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After a dizzying turn of the sky, when Chu Yan looked at the scene around him again, he found that he had returned to the cultivation hall of Sword Peak.

And, in his hand, it was a crescent-shaped Jade Talisman!

“What happened !? This is over !?”

Chu Yan was speechless, didn’t expect, it was the Lord who summoned himself, threw himself a Jade Talisman, and it was over! ?

“Forget it, just right, it is also necessary to go to the Demon City, to see if there is a better pill recipe in the Azure Dragon World domain, then buy some spirit medicine, and refine some Golden Pill for cultivation!”

Slightly hesitated, and recalled what the owner said to himself, Chu Yan also admitted that there are some things that the owner said right.

My own body refinement a really has some problems.

Rakshasa Devil Body and Xuantian Fire Body met the bottleneck at the same time, no matter how Chu Yan cultivated, even if the source of the Spirit vein gathered the last 99 peaks, the double body refinement turned out to have no breakthrough!

This is obviously very abnormal, and if the Fleshy body has been stuck in the position of bottleneck, your own cultivation base realm will also be affected.

In addition, in the context of Martial Sovereign, especially Martial Emperor realm, Martial Artist pays more attention to Fleshy body cultivation than even cultivation technique cultivation base.

Because, after stepping into the Realm of Martial Emperor, more Martial Artists began to pursue the way of fleshy body sanctification!

No matter how cultivation is performed by Martial Artists, Martial Dao’s road no matter how far it goes, it is only a Fleshy body after all!

Therefore, if you want to break through to the legendary Supreme Holy Land, if you can’t make Fleshy Body Undying and Inextinguishable, I am afraid that Fleshy Body’s life essence will end in a day.

At that time, either leave the inheritance and wait for the damage, or just take possession of the other Fleshy body and start cultivation again!

These two methods are not what Chu Yan wants!

Just as Chu Yan kept meditating on his future road of Martial Dao, on the other side, the heavens and demons all lived in the study room of the temple …

……… ..

The captain and Mu Chen sat opposite each other and talked softly.

“Master, let him see Dongfangyue now, is it too early !?” Mu Elder opened the mouth and said.

“Early !? Hehe … Not early!” The master hearing this, but it was smile smiled, and looked at Elder Mu, opened the mouth and said

“Don’t forget, Demon Sword Martial Emperor has been ruined for something, and what he has been doing for more than a decade and 10000!”

“Demon Sword Martial Emperor !?”

Hearing the Lord ’s words, Mu Elder ’s eyes flickered, his brow lightly wrinkle lightly, a little thought, suddenly the complexion greatly changed, suddenly looked up, looked towards the Lord, opened the mouth and said with a look of amazement

“Did you mean … Heavenly Dao Ming curse !?”

“These words will be mentioned again in the future! Only you and I will know it!” The master heard Mu Chen’s words, but raised his hand and waved, a.

The Lord looked towards Mu Chen, his face was solemn, opened the mouth and said “Mu Elder, I want you to remember from today! From now on, no matter what happens, must protect this child’s safety!”

“Protect … Chu Yan !?” Mu Elder stunned.

“Yes! Even if the entire Devil is destroyed, all the discipline Elder will be damaged, and this child will not be allowed to damage a sweat!” Said the master.

“What !? This …”

The words fell to the ground, just like thunderclap, which made Mu Elder’s eyes suddenly sullen, and his face was unbelievable.

“I am the Devil Capital, majoring in demonic path cultivation technique. For the past 10000 years, those so-called Upright Sect have been right. On that day, I was not thinking about it. I want to get rid of the Devil Capital and then quickly!”

“However, they can never guess that Heavenly Dao’s man of destiny has fallen on my demon capital, ha ha ha….”

When the Lord said here, he laughed loudly, with a powerful imposing manner, rushing out of the study, swept through the 99 peaks, like a thunderous thunder, all over the heavenly demons, constantly echoing!


On the other side, the demon wolf peak, the main hall …

Several powerful silhouettes of aura, gathered in the hall, are talking quietly.

One of these silhouettes is the one who Chu Yan was on the Demon God platform and had intersect with … Qiu Wuhuang!

“Qiu Wuhuang, are you really sure that Chu Yan is related to Demon Sword Martial Emperor !?”

A gold-edged purple robe, a burly, sturdy middle-aged man, staring at the next head, Qiu Wuhuang, asked.

“Father … uh! Qiu Elder, absolutely can’t be wrong, that Chu Yan has the same aura as the broken soul sword!”

Qiu Wuhuang’s tone was certainly replied, thought for a while, and then said

“And, I suspect that one of his upper-class Martial Sovereign Realm Initial Stage cultivation base kid can rush to Grade 1 Demon Sovereign Monument in one breath, very well, and has obtained the treasure of Demon Sword Martial Emperor!”

In a word, including the elder Qiu Elder who just asked, several big men in the hall, all complexion changed!

“Hmph! Demon Sword Martial Emperor colluded with the master of that year, privately opened 9 Devil Holy Land, and wanted to forcibly induce the Demon God of Demon God to be born. The resources consumed inside the sect are simply astronomical!”

A lean, full-faced purple robe old man, snorted again and said

“Nie Elder, as far as I know, the Demon Sword Martial Emperor not only swallowed the resources of Sect, but also, for more than 10000 years, this Azure Dragon World domain, even the entire Outer World, various Danger Land Secret Realm, he entered Countless! The resources and treasure collected are scarce! “

Qiu Elder said from above.

“You don’t have to say more, you and I will unite the two peaks, and then pull on some other Spirit Peaks. In any case, these treasures and resources must not fall into the boy’s hands!

Nie Elder’s eyes were shot sharply, his body full of anger, looked towards Qiu Elder opened the mouth and said.

“Okay! Just to my liking!”

Hearing Nie Elder’s words, Qiu 10000 Yun’s face was delighted, and he bounced from a high position and walked to Nie Elder, his eyes flashing, opened the mouth and said

“One month later, Tianmo is 100 peaks trial, when the time comes, as the only recipe of Sword Peak, that Chu Yan will definitely participate, 100 peaks trial, life and death ca n’t help but as long as we participate in the arrangement, a small It ’s too easy for the little boy of Martial Sovereign Initial Stage cultivation base to kill 100 times! “

Out of the extremely vicious words, Nie Elder and Qiu Elder glanced at each other and burst out laughing at the same time …

“Ha ha ha, when the time comes, everything you get, you two peaks are evenly divided! Even if you are the Lord, there is nothing to say!”

“Okay! That’s it! Ha ha ha… ..”

Laughter’s laughter reverberates in the demon wolf Peak Master’s hall, the faces of 3 people are full of joy …


A day later, within the Magic Sword Peak, a silhouette walked out …

With a long sword on his back and Chu Yan in a black robe all over, he strode out and moved towards the Aurora Hall all the way …

Aurora Palace!

It is the Great Hall of Teleporting Spirit Array, which is specially set in the Heavenly Demon Capital. Through the 1000 Demon Teleporting Spirit Array in the Aurora Hall, you can reach within 100000000 miles, any place with teleportation in the Spirit Array.

But this time, Chu Yan’s goal is beyond a thousand li … Tianma City!

Ignoring the countless pairs of stunning eyes in the Aurora Hall, Chu Yan directly found the Transmission Array of the Demon City and flashed into it.

A burst of rays of light flashed over and entered Chu Yan in the Transmission Array. I only felt the light and dark in front of my eyes. When the eyes were opened, I was in a forest.

“Uh … this is there !? Isn’t it Demon City !?”

Chu Yan stepped out of the teleportation spirit array, with a stunned expression on his face, and looked up at all around …

However, at a glance, Chu Yan’s face suddenly looked awkward, and the different colors in the pupil light flickered.

I saw that a few miles away, a majestic city towering like a rolling mountain, like a head of 10000 ancient black caracal, crawling on the endless grassland.

one after another Aura is very powerful, constantly rushing out of that black city, obviously aura of some kind of powerful spirit array!

“Really strong spirit array has gathered all Heaven and Earth Spirit Power within a radius of 1000 miles!”

Chu Yan looked at Heavenly Demon City in the distance and muttered to himself.

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