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Seeing the origin of various spirit veins, they are constantly gathered in the stone palace.

The origin of the spirit veins in various colors is like 10000 stars, flickering and floating in the sky. The various colors are dazzling and dazzling.

“Ha ha ha, with the source of spirit veins of these different attributes, my 9 dragon spirit veins can be ascending!”

Duan Elder looked at the source of the spirit vein with his face, his eyes were shining, and he laughed again and again.

“Good! Good! Demon Sword Martial Emperor, this move, from Vast Heaven Continent to Canglong Realm, it’s really trial and error!”

Chu Yan’s mouth was wide and light, and deep under his eyes, a flash of strange color kept flashing.

At this time, there were 99 Spirit Peaks in the entire Devil’s Sky, nearly ten 100000000 million disciples and Elders. No one noticed that there was a Spirit vein for 100,000 years under the Spirit Peak under their feet. Any changes!

Of course, Chu Yan is also very careful at this time, and only urged 9% formidable power of 10 Dragon Juling Great Array!

However, the scene in front of me made Chu Yan heart-wrenching and wanted to give it a try. If the entire 9 Dragon Spirit Gathering Array is mobilized, what will be the effect!

“Duan Elder, are you sure?”

Chu Yan took a deep breath, suppressing the excitement, turned his head towards towards Elder, and asked.

After all, he had just arrived in Demon City. In a short time, he wanted to borrow this Sect for a while.

Therefore, if the big brothers of Motiandu find out and are kicked out of Sect, I am afraid that those of the Ming tribe will soon find themselves.

These 9 Long Ju Ling Great Array, first absorb a little, if they are all turned on, I am afraid that the entire Magic Sky will directly fry the pot!

“This one…..”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s question, the ecstatic section of Elder, also slightly started, brows slightly wrinkle, and carefully sensed it.

“At present, there are no problems found. All peaks are normal. The Old Monsters in Zongli seem to be unaware. This Sword Peak is originally ranked in the bottom of 99 peaks, so in general, they Don’t pay attention here! “

“the last one!?”

hearing this, Chu Yan’s mouth was fiercely drawn …

Didn’t expect, Demon Sword Martial Emperor called this magic Sword Peak, even in the Sect of Heavenly Demon City, it was so bad! ?

No wonder, when I first went to the Magic Sword Peak, the disciplines of the heavenly demons, just like watching monsters, looked at myself.

However, regardless of the rank of Magic Sword Peak, it is not important for Chu Yan now.

The most important thing at the moment is to gather more sources of spirit veins to quickly improve your strength.

“In view of the current situation, it is completely okay to have a lot of power. Do you want to try the 20% effect …”

Like Duan Elder, Chu Yan carefully sensed the 9 Dragon Spirit Gathering Array, and found that everything was normal, and his heart moved slightly, thinking secretly.

“Duan Elder, I want to try the 20% effect, this magic Sword Peak can have a separate peak protection Great Array !?” Chu Yan looked up, looked towards Dragon Spirit, and asked.

“Yeah! It hasn’t been opened in 10000 years, I almost forgot, okay! I opened the Great Peak Array immediately!”

In a word, the spirit of Dragon Vein transformed by Elder Duan opened his mouth, and a group of 7 colorful lights spewed out, soaring into the sky, and disappeared into the top of the upper hall.

Boom … Rumble!

After a while, Chu Yan heard that a sound of dull thunder sounded over the magic Sword Peak. It was the guardian spirit array that completely wrapped the entire magic Sword Peak like a mask.

At that time, Demon Sword Martial Emperor was very self-knowledge before Devil Sword Martial Emperor ran into a huge disaster, and made a comprehensive transformation in advance of the magic Sword Peak’s Great Array.

At a huge cost, the current Magic Sword Peak protects the Great Array, and does not lose to any peak in the top 3 ranked!

As a result, anyone’s Divine Consciousness exploration is impossible deep inside the magic Sword Peak, and the safety is greatly improved!

The sound of rumble’s stuffy thunder echoed in the magic sky for nearly ten breaths before gradually dispersing …

Above each Spirit Peak, the eyes of some disciplines and Elders projected in unison.

“Yi!? What’s the situation!? Magic Sword Peak opened the Great Array!”

“I rely, really strong guarding peak array, isn’t this Sword Peak the last one !?”

“Fart, what do you know? Now the Peak Master of Sword Peak is Elder Duan. That’s the Paladin dedicated to Elder. Don’t talk nonsense and offend him. You are dead!”

“That is, 100,000 years ago, the magic word Sword Peak of the Demon City, but the existence of the ranked 1st, if it is not out of …. Uh! Still do not say!”


For a time, with the magic word Sword Peak, which had been silent for 10000 years, suddenly showed a wake-up state, so that the whole Heavenly Devil was talking quietly, but when some taboos were mentioned, they were avoided!

“Dragon Spirit Royal Nine Heavens, Heaven and Earth Guidongxu! Give me again … open!”

Chu Yan’s hands are flying, the hand seal is turned over and over, 9 The center of the Dragon Spirit Array has been attracting the spirit-broken sword of the source of the spirit vein, and once again flashed a dazzling sword glow!

Absorbed a large number of spirit vein swords, and the sword power of the broken soul sword recovered a lot. At this time, bursts of Sword Intent surged out, causing the entire 9 Dragon Spirit Gathering Array to tremble.

At this time, the sword power of the Broken Soul Sword was finally able to be exerted, and nearly 100 sword glows were fired, which were shot out of 9 dragon pillars, which made the different light of the dragon pillar more than twice as powerful as before.

Boom … Rumble!

The powerful Spirit Gathering Array bursts out with terrifying power, madly sucking the remaining 98 peaks of the earth’s spirit.

Suddenly, the source of the spirit vein of the big stocks, like the Tao Tao flood, moved towards the magic Sword Peak …

“I depend, so strong !?”

No matter Chu Yan or Elder Longling, Qiqi was taken aback!

The source of the spirit vein that was sucked in was just 1000 points of starlight when it was just opened, and now it is like a flood bursting a dike.

The wave-like spirit vein water poured into the stone palace and instantly filled nearly half of the huge stone palace space.

“Little White Bear, stop playing, come back!”

In an instant, Chu Yan’s eyes were crimson, Divine Consciousness turned into a sharp arrow, direct shot at the mountain range behind the main hall of Sword Peak, summon Little White Bear came back.

The spirit of such a terrible spirit vein can’t be swallowed up at all by itself, even if it’s just adding Little White Bear, I’m afraid it’s not enough!

Moreover, the source of the spirit vein of various attributes is still passing through the underground, constantly pouring into the magic Sword Peak Earth Palace….


In less than one breath, a white lightning rushed through the gate of the Earth Palace. It was the angry White Little Bear …

It turned out that in the mountain range, I just got rid of a powerful Monster Beast and was preparing to dig up Monster Crystal. After hearing Chu Yan ’s summon, I thought Chu Yan was in danger.

Like the Little White Bear who came back to help with lightning, just stepped into the Earth Palace, just glanced at it, and suddenly his whole body as if was struck by lightning, stood still on the spot!

“Lying grass! What … what happened !?”

Little White Bear stared at a pair of bear eyes and looked at the source of the spirit vein that was surging in the sky. The bear mouth was wide open, and ao ao called out …

“This is the source of Purple Gold Sky Tiger’s spirit vein! 9 The source of Golden Peng spirit vein! Diyou 10000 The source of Spirit Sea’s spirit vein! The source of Spirit Vessel from the Fire Tree in 10000 …”

each and everyone only exists in the legendary name, screaming out constantly, Little White Bear demon chaos, staring at Chu Yan with a stared expression… ..

Chu Yan, what did he do! ?

These legendary Peak spirit veins, even Dangdang as Antiquity Spirit Beast bloodline, only exist in long-term memories, but now …

All of a sudden, there were more than 90 kinds in front of me, so Little White Bear couldn’t believe it!

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