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“Hmph! What are you …”

Ren Feng suddenly coldly snorted, the whole body aura burst out instantly.

Suddenly, a powerful force swept through and threw it on Long Zhe and Wei Xun, knocking the two people’s bodies back, while taking a step back!

“What !? Are you Martial Artist !?”

“Pill and Martial Dual Cultivation !?”

Long Zhe and Wei Xun exclaimed at the same time, looking at Ren Feng with horror.

Martial Soul World, Martial Artist is respected, the identity of Pill Master, more expert!

However, the identity of Pill and Martial Dual Cultivation is ten times more expensive than Dan Master!

In front of him, Ren Feng turned out to be a Martial Artist of Pill and Martial Dual Cultivation, and his identity is bound to out of the ordinary!

This time, two people, Long Zhe and Wei Xun, looked at Ren Feng, and suddenly felt that they had kicked an iron plate at this time.

“Hmph! Don’t be so arrogant in the future!”

Ren Fengjian 2 face, immediately lightly snorted, no more words!

Turning gently, Ren Feng looked towards Chu Yan, said with a smile, “Brother Chu, I’m curious underneath, I don’t know, this crystal puppet, how did you refining !?”

“Chu Pill Master, please ask one 2 below, this crystal figure puppet, as long as it burns its forbidden spirit array, can it be refining !?”

Master Li was also puzzled when he heard Ren Feng’s words, and asked anxiously.

“This crystal figure puppet within the body has a core formation eye, which seems to be Spirit Mark, as long as it is burned with Pill Fire, and then poured into it by Divine Consciousness, you can control this puppet, very easy!”

Chu Yan was not secretive either. He knew that the crystal puppet could easily be taken away, and he explained directly.

The voice fell, including Li Master, everyone’s eyes twitched at the same time.

It’s … easy! ?

Easy ghost!

Let’s not talk about the spirit array core of this crystal puppet, whether it is refined or not, it is simply impossible to suppress the ice field released by it!

Almost everyone present was suppressed by this ice field just now, so that it was suppressed without any counterattack!

Not to mention, back pressure on each other, and also refining the puppet ’s formation eye Spirit Mark, this is simply not as heavenly ascension, okay!

“Uh … so that’s how it is!”

Master Li heard Chu Yan’s words, and suddenly the pupil light lit up, his face groaning.

If Chu Yan’s words are true, then, the Pill Master Guild wants to suppress the Artifact Refining Master Guild, it seems really has several points of possibility!

You know, Pill Master has Pill Fire, but Artifact Refining Master does not!

If Pill Master’s Pill Fire really can refining the puppet Spirit Mark, it means that there is a means to restrict Artifact Refining Master!

But in turn, Artifact Refining Master has no means to restrict Pill Master!

Master Li continued to ponder, the more he pondered, the more excited he was!

“Chu Pill Master, since you won this Pill Master selection 1st place! Then, Tianxuan Jinye Dan ’s pill recipe is your reward, please follow me!”

Master Li raised his hand, and immediately ignored the others present, and took Chu Yan, moved towards the apse directly.

The crowd of Pill Masters behind them was stunned and stunned!

didn’t expect, this day Xuan Jinye Dan’s pill recipe finally fell into the hands of Chu Yan.

Looking at the silhouette of Master Li and Chu Yan, they disappeared outside the temple. Long Zhe and Wei Xun looked at each other, their eyes flashed slightly.

For them, they didn’t get Tianxuan Jinye Dan and returned to Haiyuezong, they couldn’t explain to Sect Master at all.

Chu Yan followed Master Li and walked slowly all the way, and soon reached a 7 Layer high building.

This is where the Pill Master Guild is located in Tianqi Building!

“Chu Pill Master, please follow me!”

Li Master led the way in front, took Chu Yan, walked through the great hall of the first floor, and went directly to the 6 Layer.

“Chu Pill Master, don’t you seem to be a certified Golden Pill Master?”

After the 2 people sat in the room, Master Li looked at Chu Yan and asked.

“Good! I have been cultivating in Sect and rarely go out, so I don’t have a certified Golden Pill teacher status!”

Chu Yan nodded, randomly reproduced.

“I don’t know Chu Pill Master, now Pill Fire, has reached a few grades !?” Master Li thought for a while, and his face turned red when asked.

As the deputy president of the Pill Master Guild, even Chu Yan’s Pill Fire cannot be seen.

Fortunately, Chu Yan probably didn’t know that when he was just selected, Master Li checked his Pill Fire through the puppet in the room.

Now, I just asked Chu Yan the opportunity to verify the identity of Pill Master.

“Uh … It’s Grade 5!” Chu Yan’s face started, hesitated a little, and said.

“No wonder, among his Pill Fire, there seems to be five colors of flames!” Li Master hearing this, secretly nodded.

“Chu Pill Master, here is the pill recipe of Tianxuan Jinye Dan!”

A random flip, a 9-color spar, appeared in the palm of Li Master, and handed it to Chu Yan.

“Oh !? Tianxuan Jinye Dan !?”

Chu Yan raised his hand and took it, and immediately a Divine Consciousness entered the 9 colorful crystals and looked it up carefully.

Tianxuan Jinye Dan!

Condensing Heaven and Earth profound strength, the body of tempering Gold Element, one leaf and one bodhi, 10000 leaves and 10000 heavy mountains!

“It turns out that it is Body Tempering that condenses the body of Gold Element!”

Withdrawing Divine Consciousness from 9 colored spar, Chu Yan suddenly exulted!

With this Tianxuan Jinye Dan, you will be able to temper the Gold Element body, so that the strength of your Fleshy body can be improved again.

“Many thanks Lee Master!” Chu Yan added 9 colored spar to Rakshasa Space, said with a smile.

“This is what you deserve!” Master Li politely said, and immediately flipped his hand again, took out a Zong robe and an identity Jade Talisman, and handed it to Chu Yan. “This is our Heavenly Demon City, Grade 5 of the Pill Master Guild Golden Pill teacher Jade Talisman, please accept! “

“With the status of Grade 5 Golden Pill, you will be trading in the Tianqi Building in the future, whether it is Spirit Treasure or Spirit Medicine, all are 5% off!”

“Oh !? That’s so good!” Chu Yan startedled, taking a chuckle and taking it.

Exactly, I need to purchase some spirit medicine and refine medicine pill, which saves a lot of money.

“Many thanks Lee Master, just right, I went to the great hall on the first floor to see and buy some spirit medicine!”

Chu Yan put everything away, got up straight, and said goodbye.

“Uh … alright!”

Li Master didn’t expect, Chu Yan received the things and went directly. He was slightly disappointed, but he was still courteous.

Anyway, this Chu Yan has the Pill Master identity Jade Talisman, you can call 1000 miles at any time!

Leaving Li Master’s study, Chu Yan went directly to the Pill Master Guild on the first floor to trade the great hall.

“Come on, come on, Antiquity pill recipe, only 80 Cai Jing!”

“Nine Revolutions! 30,000 years spirit medicine! Only ten colorful crystals!”

“Pill furnace, pill furnace, come and see, the pill furnace refined by Emperor Bloodstone is the first artifact refining of Tianqi Building, and Huangfu Zhongtian is a novice, only 300 colorful crystals!”

“It’s the start! It’s the start, it’s a bet, don’t miss it when you pass by, as long as a piece of colorful crystal, you can bet on Antiquity rare treasure ah!”


Just stepped into the first floor trading great hall, all kinds of bargaining rushed like a tide, and suddenly Chu Yan’s face started.

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