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Coldly shouted sound fell to the ground, in the sky, a naked eye sound wave, like water ripples, rushed away.

A silhouette, flying slowly from the sky in the distance, it seems that the speed is extremely slow, but in a blink of an eye, it has already reached the Martial Arts Stage.

The man was lean, with a goatee and a pair of electric triangular eyes. After sweeping the audience, he landed on the two young genius who had just started.

“Just now, it’s your start !?”

The sound of drinking sounded, and the whole atmosphere was suddenly cold

And the 2 young genius were pale, and bowed saluted quickly

“Sir, yes!”

“Sir, yes!”

Two young people, after just looking at this lean old man, they felt that a powerful force was weighing heavily on them. Suddenly, the inner core in Qi Sea of 鈥嬧€? people stopped running at the same time!

With aura pressure alone, the Qi Sea for 2 people is completely suppressed. This cultivation base is definitely above the median Martial Emperor Realm!

In the hearts of 2 people, there is a rise at the same time, a bad hunch!

“Sir, but this child just had to kill first … ah!”

White robed youth Martial Artist, almost suffocated by the old man’s aura, a strong death air rose from the bottom of the heart, the pupil trembles, and quickly explained.

However, before he finished speaking in a sentence, suddenly, he saw the old man on the opposite side. With a big wave of his hand, a grey air flow rushed towards him.

Bang! Bang!

2 The dull, sour meat explosion sounded, green robe youth and white robed youth were hit by the grey airflow at the same time, the body exploded directly, and turned into a sky of broken meat and blood, swaying!

what! ?

Actually … directly killed! ?

Seeing this scene, all the genius in the audience were all stunned together, their faces full of surprise, staring into the lean old man in the air!

Slowly withdraw the right hand, lean old man, and his face is indifferent, as if just squeezing 2 ants in his hand, no expression fluctuated.

“Anyone, dare to start at the fairy demon flying station, kill …!”

A killing word exploded, as if a thunder thunder, the sky was trembling constantly, everyone felt, Divine Soul trembling, aura stagnation!

The power of Martial Emperor is terrifying!

“Fairy Demon flying the stage, start immediately! During this period, before the start, any shot against other people is regarded as a rule and directly wiped out! Belong to the Sect, warn you, if you commit a replay, cancel the Sect everyone to participate qualifications!”

Lean old man, spoke lightly.

On Martial Arts Stage, nearly 100,000 genius, the complexion changed all of a sudden, so keep in mind.

Whether they are killed or disqualified from participating in Sect, they can’t afford it!

“Below … Announce the rules of the fairy demon flying!”

“The fairy demon flying platform is led by Azure Dragon World domain, 9 Great Sect, gathers the top 100 Overlord Sect, and holds the Sect Star Rank rating genius battle, can get the top 100, and the Sect can be promoted to 3 Star 锛?Top 10, can be promoted to 2 Star! “

“For all genius youths participating, the cultivation base must be within the quasi-imperial rank, otherwise they will be obliterated!”

“During the Fairy Demon Flying Season, each Overlord Sect will have a representative and choose the best recipe to recruit!”

“I want to be spotted by Overlord Sect or even 9 Great Sect, everyone, work hard!”

In a word, all the young people in the audience, their faces together!

The atmosphere on the entire Martial Arts Stage suddenly became tense.

“This fairy demon flying platform, a total of 4 rounds, using elimination system!”

“After a column of incense time, start 1st round, everyone is ready!”

The lean old man finished, waving his big sleeves, his figure turned into a shock, moved towards the circuit, flew away, and instantly disappeared in front of everyone.

With the departure of the lean old man, on the whole Martial Arts Stage, instant boiling!

“Haha, 9 Supreme Sect, also have representatives !?”

“Yes, yeah, what I heard just now seems to say the same …”

“Oh my god, what happened to this parachute station !? Even the 9 Supreme Sects are coming to watch!”

“Quick, get ready now! This time, it’s time to fight!”

“Tianda’s chance ah! Never miss …”

“., …”

Regardless of the genius disciple of the Sect, at this time it is all excited and excited, all kinds of cheers, heaven shaking earth shattering.

“1st round is the sea election, the largest number of outs!”

The elders are Hu Elder, and they begin to explain to the elder disciples.

Not only these young genius who participated in the genius battle, but also his old Sect with Captain, at this time, his heart was also amazed.

9 Supreme Sect!

In the Azure Dragon World domain, that is an absolute Overlord. Any Sect has the strength to make the entire Azure Dragon World domain, heaven falls and earth rends!

It is not like the 4 Star Sect that they are like, they can be compared.

Even, a little finger is more than ten times stronger than the entire Sect, and it is more than ten times stronger!

“According to previous experience, this 1st round should be a dogfight! Random transmission into ten small worlds, killing each other to fight, only to each small world, the remaining 1000 people!”

Hu Elder explained.

“Ten Little Worlds !? Every 1000 people !?” Chu Yan hearing this, frowned.

In this way, 100,000 people will be eliminated by nearly 90%! ?

Listening to the rules announced by the lean old man just now, this pilot will fight for genius for a total of 4 rounds.

But now, 1st round is about to eliminate nearly 90% of the people. Is it that only 3% of the people are left to participate in the next 1 rounds! ?

Chu Yan looked up towards all around, and saw all the genius, all with a look of excitement, and only a few people, like themselves, were full of doubts.

Obviously, I don’t understand this rule!

“You all know! The more Sect, the more chance you have to achieve Martial Dao Peak. If you stay in the weak Sect all the time, no matter the speed of cultivation or the limit of Martial Dao, it will be much worse.”

“Moreover, the gap between the species will increase with time!”

“So, I hope you understand that this time 9 Great Sect, come to watch the battle, the significance is extraordinary, wait a minute, the sea election begins, you all have to spare no effort!”

Hu Elder is still constantly inspiring the 1000 disciplines of the Demon City, explaining the difference of this parachutist.

However, he led the team to participate in this genius battle against genius. In 1000 years, there have been nearly ten times. For this time, is there anyone who can pass the 1st round sea election, he does not have any hope!

It is conceivable that the emergence of 9 Supreme Sect will definitely stimulate all geniuses.

Therefore, the 1st round sea election melee is definitely more cruel than before!

“In any case, must pass 1st round!”

“100,000 people advance to 10000, 10% chance! Fight!”

“As long as you pass the 1st round, I believe there is an opportunity. I was discovered by the 9 Supreme Sect. I can’t lose this opportunity!”


After listening to Hu Elder’s words, all the demons were disciples, all with their heads clenched, their faces full of dignity and absolute color, and determined to themselves.

Soon, a scent of incense will pass in a blink of an eye …

Weng! weng! weng!

Under a few tremors of the void, ten tall light gates in the center of Martial Arts Stage suddenly light up!

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