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This great hall is extremely peculiar in shape, with 100 rooms neatly arranged in the empty hall.

Above each room, there is a number, connected with a circle-shaped crystal, the surface of the crystal is smooth, like a mirror.

“What’s that in these rooms …?”

Chu Yan and everyone moved towards those rooms and looked at them, all of a sudden with a puzzled look.

I saw that in all the rooms with wide open doors, there was a silhouette standing, but this person’s shadow was all over the body, all crystal clear and near-transparent crystal carvings, it was a crystal humanoid statue!

However, the eyes of this crystal humanoid figure were turning, and a light smile appeared on the entire crystal face, which looked like True Master.

Qilin’s pupils immediately turned, and at a glance, Chu Yan suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

The crystal people in these rooms exude aura that makes Chu Yan feel a trace of danger!

“Everyone, this time Pill Master is selected to win with Pill Fire strength. The first crystal puppet in these 100 rooms is the top work of artifact refining Master, which can release a powerful ice field.”

“All you have to do is to confront the Crystal Man, and the person who insists the longest is the final winner!

Master Li’s face was solemn, and his eyes were constantly glancing at all Pill Master’s faces. The depth of his gloomy eyes was always with a trace of hope.

“In addition to not being allowed to bring the Dan Servant, whether it is Spirit Armament, Spirit Array or Spirit Medicine, whatever you use!”

Everyone hears Master Li’s words, they are nodded, and they fully understand this selection method!

“It’s fair!”

Chu Yan is also nodded.

Pill Dao cultivation base, one is Pill Fire, 2 is pill recipe medicine pill, whether it is powerful Pill Fire or medicine pill made with powerful pill recipe, you can stay in this ice field for more time .

“Everyone, all rooms are the same! Please choose to enter and start the selection!”

After seeing that everyone understood the rules, Master Li directly announced.

“I want Room No. 2!”

“I’m coming to room No. 9!”

“Ten No. 3 room is mine!”

“This room belongs to me!”


The words fell to the ground, a group of Pill Masters rushed out, moved towards each one’s own opinion, the best room rushed away, immediately occupied.

Chu Yan and the Grade 4 Pill Master beside him looked at each other, and were about to walk towards the room, but behind him, a cold voice sounded.

“You two, dare to fight against me Haiyuezong, no matter what the result of this selection, you will regret it! Give you the last chance, the conscious, wait for a moment to enter the room, within a pillar of incense, give me out! “

Chu Yan and the Grade 4 Pill Master, who were both in shape, looked away.

I saw 2 Pill Masters of Haiyuezong, Wei Xun and Long Zhe, looking towards Chu Yan with sneer on them.

“I am the wind and I will never give up!”

Grade 4 Pill Master coldly said, then immediately strode out and entered a room.


Chu Yan looked at the two people in front of him, swallowed two words, hook the head, also body flashed, and entered a room casually.

“You … dare you scold me !?”

Long Zhe and Wei Xun were scolded by Chu Yan for a while, and when they reacted, the two people in front of them were already disappeared, and they suddenly burst into rage.

How could they didn’t expect that they were enshrined as the Pill Master of Haiyue Sect, and in this magic city, some people dared to scold themselves.

“I can’t spare you! Wait for me …”

Long Zhe’s eyes were red, and he glanced at the rooms where Chu Yan and Ren Feng entered, 30 No. 3 and 4 No. 11, respectively, with a killing intent on his face.

“You 2 people, hurry into the room and start the assessment!”

Master Li visited the audience and urged Long Zhe and Wei Xundao. In his eyes and tone, there was also a trace of disgust.

The Demon City Pill Master Guild, because of these scums, is weak enough to be annexed and controlled by the Artifact Refining Master Guild.

This situation made Li Master, the vice president of the Pill Master Association, full of sorrow and anger, but was helpless.

Therefore, at this time, the Pill Master Guild gave a blood, and took out the Antiquity pill recipe “Tianxuan Jinye Dan”, in order to attract nearby strong Great Alchemist to appear and enrich the strength of the Pill Master Guild.

“Good! Let’s go!”

Although Long Zhe and Wei Xun were arrogant, they did not dare to make an order with Master Li. Two people moved simultaneously and entered the room separately.

At this time, in addition to the 7 or 8 Pill Masters who chose to give up directly, more than 100 rooms have been occupied by 30% of them, and there are 35 rooms with Pill Masters participating in the assessment.

“Oh! It seems that this time is going to be disappointed again!”

Master Li glanced across the audience with a look of disappointment.

Although Long Zhe and Wei Xun appeared at this time, Pill Master with Grade 5 Pill Fire, and several Grade 4 Pill Masters, Pill Dao cultivation base is not weak.

However, this … is far from Li Master’s expectations!

After a faint sigh, Master Li flipped the hand seal, continuously shot 35 hand seals, and rushed to each person’s room.

At the same time, Li Master Divine Consciousness was quickly connected to 35 rooms and began to manipulate the puppets in the room!

“Sadly, the selection of the Pill Master Guild turned out to be artifact refining puppets, alas … I knew it, I changed it with the President, and went to the Outland to find a strong Great Alchemist. At least there is a hope, better than … yi! .this is…..”

With a sad face, Master Li, Divine Consciousness swept across all the rooms, and at a glance, the suddenly dim pupil light suddenly burst into light …

“This … this is not … maybe!”


It was like Nine Heavens 10000 thunder, which exploded suddenly in Master Li’s Sea of ​​Consciousness. His eyes were round, his face twitched, and he stared blankly at one of the rooms with a terrified look.

…… ..

Chu Yan stepped into the 30 No. 3 room and saw that the crystal figure puppet hadn’t opened yet, so he carefully looked at it.

“What a high rank puppet! I don’t know how it compares to 9 emperor corpses!”

Chu Yan knows very little about artifact refining a. Apart from some basic artifact refining, others like Dao of Puppet and Spirit Mark embed these, and they do n’t understand!

“It should be the puppet of the crystal person in front of you, and the ice field will be released later!”

Chu Yan looked at the crystal puppet and kept thinking.

“Hold on time … determine the outcome! Is there any other way !?”

“My Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire, should be able to burn it directly, why should I fight against him silly !?”

Suddenly, Chu Yan’s eyes lit up and he suddenly had an idea …

When the Master Li announced the rules just now, it seemed to say that there was no restriction except for the use of Dan servants. Since that is the case …

Gradually, Chu Yan’s eyes became brighter and brighter, and looked towards the crystal puppet’s eyes, full of smiles.

Exactly, take this opportunity to refine this crystal puppet and study Dao of Puppet.


Just when Chu Yan had made up his mind, the crystal puppet in front of him suddenly burst into a terrible cold and rushed straight to Chu Yan.

“Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire, burn me!”

Seeing the ice field open, Chu Yan didn’t hesitate, shouted, the whole body of 5 color emperor fire, gushing like fire sea!

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