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Holding the Sword of Soul Breaking, Demon Sword Martial Emperor has a silver masterpiece in his eyes, striding out, moving towards the gate of the stone temple …

The entire altar, although ruined in appearance, is actually extremely strong, and is as large as a small hill.

Moreover, as Demon Sword Martial Emperor approached, the spiritual array of the altar and the stone temple suddenly opened, which directly blocked the Demon Sword Martial Emperor’s divine power from the spiritual array.

However, the Spirit Array opened, and the mighty Spirit Array’s power swept the audience, sweeping all the 10000 bones above the altar into powder, turning it into a sky of dust and dust 4!

“10000 3000 powerhouse corpses, dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth, Martial Dao’s way, one emperor, 10000 bone accumulation!”

Chu Yan looked at the scene in front of him, and his heart was full of sighs …

“Chu Yan, wait for a while to enter the stone palace, you follow me, be careful of the blood Baleful Qi in the temple, it may be several times richer than outside!”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor Standing in front of the Stone Temple Spirit Array, the body of the sword continued to gain momentum, but he did not forget to look back, reminding Chu Yan to pay attention …

“Good!” Chu Yan nodded.

“Sword Soul Swinging Heavenly Puppet!”

next moment, when the Demon Sword Martial Emperor looks back, the sword power that is full of vitality explodes instantaneously, pouring on the broken soul sword, fiercely a sword cut …

Boom … Rumble!

The mighty Sword Qi, even Heaven and Earth are split with a sword, and a huge sword light is drawn across the sky dome. The sword track runs from top to bottom, runs through the sky, and falls heavily on the spiritual array of the altar stone temple.

The noise was terrifying, Sword Qi was terrified, straight down Nine Heavens!

This sword, far stronger than Chu Yan’s strongest sword move, is at least ten times more powerful. I am afraid that even Martial Emperor may not be able to resist.


The sword light falls, and the whole altar stone temple trembles madly, with 4 directions in all directions, the earth shakes the mountain, and the waves shake the sky …

However, after Sword Qi swept through, the spiritual array in front of him slowly returned to calm, except for the positive spiritual array, leaving a clear Sword Mark, but did not break the spiritual array at all.

Moreover, the Sword Mark above the Spirit Array is also recovering quickly. The original large Sword Mark is rapidly shrinking at the speed visible to the naked eye.

“Listen to me, the spirit of the altar, you better know each other, let us go in, otherwise, I will fight all Soul Power today, and I will also blow up your spirit array into powder, and you will have no body protection! “

Demon Sword Martial Emperor, holding a broken soul sword, imposing manner like a rainbow in the whole body, holding Broken Sword in his hand, pointing directly at the altar stone temple, drinking loudly …


The voice just fell to the ground, and the spirit array in front of him suddenly stopped and disappeared directly in front of him …


On the front of the stone hall, the huge stone gate is gently opened, and the moved towards 2 side is opened, exposing a large area of 鈥嬧€婦ark Space …

“Uh …. This will do!”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan was suddenly stunned, didn’t expect, this altar had already produced spirit wisdom鈥?

Moreover, this spirit wisdom is so timid, Sword Martial Soul pointed a sword at it, a little frightened, not only did the opponent withdraw the spirit array, even the door was opened …

“It seems that this stone temple altar is extremely out of the ordinary!”

After Chu Yan’s eyes looked at the gate of the stone hall, a dark space, the pupil light flashed slightly, and his heart was slightly excited …

Now, Chu Yan is more and more interested in connecting the sky tower!

Immediately, Demon Sword Martial Emperor and Chu Yan strode out, moved towards the stone temple …

As soon as he stepped into the stone hall, Chu Yan felt a dull aura of 10000 years, rushing towards him. This kind of aura, like a space that had closed the endless years, was suddenly opened and released, making Chu Yan suddenly. Feeling tight.

This altar stone hall is huge and immense, standing in the hall, looking at it, but at a glance, you can’t see the margin …

It seems that within this stone temple, it has become another one, not the real stone temple area.

“En!? This is …”

The next moment, Chu Yan 鈥檚 Divine Consciousness, rushed to the four sides, the situation of the entire stone temple, he took in the entire scene, at the same time, it also surprised his mind …

I saw that every 10000 steps in the stone temple, there will be a huge Stone Pillar. In the whole stone temple, at a glance, there are no more than 1000 thick Stone Pillars, which will completely support the whole roof …

However, this is not a place that surprised Chu Yan, but in the middle of the stone temple, Chu Yan found 8 completely different Stone Pillar鈥?..

To be precise, simply is not Stone Pillar, but 9 corpse …

These 9 people, all of whom are red-fire Battle Armor, have a palm seal on their chests, their heads are drooping, and their lives are cut off …

However, the faint Emperor’s power exudes from them, but it means that all 8 of them are the honors of Martial Emperor!

9 tools … Martial Emperor corpse!

Not only Chu Yan, but even Demon Sword Martial Emperor, they were standing on the spot, stunned!

This is Martial Emperor!

It was actually used as a pillar in this connecting tower! ?

This … what a joke! ?

9 Emperor’s corpses, located in the middle of the stone hall, guarding a 100-step platform.

This platform is divided into 9 pieces, each of which has a different color. In the middle of the platform, there is a huge copper mirror鈥?

A touch of various brilliance surrounds the copper mirror. It looks like this copper mirror is extremely weird!

Chu Yan stared straightly at the copper mirror. Indistinctly, there seemed to be some shadows flickering in the copper mirror …

“Fuck, 9 emperor corpses …. The damage can’t be lost for millions of years. If you use the corpse refining method of the Ming tribe, you can definitely refine the fine silver corpses!

Relative to copper mirror, Demon Sword Martial Emperor seems to be more interested in 9 emperor corpses, with eyes like fire and bright anomalies.

Emperor’s Corpse, this is not available anywhere, its value is definitely comparable to a heaven defying Spirit Treasure!

Moreover, here are 9 of them, which immediately makes Demon Sword Martial Emperor extremely excited.

“Yi !? What’s so strange about this copper mirror, as if these 9 emperor corpses are guarding this copper mirror!”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor looked away, looked towards the middle platform, the huge copper mirror with a full jade border, and slightly slightly wrinkle, some incredible look …

“Not good! Senior, be careful …”

Just when Demon Sword Martial Emperor was going to approach the copper mirror, when observing it carefully, Chu Yan who had been staring at the copper mirror was suddenly complexion changed and shouted out loud …

Because, he saw, in the copper mirror, a shadow suddenly shot out, all flew at Demon Sword Martial Emperor …

“Wh …”

Hearing Chu Yan’s applause, Demon Sword Martial Emperor was stunned for a while. Then, his face fiercely changed, and his body suddenly burst out …


The hand interrupted the Soul Sword, swayed suddenly, a sword with 9 shadows, cut straight in the direction of the copper mirror …

bang bang Bang!

Under the sound of 9 sounds, the Sword Qi passed by the broken soul sword, 9 groups of black shadows were directly chopped into explosions, and turned into 9 waves of gas, rushing through the stone palace …

“I depend! There are traps !?”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor, holding a broken soul sword, suddenly retreated, rushed to Chu Yan’s side, his face full of iron blue, Diwei spread out like a tide, covering the entire stone temple …

“Fortunately … Fortunately! Without the Soulbreaking Sword, this one will be seriously wounded without dying!

After some exploration, not at all any abnormalities, Demon Sword Martial Emperor suddenly relaxed鈥?

However, just this moment of relaxation, the huge copper mirror above the distant platform suddenly shot a black streamer with the thickness of a finger, but it bypassed the Demon Sword Martial Emperor and shot straight to Chu Yan …

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