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“Dangdang, hurry up and start absorbing!”

Chu Yan shouted loudly, wake up the sluggish Little White Bear, at the same time, the figure bursts out, moved towards 9 Dragon Spirit Gathering Array.

It was just a flash, and it fell into the Spirit Gathering Array of 9 dragons, sitting directly cross-legged, Rakshasa wandering madly, and began to devour the source of the spirit vein.

“Roar! Roar …”

Seeing that Chu Yan had begun, Little White Bear woke up and suddenly roared, the whole bear body skyrocketed madly, and immediately rose to nearly zhang….

thump! thump!

Two bear legs thicker than the dragon pillar took a step. In one step, they stepped into the spirit array. They sat down and opened the mouth of the bear that was as big as a small house. Suddenly sucked!

Suddenly, the source of the spirit vein in the sky, like the river flowing back to the sea, moved towards Little White Bear’s mouth …

The Little White Bear, which put the beast body completely out, swallowed the source of the spirit vein, instantly surpassing Chu Yan.

“I rely on, Dangdang, you are too fierce! So much, enough for us to devour!”

Chu Yan chuckled, shook the head, and was no longer multilingual. The whole mind was immersed and devoured the source of the spirit vein all around.

At this time, on Chu Yan’s body, red light and golden light are on at the same time. Xuantian Fire Body and Rakshasa Devil Body are turned on at the same time, and the source of the extreme spirit vein is continuously inhaled within the body… ..

Rakshasa Promise, coupled with double body refinement, all urged to the extreme, suddenly, Chu Yan body all around, a large source of vortex appeared.

The origin of the spirit vein of various attributes, like the back flow of the Tianhe River, is poured into Chu Yan within the body like crazy.

At the same time, in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, 5 Divine Beast Martial Souls, all awakened from their deep sleep, grabbed the spirit vein corresponding to their own attributes, and swallowed crazy!

Not far away, the first floor of the tower hall, the tower door is wide open …

The source of various black spirit veins poured into the pagoda like a tide, and was swallowed by the Rakshasa shadow!

Even the azure sky lotus and St. Spirit Mark above the sky are devouring the source of the spirit vein that matches their own attributes.

This is a feast!

For Chu Yan, the Great Array of this time’s Ju Ling brings him an absolute improvement!

Whether it is cultivation base, Fleshy body, Martial Soul, or even a few of your own cards, all are improving!

This cultivation speed is more than ten times the usual!

“It seems that the decision to come to this Sword Peak is really right!”

Feeling within the body, the strength of the mad increase, Chu Yan’s face appeared a bit of joy.

With such a horrible Spirit Gathering Array, the speed of cultivation can be described as rapid progress. Compared to being in this Azure Dragon World domain, there are 4 places rushing around, I do n’t know how much I want to be stronger.

Moreover, with the huge monster, Mo Tiandu, standing in front of yourself, in a short period of time, even if the Ming clan is looking for a door, I am afraid that they can do nothing about themselves!

“Ao ao wailing! I want to absorb all the sources of spirit veins here, much better than fighting those stinking Monster Beasts!”

Little White Bear is also very excited, ao ao yelled, waving a huge bear paw, almost pulled Chu Yan away …

“Okay! Let’s retreat!”

Chu Yan nodded said, immediately, his eyes turned, looked towards 9 Dragon Spirit Gathering Array, also in the crazy devoured segment Elder, opened the mouth and said

“Duan Elder, please help us protect the law, I want to fully cultivate! Strive for a breakthrough!”

With such a rich source of spirit vein, Chu Yan can finally, let go of all the cards and fully cultivate, at the same time, the “Five Elements’ spirit” that has been tense and scarce all the time, this time, must make more!

The spirit of Five Elements has great benefits for yourself, Martial Soul and any other!

Store all the sources of the current spirit vein into “Five Elements”, if there is any danger, even if it is a one-time outbreak, even if Martial Emperor, Chu Yan dare to fight!

“By the way, those nine emperor corpses! Just tempering together!”

Thinking of Martial Emperor, Chu Yan suddenly swept Divine Consciousness, dived into the first floor of the tower hall, and soon found 9 emperor corpses in perspective.

After a little communication with the Rakshasa shadow, the Rakshasa shadow cast a 9 black air current and rushed to 9 emperor corpses, wrapping them all up and keeping warm.

These 9 emperor corpses are also the Demon Sword Martial Emperor. The last Emperor Wei broke out and he made the cards for himself.

I believe that what can make a Martial Emperor look good will definitely not be worse!

This kind of unintentional move has brought Chu Yan great benefits at a later time. At this point, Chu Yan is naturally unexpected!

“Relax! Chu Yan, you can do your best to cultivate. I will pay attention to the outside world! If there is something abnormal, I will cut off 9 Dragon Spirit Formation! Nothing will happen!”

Duan Elder finally reacted, moved towards Chu Yan grinned, nodded said.

“Okay! Many thanks Senior!”

Chu Yan bowed his hand and no longer spoke much, and closed his eyes. All Divine Consciousness, all introverted, turned into Divine Consciousness and returned to Sea of ​​Consciousness World.

roar! roar! roar! roar!

As Chu Yan appeared in the Sea of ​​Consciousness World, 5 Divine Beast Martial Souls on the Martial Soul Mountain flew together, surrounded Chu Yan, separated before and after, and entrenched in Chu Yan all around …

Suddenly, 5 powerful Martial Soul forces fell on Chu Yan at the same time.

5 respect Divine Beast Martial Soul enforcement, Chu Yan’s cultivation speed, skyrocketed 5 times again!

Chu Yan at this moment is like divine light possession, the power of Five Elements is integrated in one body, Divine Beast body protection, just like God!

Since he stepped into Martial Dao, he has never urged 5 Martial Soul cultivation like he is now.

This feeling makes Chu Yan very excited!

“Absolutely! Absolutely breakthrough!” Chu Yan within both eyes, Li Mang flashed.

Now he, the cultivation base only has the superior Martial Sovereign Realm Middle Stage, can he step into the realm of the quasi-imperial, it depends on this time!

With Chu Yan, they fell into a deep cultivation, and the entire Sword Peak and underground stone palace were all silent.

Time … slows slowly!

After 3 days, in a blink of an eye, Mo Tian is regarded as the top 10 Sect of Azure Dragon World domain, only the number of Inner Sect disciple, all have a huge of 100000000.

Therefore, a lot of things happen every day and in the magic days.

The major Spirit Peaks are in step by step, regardless of whether the new disciple is admitted, the peak assessment, Secret Realm trial, etc., are carried out as usual.

The underground Spirit veins of the major Spirit Peaks are slightly less dense than before. However, this small change is because all Spirit Peaks have dropped slightly, so not at all caused anyone to doubt.

Even Peak Peak Masters of some high-level Martial Emperor didn’t even notice it!

In the early morning of the fourth day, Chu Yan finally woke up from the cultivation state, the eyes of Divine Consciousness opened, and he returned directly to the body.

“Fleshy body and Qi Sea are all at the bottleneck! It’s time for breakthrough!”

With a whisper, Chu Yan grinned, and all Divine Consciousness poured into Qi Sea, constantly bringing together the innocent True Qi frenzy, moved towards cultivation base bottleneck, swept away.


The cultivation base bottleneck of the median Martial Sovereign Realm Middle Stage has no surprises, and it will burst in no time!

The median Martial Sovereign Realm Late Stage!

However, Chu Yan did not have any stagnation and hesitation, and continued to move towards the next cultivation base bottleneck.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Under the loud noise of one after another, Chu Yan’s cultivation base continued to break through, and in less than hundred breaths time, it reached the limit directly!

The median Martial Sovereign Realm Peak!

Martial Sovereign Realm Initial Stage!

… ..

Martial Sovereign Realm Middle Stage!

True Qi in the Qi Sea is finally exhausted, Chu Yan breathes his breath, long spits out one mouthful of impure air, slowly eyes opened!

shua! shua!

2 pulse lights like Divine Weapon, shoot straight into the void, make a continuous crackle sound, and shoot all the void in front of you into powder!

“Okay! Rank 3 in a row! Strength increased by 3 times!”

Chu Yan gave a gentle grip, the powerful sense of power filled the whole body, took a step gently, the whole Earth Palace shuddered!

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