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Seeing that the crystal puppets began to release the ice, Chu Yan did not hesitate, and directly destroyed the Vermilion Bird emperor fire.

Boom … Rumble!

In the room, the power of ice and fire erupted at the same time, on one side was chilling, and on the other was blazing hot.

2 diametrically opposed attribute forces collided together, causing a burst of roar throughout the room.

Chu Yan’s whole body bath fire, 5 color emperor fire possession, just like the coming of Fire God, powerful fire power rushed out, moved towards the cold air rushing in front of him, fiercely crushed down.

“Little ice is cold, dare to impudent in front of Emperor Fire Lord!”

Almost in the blink of an eye, the ice field released by the crystal puppet was instantly suppressed by Vermilion Bird.


Chu Yan stepped out in one step, and Chu Yan, who was in full fire, suppressed the cold in the ice area with all his strength, and moved towards the crystal puppet.

Boom … rumbling!

At this moment, the mutation is born!

Emperor Fire by Chu Yan’s Vermilion Bird, the crystal figure puppet suppressed by there’s no resistance, suddenly broke out!

Almost in a blink of an eye, the crystal figure puppet suddenly rushed out a dozen colorful ice crystals, moving towards every corner of the room.

In the next moment, dozens of colorful ice crystals suspended in the room, and a violent cold wave erupted at the same time, a large stream of cold air poured out, attached to the wall and the ground, and directly frozen into an ice wall.

Before the respite, the entire room instantly became frozen 10,000 li, completely covered by ice crystals!

In an instant, Chu Yan Vermilion Bird, the prestige of the Emperor Fire, was instantly suppressed and shrunk to within ten steps of Chu Yan’s body.

“Hmph! I knew it!”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly burst into flames, and True Qi surged like a tide.

In front of this crystal figure puppet, Chu Yan did not look down upon it from the first sight.

After all, at the first sight of it, the flash of danger flashed in my heart kept Chu Yan always vigilant.

So, just after the power of Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire broke out, and the ice area of ​​the crystal puppet was instantly suppressed, Chu Yan guessed that this crystal puppet must have a move!

“Vermilion Bird Martial Soul, come out for me!”

Under loudly shouted, Chu Yan’s body, sparks, the giant Divine Bird transformed by a large group of Golden Flame, broke out of the sky …

Chirp …!

The loud sound of phoenix, heaven shaking earth shattering, and the huge sparrow wings fanning, the endless fire waves, like rows of mountains and rivers, moved towards the room and swept out of the room.

bang bang Bang!

Vermilion Bird Martial Soul’s eyes are like 2 groups of blazing sun, bursting with dazzling blazing sun light, sweeping the pupil light, suddenly opening his mouth and spraying continuously, dozens of golden red fire pillars, directly hitting dozens of colored ice crystals in the room.

The fiery flames collided with Ten Thousand Years Cold Ice, and suddenly a dozen bangs exploded in the room, pulling up the billowing sky air waves, and 4 scattered.

“Give me … broken!”

In the rant, a dozen Vermilion Bird emperor fires, moved towards all 10000 years of cold crystals in the room, swept crazy.

However, these 10000-year cold crystals are obviously not mortals. While the Vermilion Bird Emperor’s fire skyrocketed, dozens of 10000-year cold crystals all rose in response to the fire, and the volume became ten times larger!

For a time, a more terrifying cold wave made the void frozen and shattered, all the way to wither and decay, crushing to Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire.


Faced with such a terrifying ice area, Chu Yan had been psychologically prepared, but Divine Soul was shocked, didn’t expect, the power of this ice area could even compete with his Vermilion Bird emperor fire.

Chu Yan didn’t believe it at all, the mighty ice area of ​​this trip, an ordinary Grade 3 Golden Pill division, could resist it!

However, is Chu Yan an ordinary Pill Master! ?

Of course not, Chu Yan is Pill and Martial Dual Cultivation, and the major is Martial Dao!

So, in all the other rooms, when all the Pill Masters started to swallow Golden Pill frantically, Chu Yan’s eyes were like fire, completely angry!

bang! Boom … Boom Bang!

In Qi Sea, thirty inner cores broke out at the same time, all running together …

Thirty two Rakshasa True Qi, like thirty running rivers, roared all the way, poured into the Vermilion Bird and Soul Body.

Tweet …!

After receiving the powerful True Qi, Vermilion Bird Martial Soul erupted directly, and the whole body was like a tide of fire, rushing out of the huge fire wave near hundred zhang high. sea, pouring down like a waterfall.

Weng! weng! weng!

It seems to feel the explosion of Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire, the body of the crystal puppet, a path of ice edge, quickly spread out, all around its body, condensed into a thick layer of ice armor …


Meanwhile, in the great hall outside …

There are 35 selection rooms. At this time, the door is open. There are already more than ten rooms. Each and everyone Pill Master walked out of the room, his face full of iron.

All of them agreed to Long Zhe and Wei Xun and gave up their selection.

So, I just tried a crystal puppet in my room for a while, and as a result, it was all frozen into ice sculpture.

Relying on within the body Pill Fire, it finally turned into vertical ice and emerged from the trap, so frightened that he chose to give up and left the room.

Most of them, Golden Pill divisions from Grade 2 to Grade 3, didn’t expect anyhow. Today’s Pill Master guild selection will be so terrifying.

However, since they had agreed to Haiyuezong, they had no hope of getting the 1st place, so naturally it didn’t matter.

However, what made them didn’t expect was that Haiyuezong’s Long Zhe even gave up the assessment, left the room, and returned to the great hall.

This is what he and Wei Xun had negotiated for a long time. After all, there is only one 1st place, and there is only one pill recipe for Tianxuan Jinye Dan. Therefore, one of them must also withdraw.

Compared with Long Zhe, Wei Xun had an extra card, so the task of capturing 1st place was given to him.

“Yi!? Those 2 guys really didn’t give Haiyuezong face !?”

“Oh, I don’t do my best, Wei Pill Master, but with Grade 5 Pill Fire and countless Golden Pill, these two guys are definitely not playing!”

“Not necessarily, that Ren Feng is also Grade 4 Pill Master, Pill Dao is not weak ah!”

“Hmph! Look, I said they won’t last long, this selection is obviously much stronger!”

“Yes! Wait to see the excitement!”


In the hall, various arguments continued to sound, and at the same time, Pill Master repeatedly gave up the selection, walked out of the room, stood pale, swallowed medicine pill, and resumed breath adjustment.

Abandoning the selected Pill Masters, not at all eager to leave, but gathered together, whispering and talking, waiting to see the final result.

While Long Zhe’s eyes swept through 30 No. 3 and 41 to call the room, the whole face was full of cold, disdainfully coldly snorted, slowly turned around, moved towards Master Li and walked away.

“Master Li, dare to ask how much more is left … um !? Master Li !? Lee …”

With a smile on his face, Long Zhe walked to Master Li, bowed his hand, and asked politely,

However, he didn’t finish a sentence, but found that Master Li was tight all over, his face was very dignified, his eyes were bright, and he was staring tightly at a room. He didn’t even take care of his words …

“Lee Master, this is Long Zhe, Li Master … Lee …”

I called 3 or 4 times in a row without any response. Long Zhe suddenly turned dark and purple on the black …

I was ignored!

As if in Master Li’s eyes, he was not as good as air!

At this moment, Master Li is fully absorbed, and all Divine Consciousness controls the crystal puppets in the 30 No. 3 room and keeps confronting Chu Yan.

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