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“This Demon City, it seems, is not simple!” Chu Yan slightly narrows the eyes, muttering to himself.

“By the way, Situ Yang’s goods, I don’t know how the cultivation is going now !?”

After leaving the Vast Heaven Continent from Chu Yan, the entire Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect has been staying in the myriad beasts of the mountain and river. In the myriad beasts of the mountain and river, Situ Yang built several giant Spirit Gatherings in the highest mountain peaks Array.

With these Spirit Gathering Arrays, the speed at which the myriad beasts of mountains and rivers can absorb Heaven and Earth Spirit Power from the outside world has increased by more than ten times.

It is enough to temporarily guarantee the operation of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect!

After all, when Chu Yan left, he collected more than half of the entire Vast Heaven Continent resources. These resources alone are enough for Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect to operate for more than a year.

However, after coming to the Azure Dragon World domain, Chu Yan deeply realized that the low rank World of Vast Heaven Continent is very different from the high rank World outside.

“Situ Yang, come out!”

Chu Yan raised his hand and Divine Consciousness communicated the mountain and river myriad beasts map, directly found the mountain and river myriad beasts map, somewhere in Danger Land, one of 2 silhouettes.

A round mountain of meat is very easy to recognize!


A flicker of flesh flickered, and Situ appeared in front of Chu Yan, full of lustful smiles, pouting, sullen, and could not bear to look straight.

“Ah … I depend, this … there !?”

Situ Yang, who suddenly awakened, suddenly started, looked all around, and saw Chu Yan at a glance.

“Big brother! Uh … not like that. I just …”

When I saw the person in front of me, it was Chu Yan, and Situ Yang’s face was full of fat, and he suddenly showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

Just at a Danger Land in the myriad beasts of the mountain and river, Situ Yang finally confessed to a female Martial Artist who has been chasing for a long time. She was just about to speak, but Chu Yan waved it and called it out.

At this moment, Situ Yang wants to die!

“Big brother, is it easy for the little brother to make a girl !? No, you have to pay me …” Situ Yang cried to Chu Yan.

“Ha ha ha, fatty, look over there!”

Hearing Situ Yang ’s words, Chu Yan smiled, raised his finger, opened the mouth and said “There are countless beautiful women in that city, and I heard that beautiful women like fatter ones …..”


Chu Yan’s words had just landed, and Situ Yang’s eyes suddenly flashed, and he suddenly turned his head, looking towards Heavenly Demon City, not far away. At a glance, the body full of fat, instantly became extremely flexible, and rushed to the city.

“Dead fatty! Ha ha …”

Seeing Situ Yang ’s reaction, Chu Yan could not help but smile, and then his body flickered, moving towards Heavenly Demon City.

In this foreign realm, there is a feeling of being accompanied by friends.

Afterwards, Chu Yan took the fat and the two ran all the way …

Above the endless plains, it seemed like 2 dart arrows, galloping across, bringing up 2 long dust waves, moving towards the huge Sky Demon City, extending away.

Soon, 2 people came to the city gate.

“Go, go in and see!”

Chu Yan and Situ Yang, strode towards the city gate, ready to enter the city of Demon!

“Stop! Pay the city fee! Or show your identity Jade Talisman!”

2 guards of Martial Venerable Realm cultivation base, holding black long spear, blocking Chu Yan 2 people, shouted

“En !?”

Chu Yan and Situ Yang, their faces suddenly started, didn’t expect, this day the magic city is still very strict!

“I am the Demon City, the chief disciple of the Sword Peak, Chu Yan! This is my identity Jade Talisman!” Chu Yan took out the identity of the Devil City Jade Talisman and handed it over.

“Magic Sword Peak Chief Disciple !?” The 2 guards startled.

Their Heavenly Demon City has a very close relationship with Heavenly Demon, so they also know a little bit about the situation of Heavenly Demon City Sect.

However, since 10000 years, Sword Peak seems to have never been to the Disciples, how to jump out of a chief discipline now! ?

With a few traces of suspicion, the two guards took Chu Yan’s Jade Talisman and infused True Qi. After some exploration, the complexion changed suddenly.

“Please forgive me, Sir!”

After confirming Chu Yan’s identity, the expressions of the two guards immediately became respectful, very politely returning the identity of Jade Talisman to Chu Yan, his eyes turned, and looked towards Situ Yang!

“He is my Sword Peak disciple! This is his identity Jade Talisman!”

Seeing the eyes of the guards, Situ Yang suddenly shuddered with fat on his face, and looked bitter towards Chu Yan. However, before Situ Yang opened his mouth, Chu Yan waved his hand directly and pulled out a piece of Jade Talisman again. past.



Situ Yang and 2 guards were shocked at the same time!

Situ Yang himself did not know, when, what became the magic of Sword Peak! ?

And those 2 guards are didn’t expect, how could this big fat identity Jade Talisman be on others.

However, Chu Yan’s status is so honorable. The two guards were only slightly started, and they directly probed the second identity Jade Talisman from Chu Yan.

“Sky Demon City, Grade 1 Spirit Peak, Demon Sword Peak Trial Disciple, Situ Yang!”

There was no problem with the identity of Jade Talisman. The 2 guards looked towards fatty, and immediately became respectful, and quickly returned the identity of Jade Talisman.

“Please 2 people into the city!” The two guards gave way to the city gate and bowed.

“Go! Go to the city!”

Chu Yan waved his hand, and with a stunned face, Situ Yang strode into the city gate.

“Big … big brother, what’s the matter? Isn’t this identity Jade Talisman fake?” Situ Yang chased Chu Yan and asked in a whisper.

“Oh, of course not. Devil is this day. I just joined a Sect. In the 99 Magic Spirit Peak, the Magic Sword Peak is the only one of me, and what is the name of the chief discipline, so, all the magic Sword Peak tried the discipline. Identity Jade Talisman, I have a bunch! “Chu Yan explained with a smile.

When I left Demon Sword this time, I came to the Devil Sword City. Chu Yan was originally in the main hall of Demon Sword Peak and wanted to find some resources. When the time comes, it is convenient to buy spirit medicine.

But what didn’t expect is to go through the whole Sword Peak, not to mention Origin Crystal Origin Stone, not even a copper plate.

In one breath, Chu Yan put all the things he could take in the main hall of the magic Sword Peak into the Rakshasa Space, ready to give him a big sale.

Jade Talisman, the identity of Situ Yang, was found by Chu Yan when he searched the main hall of Sword Peak.

“Big brother mighty! Ha ha ha… .didn’t expect, in this outer land, I am also a person with Sect!” Situ Yang hearing this, suddenly laughed heartily, the fat on his face trembling, and his face was trembling Surname.

On the streets of Demon City, it is very lively, and the silhouette is like a wave …

Chu Yan and Situ Yang walked on the street and walked slowly. On the way, Chu Yan continued to explain to Situ Yang about the Azure Dragon World domain and the heavenly demons. At the same time, he looked around and looked towards the 4nd side of the street. Shops.

“Okay! Fatty, in this city, I believe you are better than me, or I will act separately!”

After walking for a while, Chu Yan spoke to Situ Yang.

“Haha… .big brother, just to my liking! Such a huge city is absolutely like a fish back in water for me!”

Situ Yang, who had been unable to live for a long time, heard Chu Yan’s words and said excitedly.

“Oh … remember, help me find out about Dongyue, I will go to the Pill Master Guild here!”

Hearing Situ Yang’s words, Chu Yan reminded him that when he first met Situ Yang in Horizon City, this product was simply a profiteer of swindle.

However, as Situ Yang ’s Spirit Mark division, plus his Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base, Chu Yan did not worry about him …

“Relax, big … brother …”

Not waiting for Chu Yan to finish, Situ Yang shook his obese body and became extremely flexible in an instant, disappearing into the crowd in a blink of an eye.

Watching Situ Yang disappear, Chu Yan smiled bitterly, hooked the head, and then recognized the direction a little, moved towards the north street of the city.

According to the news he asked the guards before, the Pill Master Guild should be in the direction of the north street of the city.

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