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Looking at the scene, it was very lively. At a glance, it was a crowded transaction of great hall, Chu Yan was a little dazed!

In the great hall of this transaction, it is said that there are more than a dozen 10000 people. All the stalls are all pill refining resources.

After a random glance, Chu Yan found that there were some spirit medicine and pill recipes that he had never seen before.

Before all the stalls were full of people, among them, the kind of betting stalls had the largest number of people and the loudest voice.

Wearing various sect robes and Pill Master robes, you can see that most of the Martial Artists are Dan servants, and among the Pill Masters, they are basically ordinary Pill Masters, and the number of Golden Pill teachers is extremely rare. !

“Big brother! Big brother, here …”

Just as Chu Yan was about to turn around, suddenly, a familiar voice sounded.

“En !? die fatty !?”

Following the voice and looking up, Chu Yan was stunned. At a betting booth in the distance, a fleshy body squeezed the people around him. It wasn’t Stuart.

“This is the great hall of the Pill Master Guild. How did you come in?”

Chu Yan quickly walked to Situ Yang and asked with a puzzled expression.

You should know that the Pill Master Guild in Tianqi Building has no Pill Master status and cannot enter at all. Even if you are a servant, you must also come in with Pill Master.

However, Chu Yan and Situ Yang had long been separated, how could he come in! ?

“Hehe, a piece of identity Jade Talisman, couldn’t be easier! You forgot that I used to do and so on !?”

Situ Yang’s face full of fat, his eyes squinted into a slit, and he kept blinking, and he proudly signaled to Chu Yan.

“Do you want !? I still have several pieces here!”

While speaking, Situ Yang quietly drew out a few pieces of Jade Talisman and handed it to Chu Yan, looking like a little wing, for 4 times.

“So much !? Really fake !?”

Chu Yan suddenly looked stunned, looking at Situ Yang’s hands, at least 5 Pill Master’s identity Jade Talisman, and there are 2 of them, Grade 8 Golden Pill Master tattooed on it.

“Of course it is fake!”

Situ Yang rolled the eyes directly, quickly put away Jade Talisman in his hand, and said without a word.

“Fake !? You …”

Chu Yan shook the head, with a bitter smile, really, as Situ Yang, wanting to make this kind of identity with Spirit Mark as the core Jade Talisman, it really couldn’t be easier!

“Big brother, come with me, there is good business here!”

Before Chu Yan reacted, Situ Yang took Chu Yan directly and moved towards a room deep in the trading hall.

Entering the room, I saw that there were 7 or 8 large tables in the room, full of people, full of smoke, and Chu Yan thought he had entered the casino.

“where is this place!?”

Chu Yan turned to look towards Situ Yang, brows slightly wrinkle, and asked.

“Big brother, didn’t you let me help you find Dongyueyue? I’ve inquired, that guy is here and there! I can’t find it anywhere else!”

Situ raised his eyes and continually glanced back and forth on several tables, answering Chu Yan without looking back.

“Dongfang Yue is here !?” Chu Yan hearing this, his face stunned.

The lord of the heavenly demons, let him go to the heavenly city to find Dongyue, Chu Yan thought that what the other party is Sir, but didn’t expect, it was actually in such a place like underground casinos.

“Hello, brother, please inquire, Dongfang Yue is there !?”

Situ Yang turned around and squeezed directly into the pile of people at the nearest table, opening his mouth to inquire with the dealer.

“En!? You are looking for our boss !?” The dark-faced dealer looked towards Situ Yang with a vigilant look on his face.

“Who are you !? What are we looking for our class leader !?”

“I belong to the Devil, and Sir Sir asked me to come to Dongyue!” Chu Yan replied, and immediately took out his identity, Jade Talisman, and handed it over.

The black man, who took over Chu Yan’s identity as Jade Talisman, first looked at Chu Yan, before releasing Divine Consciousness and exploring into Jade Talisman.

“Sky Demon City, Grade 1 Demon Sword Peak, Chief Disciple Chu Yan !?”

After some exploration, the black man’s face started, and then looked towards Chu Yan’s gaze, and immediately changed!

“You two come with me!”

Immediately, the black man took Chu Yan and Situ Yang out of the room and moved towards a small building outside.

Following the big black man, he went directly into the small building. After going to the 3 Layer, Chu Yan and Situ Yang raised their feet into a living room.

As soon as he entered the door, at a glance, Chu Yan suddenly froze!

I saw that there were already a few people in the living room at that meeting. As soon as Chu Yan came in, suddenly shua shua looked towards Chu Yan.

The big black man, hurried forward, attached his mouth to Dongfang Yue’s ear and whispered in a low voice.

“Chu Yan !? You are Chu Yan …?”

After listening to the words of the big black man, Dongfang Yue waved it directly, letting him back down, and then looked away, asked towards Chu Yan.

“Yes! It’s the next one!” Chu Yan nodded, replied.

“Okay! Since it’s here, let’s go together!”

Dongfang Yue raised her hand and politely opened the mouth and said to Chu Yan, “Your business, the Lord has already told me! Your intention, I already know! Please sit down!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan nodded, randomly found a seat to sit down, looked up towards all around.

In this small meeting room, there are already 4 5 people present, in addition to Dong Yue, there are a man and a woman 2 people sitting together, there is also a strong figure, wearing a leather armor, carrying a Man with heavy axe.

The other is an old man, with a young girl in her teens, looking at Chu Yan with a smile on her face.

“Everyone, this” Tianxu Golden Seal “is related to a residual picture, although it is here with me! But …”

Dongfang Yue saw Chu Yan sit down, his eyes swept over everyone present, and opened the mouth and said lightly

“However, there is only one Tianxu Golden Seal, and several of you want to get it. This is let down, some … Ha ha!”

Dongfangyue is here, laughing without words, just looking towards a few people here …

“Hmph! A kid from the higher Martial Sovereign Realm who dares to peep into the Golden Seal of Sky Void!”

The man with the black axe looked at Chu Yan and opened the mouth and said directly.

“Not bad!”

The old man with the girl beside him is also nodded, said with a smile.

“On this day the Golden Seal is vacant, the one who can do it! My two of them are all Grade 2 Golden Pill teachers!”

Among the two men and a woman, the young man, also looked towards Chu Yan, with a look of contempt, opened the mouth and said

“Duan brother and Fan Lao are Pill and Martial Dual Cultivation, although only Grade 4 Pill Master, but with Grade 5 Pill Fire, you …. Why!”

The words fell to the ground, and several people looked towards Chu Yan together, with a face full of masochism and disdain, all with nostrils facing the sky.

“Few of you, count as farts, see clearly here …”

Situ Yang, who was sitting next to Chu Yan, saw such a complexion there. Suddenly, he immediately turned his hands over and took out 2 pieces of identity Jade Talisman, moved towards the other side and threw it …

shua! shua!

Two pieces of Jade Talisman flew out, caught by the young man in his hand, and looked down indifferently.

However, it was just a glance, and suddenly, the whole person seemed to be fart, and the stock was pierced by a needle, jumped directly from the seat, and his face was green and scared …

“8…. Grade 8 Golden Pill Master !?”

cry out in surprise, like a thunder bomb, roaring throughout the conference room.

The people present, including Dongfang Yue, Qiqi complexion greatly changed, tumbling, all bounced from their seats, looked towards Chu Yan and Situ Yang with frightened faces!

2 Pill Master Jade Talisman, all tattooed with Grade 8 Golden Pill’s Spirit Mark!

In other words, these two people in front of you are all … Grade 8 Golden Pill teacher!

The young man was holding 2 pieces of Jade Talisman’s hands and trembling violently. The whole person was so frightened that soul flies away and scatters, and the whole body was cold!

Teacher Grade 8 Golden Pill, don’t say 2 people, even if it’s just one, it’s enough to sweep the entire Demon City!

Even sweeping the entire Azure Dragon World domain is normal!

It should be known that, according to legend, every Grade 8 Golden Pill teacher, the Dan servant received, must at least have a median Martial Emperor Realm Peak cultivation base, and it also depends on the mood of the Grade 8 Golden Pill teacher.

“Large … Master! Little can’t recognize … Tai … Mount Tai!”

When the young man spoke, his teeth were trembling, and his hands held two pieces of identity Jade Talisman, and he held him respectfully in front of Situ Yang, his whole body shaking like sieve!

“All get lost for me!” Situ Yang grabbed Jade Talisman and shoved it into his arms.




Several people in the hall were hearing this, but they didn’t dare to put one fart. They quickly lowered their heads and exited the meeting room dimly!

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