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what happened! ?

Someone gave up! ? Still eliminated! ?

Seeing the dust billowing in front of me, did the whole room explode! ?

Whether it was Long Zhe or Ren Feng, everyone in the audience, including Master Li, stared at him with a terrified look.

It ’s Chu Yan! ?

Still Wei Xun! ?

According to what Long Zhe said just now, that Wei Xun can insist on 500 interest hours, but now it has passed less than 200 interest times. Impossible! ?

Long Zhe’s face was full of radiance, his eyes widened!

A lot of dust and mist are scattered all over, covering dozens of rooms, and in the dense mist, except for a fuzzy silhouette, nothing else can be seen!

For a time, everyone was nervous, one after another atrium all mentioned his throat.

Soon, the dust and mist spread with the wind, and the silhouette in the thick mist gradually appeared in shape!

Under the gaze of several hundred eyes, Chu Yan, who was attacked by black robe, was wearing a long sword, his face smiled lightly, and strode forward!

“What !? Chu Yan …”

The person who walked out of the room turned out to be Chu Yan. Ren Feng was shocked, including Master Li in the distance. He was stunned and couldn’t believe it.

How can it be! ?

According to the situation before Divine Consciousness was cut off, Chu Yan was at the time of madness, and he occupied the peak. How could he … lose! ?

Even if he has a powerful Golden Pill, as his Pill and Martial Dual Cultivation, with the body True Qi alone, it will be much longer than the Pill Master of ordinary, and insist on much longer!

And this Pill Fire by Chu Yan, Master Li always has a feeling.

How could it be so bad! ?

“Ha ha ha…. Boy, dare to fight with us Haiyue Zong, I really do not know what to do!”

When Chu Yan’s silhouette fully appeared, the original dull crowd finally reacted, and an impudent laughter was heard throughout the audience.

“Boy, aren’t you bullish !? Why didn’t you even get 200 5 ten breaths time! Not even half of Wei Xun!”

At this time, Long Zhe, high-spirited and vigorous, with a cheerful and comfortable face, looked at Chu Yan’s failure, he suffocated a bad breath in the heart, and finally found a vent.

How could it be easy to let this kid go, must laugh at it!

Suddenly turned his head, Long Zhe looked towards Ren Feng, the smile on his face was unscrupulous, and he directly spoke taunted

“Don’t you just say, this kid will win !? Now … ha ha ha!”

Because of the excitement and excitement, Long Zhe was completely red with a smile on his face.

The scene in front of him really made him so excited!

For a time, Long Zhe felt himself as if he had risen to Peak in life and became the king in this Pill Master great hall!

“That’s right, Dragon Master is right, how can a little newcomer Pill Master be an opponent of Master Wei!”

“Oh, I said just now, this guy with the surname Chu, won the impossible!”

“Good! Compared with Master Wei and Dragon Master, this kid can’t even match a finger!”

“Only more than 200 interest rates! It’s too bad! You have to lose this person. Just like us, give Haiyuezong a face, be kind, how good!”

“That’s right! This surnamed Chu, simply fails to appreciate somebody’s kindness!”


4 all directions, those Pill Masters, suddenly awakened, all spoke openly, mocking Chu Yan, all with disdain and contempt all over his face.

Ren Feng looked at the scene in front of him, his face suddenly turned red, and his face was ashamed.

However, he always felt that something was wrong there …

“Brother Chu, you …”

Looking at Chu Yan with a light smile, completely ignoring the mocking voice of all around, Ren Feng was puzzled and hesitated.

“No! Chu Pill Master …”

Master Li, who was not far away, walked quickly, staring at Chu Yan, brows tightly knit.

Compared to Ren Feng, he is even more disbelieving, Chu Yan is not as good as that of Wei Xun, and it is twice as different!

this this impossible!

“Chu Pill Master, is there something abnormal !? If there is a problem, you can tell me, I can arrange for you to re-select!”

Master Li’s eyes were staring straight at Chu Yan. Deep in the bottom of his eyes, the color of hope flashed slightly.

Anyway, he is actually willing to give up!

Chu Yan’s performance in the room just gave him a feeling for a while. Perhaps, the Chu Yan in front of him is the person he is looking for!

Also, the whole Pill Master Guild of Demon City, who has been waiting hard!

“Master Li, he has lost! This kind of Pill Master, I am afraid that even Pill Master certification is not qualified!”

Long Zhe heard Master Li’s words, but it was complexion changed, and quickly opened the mouth and said.

When the words landed, Master Li still looked at Chu Yan straight, and did not respond to Long Zhe’s words at all, as if …

Regardless of Long Zhe’s words, or Long Zhe, in Master Li’s eyes, it really is … Air!

“Reselection !?” Chu Yan startled. “Should not be used!”

“I feel like it should be passed! But, please ask Master Li to take a look and adjudicate it!”

Chu Yan’s words sounded, all around everyone, at the same time stunned!

Look! ?

What to see! ?

What can I see! ?

See you, or the room, or the moon in the sky! ?

The selection rules are not clear enough. The longer you stick to it, the last winner!

Now you have walked out of the room, and in another room, Wei Xun is still insisting, which shows that you have lost!

In this case, what else is there to see! ?

Chu Yan’s words made everyone’s face doubt and contempt!

When they want to come, this Chu Yan, do n’t want to do anything! ?

“The surnamed Chu, you are a defeated person, what do you want to do !?” Long Zhe heard Chu Yan’s words and immediately taunted. “The selection rules are clear, so you are defeated! There is no need to see anything … .. what do you say? “

Between Long Zhe’s words, his chin was high, and he looked at Chu Yan with a pair of nostrils, his toes high!

At the same time, he glanced across the audience at Pill Master.

“That is, Chu Yan, what do you want to do !?”

“You are better than Master Wei, walk out of the room first, according to the rules, you lose!”

“Good! Everyone here we see, you came out first, and now Master Wei is still inside, what else is beautiful !?”

“Really! As a Pill Master, you have to have the energy, you have to lose …”


Pill Master all around, when he heard Long Zhe’s words, he opened all of a sudden, and immediately echoed.

In their view, Chu Yan lost. This is a normal result, and it is also the most ideal result. There is no abnormality that Master Li said!

In front of everyone, if Master Li really gives Chu Yan another chance, it will be absolutely unfair to others!

“Uh … Chu Pill Master, what do you want me to see !?”

Although Master Li ignored the voice of all around, he was also puzzled by what Chu Yan said, and asked towards Chu Yan.


Chu Yan faintly smiled, turn around gently, moved towards the direction of the room, a big move, opened the mouth and said

With the sound of his words, Chu Yan just walked out of the room, a silhouette, wandering around …

The appearance of this silhouette fell in the eyes of everyone present, as if a thunderbolt in the clear sky, suddenly everyone’s body was fiercely trembling at the same time, and his face changed suddenly!

What … what! ?

This … this impossible! ?

Looking at the sound of the walk, everyone just felt like a 10000 Monster Beast, running wildly in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, everyone at the same time … silly!

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