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What makes Chu Yan didn’t expect is that the strength of the Sect of the Devil City in this day seems to be no worse than that of the Ming Clan, so you can join Sect, so casual! ?

Moreover, I just arrived, and in the blink of an eye, I set myself a “Chief Disciple”! ?

It stands to reason that my current cultivation base, but only the superior Martial Sovereign Realm, with Chu Yan in the Devil Capital, see the cultivation base of other disciplines, even if it is a middle class.

In this way … can become the chief discipline of Spirit Peak! ?

“Hu… Sect of Outland World, okay … peculiar!”

Hold back for a long time, and Chu Yan with Little White Bear big eyes staring at small eyes for a long time, exhaled long, withdrawn his eyes, turned around and looked towards the main hall of Magic Sword Peak.

The black hall building is 7 Layer high and covers an area of ​​nearly 1000 mu.

On the square in front of the temple, there are eight 8 black columns of Roaming Dragon, standing imposingly on the square in front of the palace, as if there were 2 neat guards.

“Yi!? Why is there no one !?”

Little White Bear gave a soft click, a pair of bear eyes, Didi turned around a few times, rushed towards the square in front of the temple, moved towards the main hall.

“It’s a bit wrong. There is no one on this Sword Peak!”

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness swept away and instantly enveloped the entire Sword Peak. The result of the exploration was the same as Little White Bear …

The entire Sword Peak is empty!

This is completely different from the situation that Divine Consciousness explored before Chu Yan, behind the purple robe and traversing the entire Demon!

Along the way, this day the devil is, according to Chu Yan ’s exploration, at least has nearly 100000000 million of the discipline, which is only superficial, those who are potentially in the cave mansion, the spiritual array was opened during cultivation, Divine Consciousness fundamental exploration Nope.

“No matter! Find the Great Array that Demon Sword Martial Emperor said!”

Shook the head, Chu Yan no longer thinks about it, like Little White Bear, body flashed and moved towards the main hall.

Now, Chu Yan would like to know, Mo Sword Martial Soul, in the Mo Sword Peak, what surprises he has left for himself!

Sword Peak, imposing manner, majestic, domineering and majestic, dark clouds like smoke, main hall all around, one after another towering ancient tree, straight into the cloud, in the forest behind the hall, a large piece of Spirit Grass fairy flower, grow and release at will A lot of Heaven and Earth Spirit Power has been released.

Chu Yan and Little White Bear were in the main hall. They chased around and searched for 4 places, but they didn’t find anything at all.

“No, the Great Array said by Demon Sword Martial Emperor does not seem to be in the main hall!”

Chu Yan stood in front of the gate of the main hall, his face full of doubts, looking down and thinking …

Little White Bear has also lost patience, or has been attracted by the beast roar in the forest behind the mountain, and has long slipped.

“Is it the same as when Beneath Heaven Sword Sect !?”

Soon, Chu Yan flashed light, turned his head towards the magical Sword Peak, secretly said in one’s heart.


Without any hesitation, Chu Yan leaned over the demon Sword Peak at the back of the temple and began to explore along the mountain.

Sure enough, after a while, a huge stone cave was found on the side of the mountain, which looked exactly the same as the previous Beneath Heaven Sword Sect!

“Oh, this Demon Sword Martial Emperor is really nothing new. When it comes to this continent, it is still the same as before!”

Holding the Broken Soul Sword, Chu Yan strode into the Stone Temple and went deeper and deeper.

The underground stone palace in the heart of this mountain is much more complicated, and there are layers of prohibition, and the guard is extremely tight.

If it wasn’t for Chu Yan’s hand holding a broken soul sword, it might have been regarded as an intruder, and it would have become a scum.

A full depth of nearly 10 li, finally, a huge Underground Palace appeared in front of Chu Yan!

It’s just that when Chu Yan looked up, at first glance, his face was startled, and he couldn’t believe it.

“9 dragon pillar !?”

In front of the stone palace, nine dragon pillars of different colors were raised from the ground, and the top of the Earth Palace on the top of the straight plug stood like a Heaven-supporting Pillar.

“Don’t …”

Chu Yan’s face was slightly stunned, and his eyes were swept. Sure enough, he saw 9 dragon pillars, 9 dragon breaths converged, hovering in front of the stone temple, and evolved a 9 dragon Great Array. shadow, floating quietly …

“Sure enough, this is the Great Array called by Demon Sword Martial Emperor, but … Surprise !?”

Chu Yan 4 looked around and found that among the Earth Palace, except for the Stone Hall, there were the 9 Dragon Spirit Arrays, and there was nothing else. Suddenly, his eyes swept and fell back on the 9 Dragon Spirit Arrays.

“Broken Soul Sword, go!”

Shouted in a low voice, Chu Yan raised his hand and tossed it, the Soul Sword crossed the void, shot away, and shot straight into the middle of the 9 Dragon Spirit Arrays, the two Black Sword illusory shadows.

2 Swords intersect, and instantly blend together!

Immediately afterwards, layers of Sword Intent, like the ripples of the void, overflowed from the broken soul sword at the center of 9 Dragon Spirit Formation!

These ripple-like Sword Intents swelled layer by layer, more and more, more and more dense, and soon collided with all 9 dragon pillars around.

roar! roar! roar! roar!

9 sacred dragon, heaven shaking earth shattering, dragon body with different colors on the dragon pillar, wake up one by one, the dragon eyes open, 9 The violent dragon breath, pulled a fierce dragon breath wind in the stone temple.

Boom … Rumble!

9 The Dragon Spirit Array opened, and the entire underground stone palace, including the mountain floor at the foot of Chu Yan, was trembling.

For a time, the mountain shook under the ground, as if what rare treasure or Secret Realm would be born!

“It really is the same as Beneath Heaven Sword Sect Magic Sword Peak! This is 9 dragon spirit vein Great Array!”

Chu Yan looked at everything in front of him, and the pupil light was bright. Of course, he remembered that during the magic Sword Peak of Beneath Heaven Sword Sect, because of the 9 dragon spirit vein, his cultivation base skyrocketed.


As Chu Yan pondered, the 9 Dragon Spirit Arrays in front of the Stone Temple finally evolved into shape, and the 9 Dragon Shadows merged into one, forming a body of Divine Dragon near a thousand zhang, circling over the huge underground stone palace …

Soon, the dragon body with a nine colored ray of haze lingering all over the body, twisted in shape, tumbling and moving, where moved towards Chu Yan, rushed.

Chu Yan only felt that his eyes lit up, and the dragon body released 10000 rays of light, falling in front of him, shrinking constantly and turning into a human figure!

This man, wearing a purple long robe, has a firm face, a thick face, and looks at Chu Yan without a smile!

“What !? You … you are Elder Duan !?”

At a glance, Chu Yan was shocked, and he couldn’t believe it!

Not bad!

In front of me, the silhouette transformed by the dragon body is the Elder of Chu Wutang, which led Chu Yan into the Devil’s Capital, Duan Yulong!

“Oh, Chu Yan, I finally wait for you!”

Duan Elder smiled, looked at Chu Yan, slightly nodded, then said

“The Elder in the outside world is just my Avatar, living in the Paladin, just to wait for the person with the broken soul sword to appear! This is where my true body is!”

“So that’s how it is! That Demon Sword Martial Emperor….” Chu Yan asked, looking blank, nodded.

“Good! These 9 Dragon Soul Arrays were created by Demon Sword Martial Emperor. Only the Soul Sword can be reopened. It is 100,000 years old … ha ha ha ha!”

Duan Elder explained on the side, but his face was full of excitement. He looked back at the center of 9 Dragon Spirit Array, the suspended soul-sword, in his eyes, lighting Yiyi!

“Duan Elder, Demon Sword Martial Emperor let me open this, saying that in the Great Array, there are surprises, may I ask …”

Chu Yan had previously seen the 9 dragon pillar in the world sword inside the sect, and it was also the hand of Demon Sword Martial Emperor.

So, see you now. Although you are surprised, you can still accept it. After a little pondering, you open your mouth and ask the questions you care about most.

“Ha ha ha, of course there are surprises, and it is a big surprise!”

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