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Chapter 1444

As the Vice President of the Pill Master Guild, like Chu Yan, Pill and Martial Dual Cultivation, he has also seen a lot.

However, the Pill Fire that Chu Yan is exhibiting now, he has never seen it, no matter how he urges the ice crystal puppet, even the ban on the ice crystal puppet is lifted.

However, from the beginning to the end, the other party always has the advantage and can’t help the other party.

“What the hell is Pill Fire !? You can’t even see rank !?”

Master Li’s eyes, which are about to stare out, are full of astonished expressions, and all kinds of complex expressions come together. Under shock, even Divine Soul is shaking!

“At this point, even a medicine pill has not been swallowed!”

The most terrifying thing is that Master Li found that this Chu Yan has been fighting until now, but he is full of battle intent, and his face is excited and excited, the more fights the more brave is.

Divided a ray of Divine Consciousness, looked towards Wei Xun’s room …

I saw that in front of Wei Xun, a yellow jade bead floated. Among the jade bead, the powerful Pill Fire rushed out constantly, fighting with the crystal puppets in the room, fighting evenly matched.

On Wei Xun’s face, green tendons burst, clenching his teeth, and bracing himself.

At his feet, 3 4 jade bottles were thrown on the ground, and they were all empty!

“Sky Fireball !?”

A glance at the yellow jade bead in front of Wei Xun, Master Li suddenly started looking, didn’t expect, this Wei Xun, even with this rare treasure that can accommodate 9000 Karmic Fire.

Obviously, this Pill Master Supreme Treasure must have been provided to him by Haiyuezong.

“There is a fireball this day, this Wei Xun, should be able to persist for a long time! This number of wins and losses, it is difficult to say …”

After adding Divine Consciousness, Master Li frowned lightly wrinkle lightly, exhaled for a long time, and calmed down slightly.

Time passed slowly …

More and more Pill Master, unable to hold on, withdrew from the room.

Up to now, no more than 5 rooms are still being selected, and the remaining eliminated Pill Masters, no one left, all waiting in the hall.

Before the crowd, Long Zhe’s face had become pig liver color, and his face turned purple.

At present, only those who are still participating in the selection are Wei Xun, Ren Feng and Chu Yan, and an unknown Pill Master.

Among them, Ren Feng and Chu Yan were the two who started not to give them their face and refused to give up their selection.

How did Long Zhe didn’t expect, these two people, actually had several points of strength and could stick to the present.

It seems that there is even a feeling of fighting with Wei Xun.


Suddenly, the door of a room suddenly burst open, and Grade 4 Golden Pill, Ren Feng, rushed out of the room with the whole body of ice.

Obviously, Ren Feng could not resist, was invaded by the ice area, and failed!

“Ha ha ha, another one!”

“This guy is pretty good, so long lasted!”

“Yi! There is another one !? Why don’t you come out !?”

“Hehe, it is estimated that it has been frozen into ice cubes and can’t come out, ha ha ha …”

“It’s possible! It’s really overreaches oneself. I have to make sacrifices with Haiyuezong’s Wei enshrining, and even have a small life. Just like us, give Haiyuezong a face directly, a bunch of harmony, how good!”

“It’s just … young mad! Ah”


When Ren Feng withdrew from the selection, dozens of Pill Masters all around looked at them together, all eyes were full of jokes.

Before the crowd, Long Zhe swept his eyes coldly, glancing at Ren Feng, coldly snorted with disdain, his face full of contempt.


Fight with us Haiyue Zong!

It’s really overreaches oneself. After all the selections are over, let’s settle the accounts!

“Hmph! The dragon of Haiyuezong, don’t think I lost, you will win! I bet, Brother Chu will be able to win the final victory!”

Ren Feng saw all around’s ridicule and scornful eyes, and suddenly turned red, shouted with disdain.

“What !? That kid can win !?”

In a word, Pill Master all around, Qi Qi looked towards Ren Feng, and his face startedled at the same time.

When Long Zhe heard this sentence, his face was suddenly gloomy, and his face was covered with frost. Looking towards Ren Feng’s eyes, it was all killing intent.

A little Grade 4 Pill Master, not only openly enemies of Haiyuezong, but also dare to say such a big insult!

“Ren Pill Master! You are an outside Pill Master, I’m afraid you don’t know Wei Pill Master’s name !?”

Extremely angry, Long Zhe said with a sneer “I tell you, this ice crystal puppet was selected, not the first time in the Pill Master Guild, and our Haiyuezong Wei Pill Master, had participated before!”

“The Pill Master of the Ordinary can also support one hundred breaths time, but our Wei Pill Master’s last result was 500 interest time!”

The word fell to the ground, like a thunder, which shocked the whole hall.

“What !? 500 interest time, 5…. 5 times !?”

“Oh my god, this is impossible !? I didn’t even stick to 7 ten breaths!”

“Too terrifying, 500 interest, I am afraid it is the highest record of the Pill Master Guild! This is too strong …”

“Good! This boy with the surname Chu, will definitely lose!”

“That is of course, more than 5 times the ordinary Pill Master, this simply cannot be beaten!”


Everyone looked towards Long Zhe’s eyes, all in amazement, and a cry of exclamation rang into a piece.

Most of these people have just come out of the room, and have seen the puppets of the Crystal.

In their view, if there is no special means, with the poor True Qi of Pill Master weak, even with the assistance of Golden Pill, I am afraid that it can also sustain a hundred breaths of time.

Therefore, after a hundred breaths time, every extra time, it is as heavenly ascension!

And Wei Xun’s 500 interest time is too scary!

When Ren Feng heard Long Zhe’s words, his face suddenly darkened, and he glanced up at the 30 No. 3 room, his face also showing a trace of suspicion.

Can this Chu Yan last more than 500 interest! ?

It seems, really … unlikely.

Afterwards, Ren Feng did not say much, walked aside, took out a Golden Pill, swallowed it down, slowly adjusted the interest rate to recover, quietly waiting for the result.

When Ren Feng walked back to the side, Long Zhe’s face suddenly showed a proud look.

“Hmph! Now I’m afraid !? Our Haiyuezong is also in the Azure Dragon World domain, the famous Great Sect, dare to fight us!”

Immediately afterwards, Long Zhe turned his eyes and looked towards Room 30 No. 3, a killing intent in a pair of eyes.

“And you, Chu Yan, right! Wait to die!”

Outside of the crowd, Master Li alone, ignoring what happened around all, looked at him nervously, and the selection had not ended.

After a while, his wrinkled face would twitch inadvertently.

At the end, the entire face was full of astonished expression, and the whole body was shaking.

30 No. 3 In the room, that guy, actually …


Suddenly, his Divine Consciousness suddenly lost contact with the 30 No. 3 room, and could no longer gain insight into the situation in the 30 No. 3 room.

“What happened !? How could it be …”

Master Li was full of surprise, this was the first time he encountered this situation.

As the Vice President of the Pill Master Guild, he presided over the selection. He had absolute control over the crystal puppets in the 100 rooms.

Through these crystal puppets, he may check the situation in any room anytime, anywhere.

But now, even … I can’t see it!


At the next moment, a loud noise exploded, and the door of a certain room suddenly flew …

Amidst the weather waves, a silhouette appeared at the door of the room and strode out!

Suddenly, all the faces of the audience changed at the same time, turning their heads together, moved towards the silhouette that slowly appeared in the air wave.

Who! ?

Who came out! ?

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