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It took five days for Chu Yan and Little White Bear flying at low altitude, and finally rushed out of the endless mountain range and came to a large plain.

Unlike the previous mountain range, this plain, which can’t see the border, can see nothing but grass.

The half-height barren grass, which has taken off the green color, has completely withered, and a breeze has blown, as if the golden wheat field, like a wave, has spread to the end of the horizon.

shua! shua!

one black one white, 2 electro-optical silhouettes, as if 2 comets, across the golden grass waves, strong strong wind, plowed out 2 long grass lines, split left and right, as if breaking the water surface, moved Towards the front, hurried away.

After flying for nearly a day and a half, a magnificent city appeared at the end of the horizon!

“Devil City !?”

Divine Consciousness swept away, and Chu Yan clearly saw that on the city wall near 100 zhang high, three characters of flying dragons and dancing phoenixes!

Behind the city, a few hundred li apart, a tall Spirit Peak rises from the ground and plugs into the sky!

“There should be Heavenly Demon Capital! Let’s not stop in this city, we are not familiar with this Outer World, or go directly to Heavenly Demon Capital!” Chu Yan looked to the distant Spirit Peak in the distance, his eyes shining.

“Good!” Little White Bear nodded, also a look of excitement.

Since embarking on this foreign world, what they have experienced has always aroused their expectation and excitement.

Bypassing the Demon City, it was originally only 300 li away, and it expanded to 1000 miles at once.

However, Chu Yan didn’t want to disturb anyone, so naturally he would fly over the Sky Demon City with no grandeur and could only choose to bypass.

After an hour and a half, Chu Yan and Little White Bear steadily landed in front of the mountain gate of Spirit Peak.

“Yi!? This Lingyun Sea … is actually black !?”

After 2 people landed, they looked up towards Spirit Peak, and at a glance, 2 people were shocked at the same time!

Above Spirit Peak at nearly 10,000 zhang heights, a large sea of ​​spirit clouds completely covers the sky above Spirit Peak, like a thick layer of quilt, floating above Spirit Peak sky.

It’s just that, unlike Chu Yan’s before, all Sect’s white or colorful spirit clouds are different. The spirit clouds of the devil are actually black and floating like a large dark cloud.

“Is it demonic path Sect !?” Chu Yan startled, his face full of doubts.

“Who are you !? Come to my gods, what are you doing !?”

Just before the shock of Chu Yan and Little White Bear, before the mountain gate, two young black robe youths shouted.

2 black robed youth, black long blade on the back, black robe on the whole body, aura is extremely powerful, not lower than the median Martial Sovereign Realm.

didn’t expect, this kind of discipline of cultivation base turned out to be only Mountain Guarding disciple, if in Vast Heaven Continent, even Antiquity Eight Sects, these cultivation base, at least it is also an Elder level.

“Demon Sword Martial Emperor introduced me!”

Chu Yan slightly arched his hands and said to the two black robe Mountain Guarding disciple. Then he waved his big hand, took out the broken soul sword, and showed it to 2 people.

“What !? Broken Soul Sword !?” “”

Seeing the appearance of the black Broken Sword in Chu Yan’s hands, two Mountain Guarding disciple, his face changed at the same time, and his face was pale for a moment. In the two pairs of eyes, all of them were look of shock.

“You … wait a minute! I will tell Sect!”

Two Mountain Guarding disciple, dare not to be indifferent, with a face full of surprise, even trembling with words, turned and rushed to the Sect mountain road behind him, and in a blink of an eye, they were disappeared!

“Uh … it seems, it really works!”

Chu Yan saw the reaction of two Mountain Guarding disciple and finally relaxed!

This Outer World is far more powerful than he had imagined before, so, according to the arrangement of Demon Sword Martial Emperor, first find a Sect to stabilize, which is of great benefit to the cultivation of continent in Outer World!

In particular, when I first came to the outer realm, I had already offended the powerful Ming clan. If there is no accident, now the entire Ming clan is afraid to find myself everywhere.


It did n’t take long for Chu Yan to just feel a wave of voids in front of him, a purple robe silhouette, slowly appearing in the sky.

“Who has the Broken Soul Sword !? The Broken Soul Sword is there !?”

Purple robe Man, roaring loudly, a pair of bloody eyes, swept all around, and fell straight on Chu Yan.

To be precise, it fell on Chu Yan’s broken soul sword!


With a wave of hand, the powerful aura rushed out, Chu Yan only felt saw a flash, and the broken soul sword was like a black lightning, shot at the purple robe man, and fell into the opponent’s hand instantly.

“Yes! Sure enough it’s a broken soul sword! Really … ha ha ha!”

After some examination, the purple robe man’s face showed a touch of excitement, and he suddenly laughed out loud.

“Boy, this broken soul sword, you got it there !?”

A tall figure, a thick robe man, looking towards Chu Yan, asked.

“Forget it, you don’t have to say it! You follow me!”

However, not waiting for Chu Yan to answer, the purple robe man, but the hook again, turned directly and moved towards the mountain gate path.

“Uh … what happened !?”

Chu Yan, who was confused by the purple robe man, was a little stunned, and then with the Little White Bear, chased the purple robe man and rushed into the gate of the Heavenly Demon.

One person and one bear, Mercedes-Benz is in the mountain gate of the Heavenly Demon City, chasing behind the purple robe man very fast!

The long and winding mountain road rushed past in a flash, and soon appeared on a huge white jade square.

At a glance, densely packed, Sect disciple dressed in black and purple long robe, simultaneously shua shua looked around.

“Yi !? Isn’t that, Elder of the Palatial Hall !?”

“Who is behind Elder Duan !? 2 Martial Sovereign Realm !? Is it the new disciplinary disciplinary !? But, how can the Elder of the Holy Martial Hall pick up the new disciple, which is strange!”

“No! They went to Sword Peak!”

“What !? Magic Sword Peak, how is it possible !? That has been sealed for more than 1000 years!”

“Really ah! I really went to Sword Peak!”


Seeing 3 silhouettes, bypassing the Martial Arts Stage in front of the main peak, directly moved towards the main peak and the clouds, nearly 10000 recipes on the square, all together!

Chu Yan followed behind the purple robe man, and his sight thrilled him!

Within this magical city, Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse is as much as cattle hair, and even encountered more than ten aura horrible Martial Emperor powerhouses, all wearing purple robe, just looking at each other, all of which made Chu Yan feel a sense of palpitation. .

“Really strong! This magic sky is more than 100 times stronger than Antiquity Eight Sects!” Chu Yan secretly said in one’s heart.

In less than breath breaths, the purple robe man brought Chu Yan and Little White Bear to a thousand zhang mountain peak and stopped his body!

“Here is the Magic Sword Peak!”

Raised his hand, not far from the main hall of the magic Sword Peak, the purple robe man turned around, looked towards Chu Yan, lightly said with a smile.

“This is your identity, Jade Talisman, and the Soul Sword, all for you!”

As soon as he raised his hand, one black and one purple 2 stream of light came and flew straight out, and when Chu Yan received it, Duan Elder said

“From today on, you … are the chief discipline of Magic Sword Peak!”

In a word, Chu Yan’s face suddenly started, raised his eyes, and looked at the purple robe man in surprise …

“Wh … what !? This … this is the chief discipline !?” Chu Yan blinked in disbelief. “Don’t use Sect Entry Examination and so on !?”

“No! I say you are, you are!” The purple robe man smiled softly and took the head. “Yes, my name is Duan Yulong, you can call me Duan Elder in the future, anything within Sect, you can go to Shengwu Tang came to me! “

“Okay! That’s it! You settle down first!”

In a word, the Elder body flashed, rising up, turning into a long rainbow, moving towards the main peak in the distance and flying away.

Chu Yan and Little White Bear stood on the spot and looked up at the flying section of Elder.

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