You didn’t see that there are more than 10000 powerhouse corpse nearby. I think it’s all 10,000,000 years. I came from the outer world World to find this pick-up tower. ! If there is no chance and Supreme Treasure, I am afraid they will not be damaged! “

Demon Sword Martial Emperor shook his way, with both eyes showing a touch of sadness, and then said

“I mean, the rumor that Jietian Tower can lead to Heaven Realm is very likely to be fake!”

“En! So that’s how it is….” Chu Yan nodded, but in my heart, I was puzzled …

You know, your 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, Divine Beast, is the realm of Heaven!

Even the green armor giant who just appeared, Chu Yan asked Qilin Martial Soul and was told that he came from Heaven Realm!

“No matter how much, since you’re here, go in and see!” Demon Sword Martial Emperor waved his hand to Chu Yan, opened the mouth and said “Give me the Soul Sword, I’ll break the stone temple’s prohibition!”

“it is good!”

Chu Yan nodded, the big hand turned, the black Soul Sword flashed, and handed it to Demon Sword Martial Emperor.

Chu Yan has a great interest in this legendary tower that can lead to Heaven Realm …

Maybe, this sky tower can really lead to … Heaven Realm!

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